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Useless Singaporeans who keep going to JB


When the old wise people choosing a country for retirement, the first thing they will choose a livable place that is safe (less crime) and less natural disaster. The cost of living is the second consideration. Some countries for almost 30 years ago till now they still do not have a good public transport system and you need to have your own car.

Nobody in this world who is well-off want to live in a Southeast Asian country except Sinkieland :smile:

That why I called mm2h holders as an assholes :biggrin:
i still do not understand your logic of why mm2h holders are asshole.

Let's break it down.

When the old wise people choosing a country for retirement, the first thing they will choose a livable place that is safe (less crime) and less natural disaster.
i would like to include reliable and affordable health care as well.

If you are referring to jb, i never have any problems walking in the street of jb ard 2 or 3am. if you watch video on one of crime from media and they keep repeating the crime scene in jb many times, you will think the whole country is ridden with crime. self care on the street in different in different country and the nature of incident happens are different .

Danger is not just limited to crimes alone. Having a useless govt and ministers like in Singapore ( is dangerous too) will cause death and suffering ( vaccine and eating insect, etc) to citizens and the smart one will move out.

The cost of living is the second consideration.

Some countries for almost 30 years ago till now they still do not have a good public transport system and you need to have your own car.
May i ask what is wrong with having your own car? old pple can't drive? can always call grab or take bus. Are you referring to jb not having good transport system? how good is good? their bus system has been improving a lot and i am quite happy for them for it.

If you think having rails or subway or metro or mrt is considered good transport system, then KL is the place for that. JB is not a capital of Malaysia but KL is. A big country ( bigger than sinkieland) is not run the same, there are places far away is not similar to the city system.

Nobody in this world who is well-off want to live in a Southeast Asian country except Sinkieland :smile:
There are many well-off foreigners living in Thailand and Malaysia being preferred over Singapore. This is your subjective statement.

That why I called mm2h holders as an assholes :biggrin:
Imo. the only people that despise the mm2h holders are those who are incompetent in running the country but still taking in millions $ of taxpayer money as their salary and cannot hold on to their own citizens in their own country and have to look elsewhere in other country to have a fulfilling life.

Or those losers who cannot make it in life and see that others are successful and then keep on complaining while self-masturbating.

The criminal taxpayer money parasites do not have any self-reflection as why they are so fucked up and still hold on to their ministerial post due to the attractive criminal-like salary. They do not care if their action will lead to situations that endanger the life of their citizens like forcing them to take the vaccine and push them to eat insects.

The mm2H holders wise up and move out and choose the best of both world by going in and out of the causeway. These are smart people and doing their best to take care of themselves and up their own self-love and self-care practices in their life.

I do not see them complaining of having a car to drive around. so what is wrong with that? The cars are cheaper there and i bet they are laughing why sinkies pay COE for a 10 year ownership of a car. The govt uses the coe money to buy more vaccines to kill you and now tell you to eat insect.
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Those assholes that had mm2h stayed in JB and travelled across the causeway when necessary.
They want to enjoy all health care facility but still live in landed and drive a car at jiuhu price mah....

Very Big Shot Sir Tan maybe one of them if leemember correctLee
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I had quite a number of ex-colleagues (about 60 years old people) came from Jiuhu to become citizen here. They took their CPF at 55 and retire here.

They all said Sinkieland is much better place to retire than their own birthplace.
Ultumately Sir Tan has the ans for moi loh :smile:


I had quite a number of ex-colleagues (about 60 years old people) came from Jiuhu to become citizen here. They took their CPF at 55 and retire here.

They all said Sinkieland is much better place to retire than their own birthplace.
Then they are low iq. When they can't walk and they can't buy a car then they know what death is

Robert Half

I think I will stay in Sinkieland even when I am no longer working cos we still need a huge sum of money to migrate to other countries & this money can also used to be our retirement fund.

Basic cost of living is very expensive here but we can live frugally & prudently here :smile: