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Were you a Centrepoint Kid before ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I remember that intro music. Reminded me of some vintage children's show, Sesame Street or Electric Company etc. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I wonder if these Centrepoint "Kids" will reunite at Centrepoint again just for old time's sake in their flamboyant attire ? :laugh:




KNN my uncle think only some of them look like real cp kids I.e those with oversized baby coloured collared shirt buttoned to full and girls with baggy pants or baggy skirt that must be able to see little shin after wearing the canvas sneaker prefably with pointed front KNN hair must have high slope on back and side lah and be coloured KNN mouth definitelee must go with bubble gum and able to produce the tark tark sound KNN my uncle was not cp kid but his gf was :biggrin: KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
And breakdancing was the craze back then. These CK would skateboard and breakdance everywhere, creating a public nuisance.
Here's a teenage Vin Diesel with hair doing his routine.



And breakdancing was the craze back then. These CK would skateboard and breakdance everywhere, creating a public nuisance.
Here's a teenage Vin Diesel with hair doing his routine.

KNN this move was easy lah KNN the tough one was windmill KNN

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Bros, DM and erasure were Marina Square kids era liao. I remember in 1989 a 16yo teenager got killed after a staring incident during one of the weekends. Then MS got swept clean by mata patrols. Then many of us migrated to Far East plaza.

The Centerpoint kids should be a few years earlier than Marina Square kids. When we went there wearing Bros or DM T shirts sure kenna zong lui :frown:


Bros, DM and erasure were Marina Square kids era liao. I remember in 1989 a 16yo teenager got killed after a staring incident during one of the weekends. Then MS got swept clean by mata patrols. Then many of us migrated to Far East plaza.

The Centerpoint kids should be a few years earlier than Marina Square kids. When we went there wearing Bros or DM T shirts sure kenna zong lui :frown:
It was a Saturday morning. Culprit included one guy called Ah Di and one guy called Ah Tiong. The rest of the culprits I cannot remember liao. You hanged out at semi-circle?