When will it stop?
Last time we were told there was not enough land in Singapore...
then, cemeteries were dug up to make way for roads, housing, business.. you name it.. for the sake of progress..
will more cemeteries be dug up to build more infrastructure to cater to this projected number the pappies want?
will what's left of our little greenery be sacrificed? maybe the nature reserve will have to go too?
What next?
Singapore was once called "the Garden City"... looks like we're going Grey like Tokyo soon, with all the buildings
Maybe one day, we will not see a single bird in the sky.. or anywhere else.. no more safe places for migrant birds to rest here.. inbetween their long flights... is that what we want? Buildings and people all around us?
They say quality of life will be raised.. they still didn't say anything about jobs creation. They always skip the more important issues of Jobs, rising costs of living, more foreigners when looking at the ration of the population they project.. etc etc.
My question to the Sg ppl is, "Do you still trust what these people are telling you?"