the real reason why last time the chinese, malay, indian can used to work happily together those days the answer is so simple.
singapore was part of malaysia and majority were the malays(obviously) and after singapore saperated from malaysia the majority of in singapore WAS malays (obviously)
those were the days where all the races mixed very well together as the malays have this type of attitute "tidak apa" means "never mind" the malays are very welcoming.
then over the years alot of chinese from malaysia came and became sgrean and slowly after their number is more then the malays they feel that singapore belong to them and they feel superior and many get good jobs and they give opportunity to their own race. then to rub salt in the wound they start the speak mandarin campain lagi the minority opportunity pressed and it is harder to get same lever job as them and we can only get the left over scrap and that also they want to press our wages.
i wont be saying this if i never experienced it myself.
and the chinese like to say oh they dealing with china they need to speak mandarin to do business i say it just an EXCUSE! u mean the company never dael with other countries who can speak english?! to me if the company deal with china business it fine because there chinese staff who can speak chinese but what about dealing with america or malaysia u mean the countries also speak mandarin????????? hello chinese in china also speak english and my neighbor from china they speak ENGISH.
u said "This era, china is already very strong sad to state the reality to you" i have to agree china i very strong and also very greedy they want to claim many island and other countries port and what happen now other countries get together and want to stop china.
and u said "Dont be too naive, ang mo company also profile moslem peo and also give them receptions admin and low pay job. Well, they might give a degree and good background moslem usually a indian moslem to be a non strategy management role just to show peo that they are not so racist and tat is role is non essential role".
u really dont want to see the hard truth when i work in a local company my wages was press for so many years and my startig salary was $1118 and after 10 years increased to $1350.
then i join ang mo company and they gave me $1700 i got a shock and ask that alot and the ang mo HR told me that is the market price! and ang mo company there diverse races doing the jobs even the malays and indian can get high end jobs i was surprise when i joing ang mo company at firt where i can see the minority was given the opportunity and because the majority are foreigners and the ceo ang mo and alot of directors are foreigners the culture and working enviroment are very good!
and my brother he is the only one local sgrean in his company he also have good post and job now he is very happy he glad he listen to me to find non local company to work with.
please lah dont give excuses u think we were born yesterday??????
and now the majority are the foreigners and the chinese are deprive all the good things they had last time and we can see many are complaining non stop about ceca la this and that la. so how it feel to be the mnority now? it is painful right???????? and trust me as long the gahmen open the flood gate the foreigners keep coming to singapore they are hungry and they will take your job and give u the scrap
cheers mate!