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US fictional " rambo" movie nobody complain but China communist hero movie everybody protest


Many woke people support commies in Latin America. I remember that there was a time when many of these woketards went around wearing a commie t-shirt.

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they think it's cool and ideal. they have no idea what they're supporting. just like those who support religious wars. when they see the reality, their whole world crumbles before their eyes.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
they think it's cool and ideal. they have no idea what they're supporting. just like those who support religious wars. when they see the reality, their whole world crumbles before their eyes.

I support defensive religious wars when people try to fend off islamic invaders and jihadists who try to steal their land. The defenders and good guys don't always win. Sometimes, the evil islamists succeed in stealing land and killing people, like what they did in places like Anatolia and Afghanistan.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
BS is your favourite pass time these days...

Rambo was a feels good heroship worshipping movie to entice the whites only. You are not white trash... why bothered.

2 billions population in the world don't read, write and see 5 eye movies. Only you are in the BE colonies sphere were sanctioned to watch foreign language media like China, Indonesia and Malaysia.... you only can watch Hollywood movies crap, sad so sad.

Writing real facts from history is one of my favourite pastimes.

Many asiatics are forced to watch films that support a certain narrative. In Singapore under PAP, you are free to watch movies that support western or eastern narratives.

Chinkland knows that their movies are not as good as Hollywood's. That's why they need to embargo hollywood movies to protect their film industry.


Writing real facts from history is one of my favourite pastimes.

Many asiatics are forced to watch films that support a certain narrative. In Singapore under PAP, you are free to watch movies that support western or eastern narratives.

Chinkland knows that their movies are not as good as Hollywood's. That's why they need to embargo hollywood movies to protect their film industry.
Sanctioned from watching foreign films especially China. No human rights and democracy for colonies outside BE UK island. BE communist dictated what foreign medias allowed in Singapore...