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[Video] - Christian YouTuber on Zakir Naik replying to a Christian woman asking him a question


Old Fart
He looks like Denzel Washington



Why Christianity n Islam so many controversies? U pray your own God n I pray my own God n not step onto each other boundaries! U don't see Buddhism n Hinduism arguing every other day...

syed putra

Why Christianity n Islam so many controversies? U pray your own God n I pray my own God n not step onto each other boundaries! U don't see Buddhism n Hinduism arguing every other day...
Both sides believe their religion is the right one.
i believe both are wrong.


Why Christianity n Islam so many controversies? U pray your own God n I pray my own God n not step onto each other boundaries! U don't see Buddhism n Hinduism arguing every other day...
When there is a conflict between a muslim and an infidel, the muslim is always right by default.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Who are the Christians?
Or Tho-docs?

Because none of them follow Jesus' instructions.

Who are the mohammedans?

sonnis, shit'ites, ahmadiyahs, wasabis?

All of them follow mahomet's instructions on pedophilia, killing, raping, raiding and waging war constantly.


Who are the mohammedans?

sonnis, shit'ites, ahmadiyahs, wasabis?

All of them follow mahomet's instructions on pedophilia, killing, raping, raiding and waging war constantly.
We call ourselves adhering to the religion called ISLAM as described in the Quran. It's enemies of Islam that put labels on Muslims.

Does your bible have this religion called Christianity in the bible?
Does the word Christian even appear in your bible?
Appears to me Christianity is a made up religion, and definitely not from Jesus because he never ever said it!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
We call ourselves adhering to the religion called ISLAM as described in the Quran. It's enemies of Islam that put labels on Muslims.

It's moslems who put labels on themselves, other moslems and people who don't buy mahomet's crap.

Does your bible have this religion called Christianity in the bible?
Does the word Christian even appear in your bible?

Does 'Jerusalem' and 'Palestine' appear in the moslem quran? Yet moslems view conquering Jerusalem and Palestine as their religious struggle as taught in their islamic religion.

Appears to me Christianity is a made up religion, and definitely not from Jesus because he never ever said it!

Isn't your own mohammedan religion made up? It's recorded in your own islamic sources that a scribe of mahomet suggested correcting mahomet's supposed quranic revelations, and mahomet accepted those corrections to improve his quran.

The scriptures of the mohammedan religion were a copied and corrupted form of the Bible. You don't find yourself shameless for calling the source of your islamic religion as 'made up'?


It's moslems who put labels on themselves, other moslems and people who don't buy mahomet's crap.

Does 'Jerusalem' and 'Palestine' appear in the moslem quran? Yet moslems view conquering Jerusalem and Palestine as their religious struggle as taught in their islamic religion.

Isn't your own mohammedan religion made up? It's recorded in your own islamic sources that a scribe of mahomet suggested correcting mahomet's supposed quranic revelations, and mahomet accepted those corrections to improve his quran.

The scriptures of the mohammedan religion were a copied and corrupted form of the Bible. You don't find yourself shameless for calling the source of your islamic religion as 'made up'?
Fact remains early Muslims were commanded to face Jerusalem before Allah ordered to changed to mecca.

Your bible has zero mention of Jesus ever claiming to be god or telling people to worship him yet today christians raise him as God?
Yeah, your god need to go to the toilet.


Who are the mohammedans?

sonnis, shit'ites, ahmadiyahs, wasabis?

All of them follow mahomet's instructions on pedophilia, killing, raping, raiding and waging war constantly.
The problem is the Koran says only one Muslim sect will enter heaven. That's why the sunnis ans killing the shiites, the shiites are killing the sunnis and they are both killing the ahmadiyyas.


Fact remains early Muslims were commanded to face Jerusalem before Allah ordered to changed to mecca.

Your bible has zero mention of Jesus ever claiming to be god or telling people to worship him yet today christians raise him as God?
Yeah, your god need to go to the toilet.
Sad that you don't approach with an open mind. But can't say you aren't given a chance to know and believe the Gospel.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Fact remains early Muslims were commanded to face Jerusalem before Allah ordered to changed to mecca.

It's your mahomet who ordered the moslems to face mecca after the Jews in Arabia refuse to accept mahomet as 'prophet'. Your fake prophet was really upset about it.

Your bible has zero mention of Jesus ever claiming to be god or telling people to worship him yet today christians raise him as God?

Zero??? You're talking nonsense again without knowledge of the Bible.

"My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

John 10: 31- 33


It's your mahomet who ordered the moslems to face mecca after the Jews in Arabia refuse to accept mahomet as 'prophet'. Your fake prophet was really upset about it.

Zero??? You're talking nonsense again without knowledge of the Bible.

"My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

John 10: 31- 33
And the next verse:
John 10:34, NLT: Jesus replied, 'It is written in your own Scriptures that God said to certain leaders of the people, 'I say, you are gods!'

I thought christians have three gods.
Now this verse alludes to Jews being gods as per Jesus'words himself.

Clearly polytheists religion. And pagan due to the many idols.


It's your mahomet who ordered the moslems to face mecca after the Jews in Arabia refuse to accept mahomet as 'prophet'. Your fake prophet was really upset about it.

Earlier mosques are facing petra, not mecca.


By 624 AD, all mosques were supposed to be facing Mecca. And yet, it took 200 years for Islam to finally get their "unity of direction of prayer" right and point all their mosques towards Mecca.

200 years!

Something is obviously wrong here. The historical facts are not tying up with the Islamic sources. That is the reason scholars are now investigating why that is.

The Qibla literally means "direction," and in Islam refers to the direction in which a Muslim must pray.

Classic Islamic history tells us that Muhammad first taught Muslims to pray towards Jerusalem, but then supposedly received a revelation from Allah changing the direction of prayer to Mecca instead. This change was made in 624 AD.

All slides and maps in this article are screenshots which were taken from a video of Jay Smith's presentation at Calvary Church Chino Hills in 2013, a link for which video is provided below.

The blue arrows in this map show where Qiblas were pointing in the earliest days of Islam, or around the 620-630s, just before the death of Muhammad. As you can see, they point, not towards either Jerusalem or Mecca, but to Petra.

Here is a satellite view of the Great Mosque of Guangzhou which was built in 630 AD, and whose Qibla points Muslims to pray towards Petra.

The Qibla of the Humeima Mosque in southwestern Jordan points toward Petra.

The Qibla of the Great Mosque of Ba'albek in Lebanon points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Great Mosque of Sana'a built in Yemen in 705 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Al Aqsa Mosque built in Jerusalem in 709 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Damascus Mosque built in Syria also in 709 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Anjar Mosque built in Beirut in 714 AD points to Petra.
The Qibla of the Mosque of Umar built in Syria in 720 AD points to Petra.

In 727 AD, a mosque was finally built in Banbhore, Pakistan, the Qibla of which points to Mecca. That is 103 years after Muhammad's supposed revelation changing the direction from Jerusalem to Mecca.
But, about a year later, the al-Sharqi Mosque is built in Syria that still points to Petra.

The Mushatte Mosque in Amman was built in 743 AD, and it was still facing Petra.

The Ribat Fortress in Tunisia was built in 770, and it faced neither Petra nor Mecca.

It was the same with the Cordoba Mosque in Spain, built in 784. Its Qibla pointed towards neither Petra or Mecca.
Ditto for the Great Mosque of Kairouan, built in 817 AD.

So here is what we know:

The conflict between history, archaeology and the classical account of Islam's beginnings is etched in stone, no pun intended.

There is no explanation in the Islamic sources for the original Qibla being Petra, nor any explanation as to why there is no valley in Mecca, or a stream, or fields, trees or grass, clay or loam, and no pillar of salt.

The question is also raised about why the Quran would speak of grapes and olives and other fruits in Mecca, where none grow except dates. On the other hand, Jay notes that...



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Earlier mosques are facing petra, not mecca.


By 624 AD, all mosques were supposed to be facing Mecca. And yet, it took 200 years for Islam to finally get their "unity of direction of prayer" right and point all their mosques towards Mecca.

200 years!

Something is obviously wrong here. The historical facts are not tying up with the Islamic sources. That is the reason scholars are now investigating why that is.

The Qibla literally means "direction," and in Islam refers to the direction in which a Muslim must pray.

Classic Islamic history tells us that Muhammad first taught Muslims to pray towards Jerusalem, but then supposedly received a revelation from Allah changing the direction of prayer to Mecca instead. This change was made in 624 AD.

All slides and maps in this article are screenshots which were taken from a video of Jay Smith's presentation at Calvary Church Chino Hills in 2013, a link for which video is provided below.

The blue arrows in this map show where Qiblas were pointing in the earliest days of Islam, or around the 620-630s, just before the death of Muhammad. As you can see, they point, not towards either Jerusalem or Mecca, but to Petra.

Here is a satellite view of the Great Mosque of Guangzhou which was built in 630 AD, and whose Qibla points Muslims to pray towards Petra.

The Qibla of the Humeima Mosque in southwestern Jordan points toward Petra.

The Qibla of the Great Mosque of Ba'albek in Lebanon points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Great Mosque of Sana'a built in Yemen in 705 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Al Aqsa Mosque built in Jerusalem in 709 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Damascus Mosque built in Syria also in 709 AD points to Petra.

The Qibla of the Anjar Mosque built in Beirut in 714 AD points to Petra.
The Qibla of the Mosque of Umar built in Syria in 720 AD points to Petra.

In 727 AD, a mosque was finally built in Banbhore, Pakistan, the Qibla of which points to Mecca. That is 103 years after Muhammad's supposed revelation changing the direction from Jerusalem to Mecca.
But, about a year later, the al-Sharqi Mosque is built in Syria that still points to Petra.

The Mushatte Mosque in Amman was built in 743 AD, and it was still facing Petra.

The Ribat Fortress in Tunisia was built in 770, and it faced neither Petra nor Mecca.

It was the same with the Cordoba Mosque in Spain, built in 784. Its Qibla pointed towards neither Petra or Mecca.
Ditto for the Great Mosque of Kairouan, built in 817 AD.

So here is what we know:

The conflict between history, archaeology and the classical account of Islam's beginnings is etched in stone, no pun intended.

There is no explanation in the Islamic sources for the original Qibla being Petra, nor any explanation as to why there is no valley in Mecca, or a stream, or fields, trees or grass, clay or loam, and no pillar of salt.

The question is also raised about why the Quran would speak of grapes and olives and other fruits in Mecca, where none grow except dates. On the other hand, Jay notes that...

Thanks for the reminder. I had read about Petra being the original mecca before, but forgot all about it when rebutting the islamist loofy.