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[Video] - Vietnamese-Chinese Canadian chiobu Jennifer Pan sentenced to life in prison for murdering her parents



So many stupid hokkien heroes indeed to spend all wealth to help others fight warlords fight Japanese fight whatever. Where is the cantonese equivalent that made it big AND donate all money and donate planes to fight Japanese?
Angmoh the best know that donations to political parties must get benefits in return and not just give give give without people that you helped even know who you are.


Angmoh the best know that donations to political parties must get benefits in return and not just give give give without people that you helped even know who you are.

At that time in Sai Kung, there were many progressives and Communist Party members carrying out revolutionary activities against imperialism and dictatorship. Yan Zijun actively supported anyone who was progressive. He gave money to help those in financial difficulties; he tried his best to protect those in danger. This is true for overseas Chinese and Vietnamese revolutionaries. There are many people who have directly or indirectly been helped by Yan Zijun, many of whom do not even know his name. Lian Lian, who later served as the deputy director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee and the deputy director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, is one of them.




So many stupid hokkien heroes indeed to spend all wealth to help others fight warlords fight Japanese fight whatever. Where is the cantonese equivalent that made it big AND donate all money and donate planes to fight Japanese?
Wow this Gan surname hokkien hero helped to fight imperialism, fight warlords AND fight Japanese. No horse run indeed no wonder spent all his wealth helping others that don’t even know his name.


Angmoh the best know that donations to political parties must get benefits in return and not just give give give without people that you helped even know who you are.
He should have negotiated to get a hokkien land from China. Why so stupid to help China that didn’t help impoverished Hokkiens since Ming time and that’s why people got to go overseas to make it big?


Angmoh the best know that donations to political parties must get benefits in return and not just give give give without people that you helped even know who you are.
Angmoh the best!

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He should have negotiated to get a hokkien land from China. Why so stupid to help China that didn’t help impoverished Hokkiens since Ming time and that’s why people got to go overseas to make it big?
So many silly good and kind hearted hokkien heroes sacrificed their wealth and lives for nothing in return indeed. Live with zero political power in China or all the countries that they helped big big. And that’s if they are lucky, if not all their wealth Kena confiscated in China or Vietnam or whatever communist countries.


He should have negotiated to get a hokkien land from China. Why so stupid to help China that didn’t help impoverished Hokkiens since Ming time and that’s why people got to go overseas to make it big?
Angmoh in USA got go back to help their home countries be it Germany or France or Britain during WW2? Angmoh the best once left home countries cut off all ties indeed.


Angmoh in USA got go back to help their home countries be it Germany or France or Britain during WW2? Angmoh the best once left home countries cut off all ties indeed.
What’s the point to help your so called home countries people after you left? Not only they won’t thank you but they will turn around to gang up to bully you. Just see how they bully returnees to China is already proof. Angmoh the best know best not to be so silly.


Tan ku ku for my two ex cantonese bosses that gave leftovers to staff to donate all wealth to fight warlords fight Japanese indeed. First of all such cheap, mean and nasty people won’t even prosper to make it big hahaha
So silly to be the good and kind hearted angel among cheap, mean and nasty people that give nothing but evil shit and have no qualms to gang up to trample you after benefiting from you.


So silly to be the good and kind hearted angel among cheap, mean and nasty people that give nothing but evil shit and have no qualms to gang up to trample you after benefiting from you.
Look at what happened to me is best proof being harassed by mudland evil ingrates until today.