• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Very mysteriously the Pan Ling Ling thread is suddenly closed. So here is my thread to post replies


oh is it? How did you know he knows? As usual you are so wise no wonder can deal with dishonorable snakes.

I think the fact that my post is not being deleted means that he knows......... LOL.............. :wink:

By the way, zhihau and leongsam are both ok (you can trust me on this), it's the original control freak screwball that you have to be wary of. :eek::biggrin:


I think the fact that my post is not being deleted means that he knows......... LOL.............. :wink:

By the way, zhihau and leongsam are both ok (you can trust me on this), it's the original control freak screwball that you have to be wary of. :eek::biggrin:
What do you mean? I still can’t see your earlier posts in this thread. They are still deleted.


What do you mean? I still can’t see your earlier posts in this thread. They are still deleted.

Well, he didn't restore the deleted posts. But my new posts have not been deleted for some time now..................... :cautious::eek::biggrin:


Well, he didn't restore the deleted posts. But my new posts have not been deleted for some time now..................... :cautious::eek::biggrin:
oic this is real terrible case of moderator misbehaving indeed. How can delete posts of people like that? Very malicious very despicable indeed.
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People, though an aunty, her 2 are still big and solid, nothing wrong to show off.
You're left with 1 big 1 small, what's there to compare and complain.

What about Lao Zoe? She gave Stefanie Sun and Sharon Aw bras as presents. What was she trying to insinuate?


Early signs of dementia setting in…. Very soon she won’t be able to spell her own name
Seriously I have been forgetting words took a long time for me to recall the word notary. luckily i probably won’t live long enough to suffer from the ill effects of dementia.


oh dear must inform Boss Sam @Leongsam of his moderator misbehaving abusing power again.
Boss Sam @Leongsam is so tolerant of his moderators misbehaving and abusing their power every so often anyhow banning forumers they don’t like or closing threads for something they don’t like and deleting other forummer posts in my thead to hide the fact they closed the thread. Pui!


Nope I am not jealous of her beauty. I am 0.01% Singaporean women never jealous of other women beauty and that’s why I was good friend with a beautiful ex colleague.

Dearest. Flowers flourish next to cow dung, this shouldn't be a surprise.