Quit calling me jacys. I m not that person and it seems u guys have a fixation over who this jacy or johnston whatever his name is character whch i do not understand.
but from your writing I can tell how fustrated you are with the inability of wayangparty.com reaching its objective.
I do noy know who exposed QXP or parade him around, but it does apear QXP aka Bing had had contacts with you guys ( a particular meeting at centrepoint?) and ur association with wayangparty.com does shows a rather evil motive which again, I do not understand.
But do not assume I m dumb and not observant. You cant get the guy, do not just push the blame around to cover your failure.
Fine, drop the nick jacys.
Frustrated? You have lost me there. I thought you guys were frustrated about something and thus started this ruckus. I wouldn't have bothered to make one iota of comment if not for the fact that so many threads have been started on this and the whole discussion has become so lopsided.
QXP aka BHH had no contact with us. We have never met nor spoken to him before. See how these rumours are believed even by you guys?
As for the rest of your comments on evil motive, they are not worth responding to.