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USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group left Singapore, re-entered the South China Sea and heading north to protect Pelosi's visit to Taiwan


This are their tricks and deceptions.
Working or not working are designed as deterrence to "try me"
and put their enemies to spend time in intelligence gatherings.

USA is like teochew haolian lah. If have they sure advertise big big.


US only need to send one c-130 bomber to destroy the chinese fleet base.

Besides Being Great at Almost Everything, the C-130 Hercules Is a Pretty Decent Bomber​

Home > News > Coverstory
29 Jun 2022, 02:41 UTC ·
by Benny Kirk

C-130 Dropping Bombs C-130 Dropping Bombs C-130 Dropping Bombs C-130 Dropping Bombs C-130 Dropping Bombs C-130J Super Hercules celebrating 37th Airlift Squadron's 80th anniversary's 80th anniversary C-130J Super Hercules with MAFFS C-130J Super Hercules C-130J Super Hercules C-130J Super Hercules during Arctic SWAT exercise in Alaska Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 Lockheed Martin C-130 C-130J Super Hercules with the 815th Airlift Squadron

The story of how the Lockheed-Martin C-130 was gifted one of history's most devastating conventional bombs is one of cunning military strategy and maybe just a tinge of morbid curiosity. What were the limits of this seemingly limitless wonder plane? As it turned out, Air Force top brass was not overstating the C-130's abilities.

You see, the U.S. military doesn't have to use the nuclear option to deliver an explosion powerful enough to level everything in its vicinity. There exists a class of super-heavy semi-guided bombs that can inflict damage equal to a squadron of Second World War medium bombers, with a single strike. In Vietnam, this awesome power was displayed in a manner arguably only matched in its brutality by the Daisy Cutter.

Developed under a project codenamed Commando Vault, the 15,000 lb (6,800 kg) BLU-82B/C-130 weapon system was designed to perform one task: drop from the rear cargo bay of a C-130, float down via parachute and semi-guided by a target computer, and then make as big of a boom as seen since Nagasaki.

The goal with this gigantic bomb? To turn swaths of Vietnamese jungle into smooth, perfectly flat ground where Huey's, Chinooks, and Cobra helicopters could establish forward landing zones in enemy territory. This gave this frankly horrifying-looking weapon the nickname Daisy Cutter. As far as how cruel weapons of war go, and there were a fair few on both sides in Vietnam, that's got to be up there near the top.

But don't think even for a second that this was the most powerful bomb ever dropped by the C-130 or any of its relatives. There were still heavier bombs to be dropped. Weighing in at an Earth-shattering 18,700 lbs (9,800 kg), a singular Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) comes within a full 87% of the maximum payload of a B-29 Superfortress, the plane which dropped Fat Man and Little Boy on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

In theory, the MOAB might possibly be useable as an impact penetration weapon, i.e., a weapon that hits the ground and explodes as a result. But the truth is, and as the Air Force Research Laboratory knew from the getgo, dropping it that way would only take away from the true power of the explosion.

Much like nuclear weapons, bombs this huge work best as air-burst weapons. Allowing the bone-shattering and ear destroying concussive force of the blast to radiate in all directions no matter where the targets may be hiding. Such was the case with an operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant over the Achin District in the Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan on April 13th, 2017.

Involved was a single MC-130, an upgraded variant of the trusty Hercules platform stretching back to the late 1950s. With four beefed-up Allison T56-A-15 turboprop engines jetting 4,910 shaft-hp (3,660 kW) each, plus a new suite of avionics and guidance/targeting computers, it was more than up for the job. Under the command of General John Nicholson, the MOAB slid out of the MC-130's cargo bay rails without a hitch.

For days previously, fighter-bombers and drones were unable to neutralize a semi-subterranean tunnel system insurgent fighters were using as a bunker. But as the first ever MOAB operation creached its crescendo, the MC-130 crew must've known the rest would be fireworks.

MOAB promptly parachuted to its pre-determined detonation sight high above ground at approximately 7:32 pm local time. Safe to say, the MOAB did what normal bombs couldn't with a single awe-inspiring boom. Thanks to careful coordination between military personnel and local tribal leaders, all 96 individuals instantly vaporized by the explosion are believed to have been ISIS fighters, and there were no civilian losses.

It just goes to show the C-130 platform truly is capable of doing just about anything that isn't a dogfight. But hey, maybe they'll strap a truck load of Sidewinders to its wing pylons one day, just to see what happens. Laser blasters are also not out of the question, right

these bullshitter kafir anti Islamic bastards ever fought a nuclear weapons state in war?

c-130 possessed by dozens of countries.

just transport aircraft

easily shot down by any surface to air missile


even a lousy cowardly country like Iran could film yankee aircraft carriers with a drone which means it's easy to spot and bomb floating ducks like aircraft carriers day and night

granted Iranians are cowards and got no balls, e.g. after murder of soleimani, they flew "red flag" for first time but ended up killing not a single yankee in public. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

even iranians could do that.


real hypersonic is no definite flight path. so very hard to intercept

often called hypersonic glide vehicle

norkies copied tiongs


iran also claimed same with new missile Kheibar Shekan hypersonic glide vehicle


although it's said it is actually Haj Qassem (soleimani) missile which is really hypersonic glide vehicle


look at control surfaces and narrowed warhead containing bus at top of missile (last stage)

seems to follow same pattern as tiongs


Alfrescian (Inf)
Really, probably nothing will happen since both sides need a 'Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0'. Winnie Xi needs to shore up his strongman persona to continue being CCP Supreme Leader at the upcoming 二十大 meeting. Senile Joe and the Democrats need it for the US midterm elections.


Super Moderator
Altogether now!!! HOOT AH!!!

orh mee suah

Ronald Reagan is based in Yokosuka, Japan. It is nuclear powered and can carry out replenishment at sea.
Why it made a stop in Singapore is a mystery. Perhaps to drag Sg into the conflict.
It has to sail through South China Sea to return to base.


Ronald Reagan is based in Yokosuka, Japan. It is nuclear powered and can carry out replenishment at sea.
Why it made a stop in Singapore is a mystery. Perhaps to drag Sg into the conflict.
It has to sail through South China Sea to return to base.
Stop in SG is for their R&R.. The sailors needed a break also, everyday @sea the people can go bonkers!

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Ronald Reagan is based in Yokosuka, Japan. It is nuclear powered and can carry out replenishment at sea.
Why it made a stop in Singapore is a mystery. Perhaps to drag Sg into the conflict.
It has to sail through South China Sea to return to base.
Apparently it was supposed to resuppy at Vietnam but got turned away so it came to Sinkapore


How come pelosi is visiting Taiwan? Hasn't the democrazies been bought out by the ChiCons? How come they antagonizing ChiCon land...or is this actually a cover up? As a smokescreen to cover up the fact that the democrazies have sold out to the ChiCons.