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Were you a Centrepoint Kid before ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Orchard Road was so much more fun back in the day. On Christmas Eve all the malls were handing out free helium-filled balloons. Imagine being a small kid and holding on to so many balloons you almost got lifted off the floor. :biggrin:


Anyone remember that there was a shop selling nice stickers and stationery on the 4th floor called Paper Moon? Many chiobus like to frequent there to buy stuff. We used to loiter outside that shop.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When will I, will I be famous?

This song by Bros comes to my mind when I think of the 80s. My big brother was part of the shopping mall kids movement back then. I remember tagging along with him to hang out at Orchard with his friends back in the late 80s. For a Pri 5 kid, it was cool thing back then to hang out with your brother and his friends and being exposed to the music and the fashion of that time.
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Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
It was a Saturday morning. Culprit included one guy called Ah Di and one guy called Ah Tiong. The rest of the culprits I cannot remember liao. You hanged out at semi-circle?
No I didn't hang around too much there. We were quite young, nerdy and not many of us so didn't dare roam around too much .. because we sure kenna from the paikias there LOL.

The incident was big news back then so after that all of us kenna lockdown liao.

There used to be an old forummer called Drifter who knew those guys involved


No I didn't hang around too much there. We were quite young, nerdy and not many of us so didn't dare roam around too much .. because we sure kenna from the paikias there LOL.

The incident was big news back then so after that all of us kenna lockdown liao.

There used to be an old forummer called Drifter who knew those guys involved
Drifter was a skate border back then. Very popular among the gals


KNN my uncle think only some of them look like real cp kids I.e those with oversized baby coloured collared shirt buttoned to full and girls with baggy pants or baggy skirt that must be able to see little shin after wearing the canvas sneaker prefably with pointed front KNN hair must have high slope on back and side lah and be coloured KNN mouth definitelee must go with bubble gum and able to produce the tark tark sound KNN my uncle was not cp kid but his gf was :biggrin: KNN
KNN adding 1 more trait - leespite must have side slope back slope the rest must be pong pong hair the more pong the better KNN


KNN adding 1 more trait - leespite must have side slope back slope the rest must be pong pong hair the more pong the better KNN

Duran Duran is a example but sg when you go kimerly hair salon at funan they will cut slope la KNN



I had one of these back then. Bought it from a store called Rampage. Can't imagine myself wearing it now.