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Very shitty but useful weelio.


Alfrescian (Inf)
when you poop every morning, and the poop cums out brown and smoothly with the girth of a sausage and about 6.9 inches long, it’s great relief. if your poop is not sticky, has no drips nor draps, and only a smudge of yellow mucus shows up on the 1st swipe of a damp piece of twofold toilet paper, you’re in shit heaven. minimal motion, minimal cleaning, minimal time.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's a disgusting thought when fucking a woman and wondering how much shit is stored inside her intestines when caressing her tummy......:confused:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's a disgusting thought when fucking a woman and wondering how much shit is stored inside her intestines when caressing her tummy......:confused:
may be 3.69 lbs of food in her tummy and 3.69 lbs of shit in her intestines, small and large combined. if she has 3.69 lbs of shit just in her large intestines, especially her rectum, she may sexcuse herself to let both you and one go.