• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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[Video] - Russian soldiers set on fire as Ukrainian drones drop bombs on foxholes


Dont anyhow call people useless okay? I heard the opposite from him. He said you chickened out. Probably you went earlier or later than the appointed and spent a big portion of your life savings to buy some little item and then displayed the receipt here.
Go on and believe what you want. My date and time are all there in the receipt for all in this forum to see. A picture tells a thousand words. You are a total nerd if you cannot read a simple receipt from GIANT. No wonder you only have PMs and not any "likes" to your posts, except from that similar nerd, @Loofydralb

If you don't even have half a million dollars in your account, I think I shouldn't be wasting my time with you because I will only liaise and mix with people of my same caliber and wealth. Don't you know that only birds of the same feather flock together.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Go on and believe what you want. My date and time are all there in the receipt for all in this forum to see. A picture tells a thousand words. You are a total nerd if you cannot read a simple receipt from GIANT. No wonder you only have PMs and not any "likes" to your posts, except from that similar nerd, @Loofydralb
Date and time yes, but not the date and time you agreed to meet up with him. You were afraid that he would bash you up.


Date and time yes, but not the date and time you agreed to meet up with him. You were afraid that he would bash you up.
Go and fuck yourself. It was agreed to meet at 10am and he even promised to be there on time and asked me not to chicken out. What the fuck do you want some more, Chao Pussy?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Go and fuck yourself. It was agreed to meet at 10am and he even promised to be there on time and asked me not to chicken out. What the fuck do you want some more, Chao Pussy?
Loofy and I just PMed one another and he says that what you posted is untrue. He was there at the appointed time but you were nowhere to be seen.


Loofy and I just PMed one another and he says that what you posted is untrue. He was there at the appointed time but you were nowhere to be seen.
Go and fuck yourself with @Loofydralb is the best thing you can do on a rainy day like today. You can suck his cock whilst he licks your Chao Pussy till both of you cum together. But remember, you will need more effort on your part for him because being a Muslim, he's already circumcised.

Why a Choa Pussy like you will always want to distract in other forumer's thread? Don't you even have a backbone of your own, you are such a hermit crab.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Go and fuck yourself with @Loofydralb is the best thing you can do on a rainy day like today. You can suck his cock whilst he licks your Chao Pussy till both of you cum together. But remember, you will need more effort on your part for him because being a Muslim, he's already circumcised.
You sound very much like some filthy and fierce female here in this forum. Are you siblings?


You sound very much like some filthy and fierce female here in this forum. Are you siblings?
Frankly, I would love to have a good fuck with you. Can you oblige? I'm serious. I just love hot Pussies like your type. The spicier the better.


Please dont suggest such things, I'm a virgin.
I love virgins even more. I'm willing to pay a premium. Virgins will rejuvenate my vitality, especially when my cock head comes into contact with a virgin's blood. You can ask @Loofydralb as his Malay Bomoh will "sumpah" on this. Big, Strong and Friendly. But somehow, from your writing in this forum, I still have a feeling that you are a lesbian.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I love virgins even more. I'm willing to pay a premium. Virgins will rejuvenate my vitality. Big, Strong and Friendly.
But you dont have very much in terms of assets whereas Loofy busted a bank in the US when he withdrew his money.


But you dont have very much in terms of assets whereas Loofy busted a bank in the US when he withdrew his money.
How much do you command? As a lesbian, you don't have much bargaining power towards your clients, compared to a real woman of excellent features, both in boob sizes, pussy tightness/wetness and facial expressions. There's only 1 other lesbian (which she herself had officially claimed) in this forum but I don't want to reveal her nick. By the way, @Loofydralb must have busted the Monopoly Bank in his board game. That's what I have heard.


Alfrescian (Inf)
How much do you command? As a lesbian, you don't have much bargaining power towards your clients, compared to a real woman of excellent features, both in boob sizes, pussy tightness/wetness and facial expressions. By the way, @Loofydralb must have busted the Monopoly Bank in his board game. That's what I have heard.
Hey, can you do me a favour and up your IQ a little bit? Talking to you it seems my IQ is slipping bit by bit to your level. I might lose my job by this time tomorrow if you dont help me out on this.


Hey, can you do me a favour and up your IQ a little bit? Talking to you it seems my IQ is slipping bit by bit to your level. I might lose my job by this time tomorrow if you dont help me out on this.
But,,,, but,.... I want nobody nobody, but you.......I want nobody nobody, but you. I especially like virgins, especially those below 16 years old because their abalones are especially tight and good fit for my enlarged sea cucumber. I don't mind the rotan if caught. It's a heavenly experience worth paying the price for. Come on and meet me leh. I'm dying to see you and your pink abalone.



Hey, can you do me a favour and up your IQ a little bit? Talking to you it seems my IQ is slipping bit by bit to your level. I might lose my job by this time tomorrow if you dont help me out on this.
Why are you still working and having to face a boss day in, day out? So poor thing. Be like me, no need to worry about money and no bosses to answer to. Come on, be my Small Three and I'll pay you S$10k allowance per month, simply by letting me pump you full tank nightly. It's such a simplistic job you cannot reject nor will you regret. Imagine having multiple orgasms and being paid at the same time. Where to find such a good job?

That is why I still say that you have a super low IQ because you've just shot yourself in your own foot by your own post. Ha Ha. How much more stupid can you be? The more you post, the more stupidity you'll reveal upon yourself. Pussies are stupid by nature. Think with your brain first before you post, understand?
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I believe there was a understanding that NATO will not expand eastward after russia pullled out of eastern europe unilaterally.
So Eastern Europe belongs to Russia issit? since when? your statement only makes sense if everyone agrees that Eastern europe belongs to Russia.

NATO gave indication that georgia and Ukraine can be part of NATO in 2008. That means nuclear armed missiles can be positioned where it can be within minutes of striking vital parts of russian defences.
This is total fucking garbage. Anytime anyone brings this primary school idea out, my head spins at the sheer stupidity of it. Currently, the ICBMs are something like 30 minutes from US to Russia and vice versa. What would locating them in Eastern Europe do for NATO? Give terrorists more opportunity to seize NATO's nuclear weapons? Let Putin seize them? Why would any sane person locate their weapons where their enemy can snatch them? God almighty, this is a dumb fucking argument.
After 2014 illegal coup by the nazis, russian speakers were imprisoned or burned alive as what occured in odessa.
You know this is true how? someone said or someone printed doesn't count.
Russian speaking TV snd newspapers were forced to shut.
Great. So now nobody can understand each other right? Because Ukrainian and Russian language are so different? And because TV signals can't travel by air or cable so now nobody can get the Russian view right?

US themselves reacted in similar manner during cuba missile crisis preventing cuba from arming itself.
So great. We're now in the early 60s. Not too long after WW2 and all the territories being carved up around the world and nobody understanding the threat of nuclear warfare. By land, it's 30 minutes. By nuclear sub, there's no telling how many nukes are within 15 minutes of either country. So for goodness sake, for someone who promotes independent thought against religion, how about some independent thought against other rubbish concepts?


The whole aim of the US is to weaken russia by forcing it to spend heavily on its military. Like what happened when ussr collapsed.russuan economy cannot match the might of the US forces financed by its perpetual issuance of debt.
So to counter this, Putin invades Ukraine because wars are cheaper??

You can argue against yourself can't you? It was the Americans and the Anglo Saxons who 1 way or another helped Russia climb out of its communist economy hole. This includes buying Russian oil and gas.

Besides a united europe threaten anglo saxon hegemony.
Was not this united before the invasion. Now most other countries in Europe are united against Russia with the exception of Belarus.
Cheap Russian gas helped germany to becomes world's largest export surplus country on the planet.
Oh really? I had no idea that Germany needed Russian gas to power their economy. Maybe you can teach me about how I need oxygen to survive next. So what's this got to do with anything? Germany stole it? They take the gas and refuse to pay Russia? What's the point?? :cautious:
A united europe with russia encompass ftom the atlantic in europe to the pacific in asia and challenges US in military snd technology. Without cheap Russian gas, german industries will collapse. Basf, linde have plans to move its huge mega plants to china, its biggest market.
Putin has ensured a united Europe and accelerated a Russian economic collapse. Great job!! :thumbsup:
And other businesses are relocating to the US due to cheaper energy cost.
? so invade Ukraine??

You realize nothing you wrote here makes sense right?

Nobody was threatening Russia physically. Nobody. Now this has created an economic threat for Russia. Which side are you arguing for?


So Eastern Europe belongs to Russia issit? since when? your statement only makes sense if everyone agrees that Eastern europe belongs to Russia.

? so invade Ukraine??

You realize nothing you wrote here makes sense right?

Nobody was threatening Russia physically. Nobody. Now this has created an economic threat for Russia. Which side are you arguing for?.

Sadly, he's already totally brain washed by the Pro-Russkies in this forum. No sensible reasoning can change him anymore. He can no longer differentiate between day and night. God Bless Him.
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