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Vaccinated Singaporeans who drop dead suddenly (#DiedSuddenly)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Breaking news from West Coast Park McDonalds: a Melayu teen boy collapsed just outside the entrance. It seemed as though he fell from a nearby bike but he didn't get up for a long time, he laid on the floor with half his face touching it. A small crowd gathered around him. :unsure:


Even if there is sudden death with sinovac, the deceased won’t come and tell you too.

Anyway, according to the admin of local vaccine injuries telegram group, there is one such sudden death with sinovac
Maybe not to the extent of sudden death yet, but I know ppl with heart issues after taking sino as well


Even if there is sudden death with sinovac, the deceased won’t come and tell you too.

Anyway, according to the admin of local vaccine injuries telegram group, there is one such sudden death with sinovac

I can say I got 2 old classmates up lorry with cancer this year. And both got mRNA. Even Malaysia got doctors telling ppl that sinovac is useless but also the safest.


