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[Video] - Christian YouTuber on Zakir Naik replying to a Christian woman asking him a question


Faith is a very powerful belief .... as long as the person believe in his faith, it does not matter if he is Muslim, Christian, Zionist, Hindus, Buddhist etc.... you cannot argue with him on his/her belief.

From experience, you cannot win an argument with them no matter what.

Race and IQ

syed putra

We call ourselves adhering to the religion called ISLAM as described in the Quran. It's enemies of Islam that put labels on Muslims.

Does your bible have this religion called Christianity in the bible?
Does the word Christian even appear in your bible?
Appears to me Christianity is a made up religion, and definitely not from Jesus because he never ever said it!
It did not start as a religion. This is based on historical data.

syed putra

Earlier mosques are facing petra, not mecca.


By 624 AD, all mosques were supposed to be facing Mecca. And yet, it took 200 years for Islam to finally get their "unity of direction of prayer" right and point all their mosques towards Mecca.

200 years!

Something is obviously wrong here. The historical facts are not tying up with the Islamic sources. That is the reason scholars are now investigating why that is.

The Qibla literally means "direction," and in Islam refers to the direction in which a Muslim must pray.

Classic Islamic history tells us that Muhammad first taught Muslims to pray towards Jerusalem, but then supposedly received a revelation from Allah changing the direction of prayer to Mecca instead. This change was made in 624 AD.

All slides and maps in this article are screenshots which were taken from a video of Jay Smith's presentation at Calvary Church Chino Hills in 2013, a link for which video is provided below.

The blue arrows in this map show where Qiblas were pointing in the earliest days of Islam, or around the 620-630s, just before the death of Muhammad. As you can see, they point, not towards either Jerusalem or Mecca, but to Petra.

Here is a satellite view of the Great Mosque of Guangzhou which was built in 630 AD, and whose Qibla points Muslims to pray towards Petra.

The Qibla of the Humeima Mosque in southwestern Jordan points toward Petra.

The Qibla of the Great Mosque of Ba'albek in Lebanon points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Great Mosque of Sana'a built in Yemen in 705 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Al Aqsa Mosque built in Jerusalem in 709 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Damascus Mosque built in Syria also in 709 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Anjar Mosque built in Beirut in 714 AD points to Petra.
The Qibla of the Mosque of Umar built in Syria in 720 AD points to Petra.

In 727 AD, a mosque was finally built in Banbhore, Pakistan, the Qibla of which points to Mecca. That is 103 years after Muhammad's supposed revelation changing the direction from Jerusalem to Mecca.
But, about a year later, the al-Sharqi Mosque is built in Syria that still points to Petra.

The Mushatte Mosque in Amman was built in 743 AD, and it was still facing Petra.

The Ribat Fortress in Tunisia was built in 770, and it faced neither Petra nor Mecca.

It was the same with the Cordoba Mosque in Spain, built in 784. Its Qibla pointed towards neither Petra or Mecca.
Ditto for the Great Mosque of Kairouan, built in 817 AD.

So here is what we know:

The conflict between history, archaeology and the classical account of Islam's beginnings is etched in stone, no pun intended.

There is no explanation in the Islamic sources for the original Qibla being Petra, nor any explanation as to why there is no valley in Mecca, or a stream, or fields, trees or grass, clay or loam, and no pillar of salt.

The question is also raised about why the Quran would speak of grapes and olives and other fruits in Mecca, where none grow except dates. On the other hand, Jay notes that...

It does not really matter where you facing as God is right in front no matter where.very close if only you know!


It does not really matter where you facing as God is right in front no matter where.very close if only you know!

The point here is about how islamic scholars claim their validation process is robust but cannot accept hardcore evidences from satellite images. Secondly, they censored off any hadiths that they consider unfavorable to islam as unauthentical.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Who are the Christians?
Or Tho-docs?

Because none of them follow Jesus' instructions.
lianbeng was told that Christians are those who follow Jesus Christ lah! :biggrin:


Old Fart
Faith is a very powerful belief .... as long as the person believe in his faith, it does not matter if he is Muslim, Christian, Zionist, Hindus, Buddhist etc.... you cannot argue with him on his/her belief.

From experience, you cannot win an argument with them no matter what.

Race and IQ
Yes. Faith is a belief in a spiritual/religious doctrine, in the absence of proof. Once faith enters a discussion, all logic goes out the window. And I walk away.


lianbeng was told that Christians are those who follow Jesus Christ lah! :biggrin:
Are you a Jew? No? Then why do you follow Jesus?

Didn't Jesus say, I paraphrase,
"I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

The verse before that
"I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the circumcised on behalf of God's truth."

You chinks follow this Jesus commandment? Are you circumcised? Jesus own words har!! Not his disciples. Not Paul. Not John the Baptist.

JESUS.OWN.WORDS. Follow that or don't call yourself follower of Jesus.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You chinks follow this Jesus commandment? Are you circumcised? Jesus own words har!! Not his disciples. Not Paul. Not John the Baptist.

JESUS.OWN.WORDS. Follow that or don't call yourself follower of Jesus.

Did you marry and fuck a little girl of age 9 and below?

Did you cheat on your wives by fucking your maid?

Did you rob non-believers and sell them off as slaves?

Did you kill moslems who wish to leave islam?

Follow that or don't call yourself a moslem or follower of muhammad. He did all those things and claimed that God told him it's okay to do those things.


Did you marry and fuck a little girl of age 9 and below?
The little girls' age is a source of dispute. From 9 to 17. We can't be sure. However it is a fact that when Abu Bakar, his closest companion betrothed his little daughter to be married, she remains at her father's home until puberty. Puberty could be of any age from 9 to 15. It is a custom that once they reached puberty, they can be married off, as also mentioned in the bible.

Did you cheat on your wives by fucking your maid?
Muhammad didn't do no such thing.
Did you rob non-believers and sell them off as slaves?
Look at the context of when that happen. They had a truce with the Quraish tribes and the Quraish repeatedly broke the treaty, until Allah sent down a command allowing them to defend themselves. Thus it was a period of war. And as the custom of the previous generations and prophets in the bible, the loser loses his property and sold off as slaves.
But we are not at war now are we?

Did you kill moslems who wish to leave islam?
There is only one example of someone who left Islam and killed. The context was that he joined Islam and became a scribe to Muhammad. Later on he was found out to be trying to falsifying and fabricating the verses. He quickly left Islam and bragged about it and joined the enemies of Islam and fought against Muslims.
When Muslims were eventually victorious and he was captured, he was executed on treason, not on leaving Islam.

Follow that or don't call yourself a moslem or follower of muhammad. He did all those things and claimed that God told him it's okay to do those things.
So if the conditions are right, we do follow the prophet.


What about your paedophile prophet? U fellas still worshipping him day n night?
The little girls' age is a source of dispute. From 9 to 17. We can't be sure. However it is a fact that when Abu Bakar, his closest companion betrothed his little daughter to be married, she remains at her father's home until puberty. Puberty could be of any age from 9 to 15. It is a custom that once they reached puberty, they can be married off, as also mentioned in the bible.


The little girls' age is a source of dispute. From 9 to 17. We can't be sure. However it is a fact that when Abu Bakar, his closest companion betrothed his little daughter to be married, she remains at her father's home until puberty. Puberty could be of any age from 9 to 15. It is a custom that once they reached puberty, they can be married off, as also mentioned in the bible.
Any person with the right frame of mind would not even think of having a 9yr girl as a bride! Is there a dispute whether she was deflowered @ 9yrs old, 12 or 15?
Paedophile is paedophile, doesn't change the fact!


Any person with the right frame of mind would not even think of having a 9yr girl as a bride! Is there a dispute whether she was deflowered @ 9yrs old, 12 or 15?
Paedophile is paedophile, doesn't change the fact!
Key difference is that she is past puberty.
You're imposing today's standards to the past. In fact other prophets in the past did marry young persons and the criteria is not specific age but puberty. Fact is your ancestors too married women who just reached puberty.
And by any society's standards is not paedophilia.


The little girls' age is a source of dispute. From 9 to 17. We can't be sure. However it is a fact that when Abu Bakar, his closest companion betrothed his little daughter to be married, she remains at her father's home until puberty. Puberty could be of any age from 9 to 15. It is a custom that once they reached puberty, they can be married off, as also mentioned in the bible.
Umfortunately it's not in dispute in the quran and hadiths. It's only "in dispute" in later writings of embarrased Islamic scholars who tried to explain away why it was written that Mohammad had sex with Aisha when she was 9 years old.
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Umfortunately it's not in dispute in the quran and hadiths. It's only "in dispute" in later writings of embarrased Islamic scholars who tried to explain away why it was written that Mohammad had sex with Aisha when she was 9 years old.
Amongst Muslim scholars it is in dispute. Some narrations mention 9, some 14, some doesn't mention it at all. The fact is we are not embarrassed about it as we are clear that women can be married off at puberty.
Compare that to the disembarrassment of your daughter today having sex outside of marriage when they itch at 12 or younger, behind your back.
In his day in the 7th century, nobody disputed this as paedophilia when you marry someone who is past puberty.
Try harder.


Sad that you don't approach with an open mind. But can't say you aren't given a chance to know and believe the Gospel.
You mean believe in a book full of errors, contradictions, edited versions and is the work of man?
And believe that god is born, eats, don't know the hour, cannot do miracles himself, uses the toilet, sleep, and dies?
Plus doesn't the bible say no one can see god?