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[Video] - Muslim who converted into a Jew says it's tough, he almost got killed 5 times by haters and continues to suffer death threats


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You can bet he is a fake Muslim. Test him and see if he could recite a single surah of the Quran?

By that definition, lots of fake moslems amongst the muuds too. I bet a lot of muuds can't recite a single surah from their current version of the quran.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

It's an islamic religious pillar to kill moslems who leave islam or do not adhere to the mainstream religious and political beliefs of moslems.

Thanks to the PAP's intervention, the islam practiced in Singapore has been civilized and the moslems here walk erect and behaviour like normal humans, instead of like the chimpanzee behaviour we see in overseas moslems.


By that definition, lots of fake moslems amongst the muuds too. I bet a lot of muuds can't recite a single surah from their current version of the quran.
Yes I agree with you that there are plenty of fake Muslims. Just like what the prophet said 1400+ years ago, Islam will splinter into 73 sects and only one will enter paradise.

And don't be naughty. Unlike your corrupted bible, there is only one preserved version of the Quran.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Yes I agree with you that there are plenty of fake Muslims. Just like what the prophet said 1400+ years ago, Islam will splinter into 73 sects and only one will enter paradise.

Is there any surah that says moslems who can't recite a surah are fake moslems?

And don't be naughty. Unlike your corrupted bible, there is only one preserved version of the Quran.

Any historical manuscripts to prove that there is only one version of the quran?

moslem sources did state that caliph uthman burned all the source manuscripts after finish compiling his version of the quran.

syed putra

It's an islamic religious pillar to kill moslems who leave islam or do not adhere to the mainstream religious and political beliefs of moslems.

Thanks to the PAP's intervention, the islam practiced in Singapore has been civilized and the moslems here walk erect and behaviour like normal humans, instead of like the chimpanzee behaviour we see in overseas moslems.
That is a tainted belief that those who diverted must be killed. Believers are free loving people.in the beginning, the arabs were liberators from harsh roman slavery. That was why it thrived. How it ended up to current state is bring studied but definitely, current muslims do not behave like what the initial arabs out of arabia.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
That is a tainted belief that those who diverted must be killed. Believers are free loving people.in the beginning, the arabs were liberators from harsh roman slavery. That was why it thrived. How it ended up to current state is bring studied but definitely, current muslims do not behave like what the initial arabs out of arabia.

'Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him' Hadith - Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)

Some of our resident islamists say this moslem scripture verse is authentic.


Is there any surah that says moslems who can't recite a surah are fake moslems?

Prayer (solat = pronounced "so-lah" is the pillar on which is Muslim builds his iman (or faith). To solat, a muslim recites mostly from memory surahs from the Quran. Not being able to means he cannot or doesn't solah, which means he has no faith nor is he a muslim.

Any historical manuscripts to prove that there is only one version of the quran?

moslem sources did state that caliph uthman burned all the source manuscripts after finish compiling his version of the quran.

After Caliph Uthman (or in local terms = Osman), compiled all the sources from the collective memory and separate manuscripts, he did destroy those left over which are not part of the Quran. And he did this with the concurrence of the Muslims that were present and alive during the time of the prophet. The whole intent is that as the older ones die off, they will need a preserved documented agreed upon by people who actually lived with the prophet, Quran that is heard and memorized by the actual companions of the prophet for the use, guidance and reference for future generations. This is exactly what is prophesized by a verse in the Quran and Allah says in 15:9

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ٩
"It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it."

Unlike your bible which is full of errors, contradictions, no one knows or claims as its authors, can be edited, rewritten, verses removed, verses added. And the sinker is....you don't have the original one in Aramaic, which is what Jesus spoke.
Your bible is fake and your scholars agree.


'Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him' Hadith - Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)

Some of our resident islamists say this moslem scripture verse is authentic.
Go read the context.

Now here is a verse from the corrupted bible:

"Do not spare him; kill men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys."

What did the sheep, camels and donkeys do?


Bukhari is a unknown entity.
As a non muslim you obviously do not know who is bukhari.

We have detailed biographies of all the major hadith narrators. We even cross check their biographies on their period, duration, where they were at the said times, whom they cross met and where. Their lineage and we even look at their reputation during contemporary times to see if they have any evidence of lying or fabrication.
Christian can't even do this for the authors of the bible because its fake as fuck!

syed putra

Prayer (solat = pronounced "so-lah" is the pillar on which is Muslim builds his iman (or faith). To solat, a muslim recites mostly from memory surahs from the Quran. Not being able to means he cannot or doesn't solah, which means he has no faith nor is he a muslim
Solah means commitments. Committed to doing good and faith in God.

syed putra

As a non muslim you obviously do not know who is bukhari.

We have detailed biographies of all the major hadith narrators. We even cross check their biographies on their period, duration, where they were at the said times, whom they cross met and where. Their lineage and we even look at their reputation during contemporary times to see if they have any evidence of lying or fabrication.
Christian can't even do this for the authors of the bible because its fake as fuck!
As a believer, i seek guidance only from God.