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Vaccinated Singaporeans who drop dead suddenly (#DiedSuddenly)


That means the forigen eaters are more likely to get the salines ones?
Not saline but they are not the kill targets. I believe it is the AI to decide who their next target is. It’s not really the vaccine that is the deciding factor, the vaccine (nanotechnology) is just the catalyst to the AI grid


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not Sinkie, but don't be surprised if some black-hearted nurses here also 'die suddenly'. :biggrin:




Not saline but they are not the kill targets. I believe it is the AI to decide who their next target is. It’s not really the vaccine that is the deciding factor, the vaccine (nanotechnology) is just the catalyst to the AI grid

What i didn't understand is

Isn't wef goal to reduce world population ie depopulation

Then why is the pap bringing in imports to increase the population instead

Isn't that contradictory to wef goals?


What i didn't understand is

Isn't wef goal to reduce world population ie depopulation

Then why is the pap bringing in imports to increase the population instead

Isn't that contradictory to wef goals?
WEF main goal was to push their 4th Industrial Revolution. Population reduction is probably part of the process.

Importing of foreigners by pap is for their own agenda


From Fatty Cheong through Mdm Yan Yu, what is the REAL CAUSE of their early demise? Any autopsy to determine the REAL CAUSE or oppsss... no need autopsy cuz tiagong law just changed liao is it? Well... don't need to look further anymore.... Of course those vax gao gao one die die also will blame any other things... really is any other things (even the climate change hoax) except for the garbage zham due to sunk cost fallacy and confirmation bias. Looks to me like those uplorry getting younger and younger.

Are they still injecting the garbage wuhan vaccine zham into the NS boys till this day?