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[Video] - Muslim who converted into a Jew says it's tough, he almost got killed 5 times by haters and continues to suffer death threats


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Prayer (solat = pronounced "so-lah" is the pillar on which is Muslim builds his iman (or faith). To solat, a muslim recites mostly from memory surahs from the Quran. Not being able to means he cannot or doesn't solah, which means he has no faith nor is he a muslim.

Is there a verse from your current version of the quran to support that?
After Caliph Uthman (or in local terms = Osman), compiled all the sources from the collective memory and separate manuscripts, he did destroy those left over which are not part of the Quran.

Nope. Your caliph uthman destroyed all his source manuscripts, including the parts that he included in his version of the quran. None of the scrolls that recorded mahomet's ramblings have survived.

This is exactly what is prophesized by a verse in the Quran and Allah says in 15:9

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ٩
"It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it."

You're quoting a verse from a book compiled by uthman, along the lines of 'ownself praise ownself'.

There are records within moslem sources of original manuscripts gone missing. One of it was from mahomet's child bride, who said that some goats ate parts of her original manucripts, and those verses were lost to posterity.

Unlike your bible which is full of errors, contradictions, no one knows or claims as its authors, can be edited, rewritten, verses removed, verses added. And the sinker is....you don't have the original one in Aramaic, which is what Jesus spoke.
Your bible is fake and your scholars agree.

When you can produce original manucripts of your quran, then come and talk. There are thousands of manuscripts of the Bible's books. People are welcome to read and study them for themselves.

People of your religion seem to be enjoy sucking scholar's dick. Always trying to use scholars as though they are tribal chiefs who speak for everyone. You ever sucked this scholar's dick before?



Can kill all idiots reading that book?

Muhammed spread islam by his good character, not the sword. Koran is the written words of Muhammed. In Koran, it is mentioned "there is no compulsion in religion". A muslim is free to convert to a jew, according to the great Prophet.


Yes I agree with you that there are plenty of fake Muslims. Just like what the prophet said 1400+ years ago, Islam will splinter into 73 sects and only one will enter paradise.
That's why the Sunnis are bombing the Shias and the Shias are bombing the Sunnis, and both of them are slaughtering the Ahmadiyya; each one of them thinking they are the one entering paradise.


It's an islamic religious pillar to kill moslems who leave islam or do not adhere to the mainstream religious and political beliefs of moslems.

Thanks to the PAP's intervention, the islam practiced in Singapore has been civilized and the moslems here walk erect and behaviour like normal humans, instead of like the chimpanzee behaviour we see in overseas moslems.

PAP-pig's intervention has meant that Islam is not even practised in Stinkypura.

And that continues to exist precisely because neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia are not and were not Muslims, ever. Period.

Otherwise, they would have long ago intervened and set the records straight.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
PAP-pig's intervention has meant that Islam is not even practised in Stinkypura.

PAP's islam enabled moslems here to have a higher levels of eduation and standard of living compared to nearly every moslem on the face of the earth.

You're always welcome to move to live in the waters of porkistan if you think islam elsewhere is more authentic.

Otherwise, they would have long ago intervened and set the records straight.

Aren't you now trying to intervene and reintepret your quranic records to set them straight? It's full of fucking crap and mistakes, not to mention that the quran was plagarized from the Torah and the Bible.


That's why the Sunnis are bombing the Shias and the Shias are bombing the Sunnis, and both of them are slaughtering the Ahmadiyya; each one of them thinking they are the one entering paradise.

Even within the same family, when the daughter disgraced islam by marrying an infidel, the father has the religious morality to kill her to defend the good name of islam.


Faithless heathens. I bet none of you can recite verses from the true scriptures, "From Third World to First." :cool:


PAP's islam enabled moslems here to have a higher levels of eduation and standard of living compared to nearly every moslem on the face of the earth.

You're always welcome to move to live in the waters of porkistan if you think islam elsewhere is more authentic.

PAP's ban on Islam meant Melayun in stinkypura can not perform Islamic rituals or believe in anything Islamic. Period.

The reason for this is primarily that its two immediate neighbours Indon & Malaun are not Muslims, and have never been Muslims. Otherwise they'd have crushed stinkypura decades ago.


No stinky is able to build nuclear bomb.

No stinky is able to launch satellite to space.

No stinky is able to design and build long range SAM (like Iran with its Bavar 373 able to hit a target at 320 km unlike pathetic turkic donkeys who are big time bullsh*tters and loudmouth braggarts but lag behind by at least 3 decades in rocketry, space programme and missile programme incl SAMs and are mostly a recipient of foreign tech a.k.a. assemblymen, not too different from southern gooks who are also copycats except that gooks manufacture a few parts too after receiving tech transfer), and YU'r master zionist jews also can't build any long range SAM despite ample yankee tech transfer. That being said, yanks are not good with SAMs that's why they argue SAMs don't work, which should be read as "YANKE cowboy" SAMs don't work, not that SAMs don't work at all.

I could go on and on, but YU could see that Iran has sold drones (Shahed -136, Shahed-131) to Russkies, and there are rumours that Arash-2 drones may be sold to Russkies too, this needs to be confirmed. Forget about Stinkypura, but none of the following could ever sell any weapons to Russkies that proved themselves in the battlefield (we are talking of russkie federation):

1. Yankees
2. Pommies
3. Frog Eaters
4. Krauts
5. Japs
6. Southern Gooks
7. Turkic donkeys
8. CECA Virus
9. Brazil
10. Ah Tiong
11. Indon
12. Niggeria
13. Pakis
14. Bangla
15. Zionist terrorist entity
16. Swedes
17. Southern Nigger Afro
18. Norwegians
19. Finnish
20. Danish
21. Taiwanese
and the list could be extended by another 100 entries.

that is a FACT.

Russkies are one of the premier military powers in the world and a former superpower, the successor state to the USSR, and yu don't see any other country incl so called established powers ABLE to sell any weapons to Russkies incl yur beloved yankee zionist terrorist pommie masters, frog eating japs gooks tiongs taiwanese ceca virus turkic donkeys brazil niggeria bangla paki indon malaun egyptians etc etc

that is ample proof that Iran is by leaps and bounds a far more advanced military power that's derived from its indigenous production and development (in many cases indigenous development, in many cases reverse engineering, in many cases improvement upon existing products etc)

Aren't you now trying to intervene and reintepret your quranic records to set them straight? It's full of fucking crap and mistakes, not to mention that the quran was plagarized from the Torah and the Bible.


Reinterpret what exactly?

There is not a single error in the Holy Quran unlike your false religion promoting faggotry and penetration of children's tender behinds; you should know since you have been penetrated from a tender age. :roflmao:

Or that false religion promoting sucking children's penis to cure them (!!!) through metzitzah b'peh? :confused:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
PAP's ban on Islam meant Melayun in stinkypura can not perform Islamic rituals or believe in anything Islamic. Period.

That's a lie. moslems in Singapore are still able to bow 5 times a day towards their stone idol in arabia. They are also allowed to visit their stone idol in mecca and prance around naked wearing bedsheets.

There is not a single error in the Holy Quran

You're a fucktard. There are enough errors in your current version of the quran, despite all the editing done by egyptian and saudi moslem scholars.

Your fake charlatan of a 'prophet' had no fucking clue what a shooting star was, and said they were fiery darts thrown at the demons.

And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.
- quran 67:5

In contrast, there were ancient civilizations who knew that shooting stars and comets belong in astronomy, not in religious bullshit about darts thrown at demons.


That is a tainted belief that those who diverted must be killed. Believers are free loving people.in the beginning, the arabs were liberators from harsh roman slavery. That was why it thrived. How it ended up to current state is bring studied but definitely, current muslims do not behave like what the initial arabs out of arabia.
mudslimes like SHIT POOtra are not only barbaric but consummate liars too

Allah Who is Ah Bah?


That's a lie. moslems in Singapore are still able to bow 5 times a day towards their stone idol in arabia. They are also allowed to visit their stone idol in mecca and prance around naked wearing bedsheets.

That is 100% true. Nothing called "Moslems", unlike Christ-ians. Faggots like Yu.

You're a fucktard. There are enough errors in your current version of the quran, despite all the editing done by egyptian and saudi moslem scholars.

As already stated before, adding multiple false facts together with multiple false inferences don't make a correct fact. They reinforce each other to make a wrong fact doubly, or more, wrong.

Your fake charlatan of a 'prophet' had no fucking clue what a shooting star was, and said they were fiery darts thrown at the demons.

And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.
- quran 67:5

In contrast, there were ancient civilizations who knew that shooting stars and comets belong in astronomy, not in religious bullshit about darts thrown at demons.

Your fake faggot priests have no clue that there's nothing as such as a "shooting star" (which remains a misnomer) but everything written and explained the Holy Quran was, and remains, precisely correct.

Chapter (67) sūrat l-mulk (Dominion)​

Sahih International: And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.

Pickthall: And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.

Yusuf Ali: And we have, (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps, and We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, and have prepared for them the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.

Shakir: And certainly We have adorned this lower heaven with lamps and We have made these missiles for the Shaitans, and We have prepared for them the chastisement of burning.

Muhammad Sarwar: We have decked the lowest heavens with torches. With these torches We have stoned the devils and We have prepared for them the torment of hell.

Mohsin Khan: And indeed We have adorned the nearest heaven with lamps, and We have made such lamps (as) missiles to drive away the Shayatin (devils), and have prepared for them the torment of the blazing Fire.

Arberry: And We adorned the lower heaven with lamps, and made them things to stone Satans; and We have prepared for them the chastisement of the Blaze.

This verse has nothing to do with what you faggot, a believer in a false religion that promotes faggotry and penetration of your arse at a tender age as a matter of religious rite, wrongly ascribed to a "shooting star".

So not only did you mess up, as expected of ALL believers of false religions incl faggots like you who believe in polytheism (e.g. trinity), you only affirmed that you are a harebrained chink faggot who's managed to make multiple errors in a single statement. That takes quite some degree of stupidity. Not sure you can find that among regular humans with above 100 IQ levels.


That's why the Sunnis are bombing the Shias and the Shias are bombing the Sunnis, and both of them are slaughtering the Ahmadiyya; each one of them thinking they are the one entering paradise.

I don't see any of them bombing each other today.

I see russkies killing their fellow slavic ukie brothers and yanks and their poodles arming ukies and sending "volunteers" i.e. NATO troops disguised as volunteers to kill Russkies. Russkies are unable to do a damned thing because they are too cowardly and their actions are very easy to predict, so yanks can calculate ahead of time what russkies will do and counter them.

that's why I've said russkies should be selling nuclear warheads, icbm and anti satellite missiles - the entire package (NIA) for a mere 3 to 4 trillion Rubles. Win-win deal. It would keeps yanks off your backs since there exist plenty of anti yankee countries and political groups in this planet.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
As already stated before, adding multiple false facts together with multiple false inferences don't make a correct fact. They reinforce each other to make a wrong fact doubly, or more, wrong.

Yup. That's why you keep repeating lies about how 'intact' your quran is, when there are numerous versions around in circulation.

So not only did you mess up, as expected of ALL believers of false religions incl faggots like you who believe in polytheism (e.g. trinity),

Your religion believes in polytheism. Your fake prophet mahomet, led moslems to worship the daughters of allah.

Also, you silly illiterate prophet wrongly attributed the Trinity to God the father, Mary the Mother, Jesus the Son.

What a fucktard that mahomet really was.