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[Video] - Andrew Tate converting to Islam


What converting...oredi confirmed converted liao. But potong or not cannot confirm.

syed putra

What converting...oredi confirmed converted liao. But potong or not cannot confirm.
Potong is not necessary.
Once a muslim, you have no time to do anything else as rituals take too much time. If you go see jiu hu gomen department, most of the staff disappeared for rituals in the afternoon. In the morning, they are at the cafe having morning tea,
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Andrew Tate converting to Islam, now the Western Media will have to think hard, when they go after him again.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't read too much into this, he thrives on controversy, that's how he rolls.

Reminder that this Irish siao charbor singer also converted to Islam. :biggrin:
