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[Video] - Muslim who converted into a Jew says it's tough, he almost got killed 5 times by haters and continues to suffer death threats


Yup. That's why you keep repeating lies about how 'intact' your quran is, when there are numerous versions around in circulation.

Where are those "different" versions? Since you said it, you should be able to offer proof. Show them to us. Show us how in different quran recitation competitions, there were different versions of the Quran that were recited. Of course you can't since there exists no such thing in first place.

Your religion believes in polytheism. Your fake prophet mahomet, led moslems to worship the daughters of allah.

There you go. I don't think even a single digit IQ yanke bot would be that dumb.

Islam is the strictest, most strictly monotheist religion in the world. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the greatest ever human being and greatest ever prophet.

Allah (SWT) begets not, nor is he begotten. Explained clearly in the Quran, if you listened to Zakir naik the ceca Muslim, you'd have not made such stupid errors.

Also, you silly illiterate prophet wrongly attributed the Trinity to God the father, Mary the Mother, Jesus the Son.

What a fucktard that mahomet really was.

Faggotry promoted by your clergy must have clouded your mind or maybe it's just your arse that was buggered too hard by your ang moh priest, which was it? that made you lose your mind.

Trinity is polytheism. Why would God need to die and how can God die anyway? It must be a false God if God can be killed. Only mere mortals, God's creations, can die and life and death are all preordained, determined by Allah (SWT) so no point believing anyone can live forever. even this solar system won't last forever.

this tells you what a faggot you are having to take your priest's c0ck up your rectum all day and night and scream Shiiiiiiooook ah !!!!