• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

US CDC Says Wearing Double Mask Reduce COVID by 95%. Sam Leong very Angry, Red Faced


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
So good, now have "Remove Ron DeathSantis" from 80% rating to 40% rating, sore loser LOL! :tongue::tongue::tongue:


View attachment 105064

“Since taking office, Governor Ron DeSantis has failed the people of Florida. Time and again, he has refused to acknowledge or address the most pressing and desperate challenges we face as a state.

Now, with over twenty-six thousand Floridians dead as a result of the unchecked spread of COVID-19, DeSantis is getting ready to launch his reelection campaign.

The plain and simple truth is that Florida cannot afford another four years of Ron DeSantis.

His record of failure does not deserve a second chance – it deserves a principled response. It’s time for new leadership. It’s time for competent governance. It’s time to Remove Ron.”

– Daniel Uhlfelder, Attorney
New Poll: GOP Governor Ron DeSantis Posts Sky-High 64% Job Approval Rating

February 26, 2019 | Florida, General, RGA News


GOP Governor Ron DeSantis is getting results for the people of Florida and voters are taking notice.

A new poll puts Governor DeSantis’ approval rating at a sky-high 64 percent, with just 24 percent disapproving. This comes as Governor DeSantis has earned bipartisan praise for his early actions to bolster Florida’s environmental protections while promoting pro-growth policies to keep the Sunshine State moving on the right path.

As he works to improve life for working families across Florida, Governor DeSantis’ growing support from across the political spectrum is a testament to his leadership ability.


New Poll: GOP Governor Ron DeSantis Posts Sky-High 64% Job Approval Rating

February 26, 2019 | Florida, General, RGA News


GOP Governor Ron DeSantis is getting results for the people of Florida and voters are taking notice.

A new poll puts Governor DeSantis’ approval rating at a sky-high 64 percent, with just 24 percent disapproving. This comes as Governor DeSantis has earned bipartisan praise for his early actions to bolster Florida’s environmental protections while promoting pro-growth policies to keep the Sunshine State moving on the right path.

As he works to improve life for working families across Florida, Governor DeSantis’ growing support from across the political spectrum is a testament to his leadership ability.

LOL Sore loser, Ron DeathSantis, murderer of many United States Citizens. Now movement to remove :tongue::tongue::tongue:


Remove Ron’ movement: Grim reaper lawyer launches political committee to unseat Gov. DeSantis in 2022
Issac Morgan
February 3, 2021
FL attorney Daniel Uhlfelder has become a familiar figure on Florida beaches, wearing a Grim Reaper suit and carrying a black sickle to remind residents they're risking death from COVID-19. Credit: Daniel Uhlfelder.
As Gov. Ron DeSantis sets his sights on a gubernatorial reelection bid in 2022, an attorney who’s been critical of the governor has launched a “Remove Ron” political committee to raise funds and unseat DeSantis.
Daniel Uhlfelder, known as the ‘grim reaper’ lawyer because of his attempts to close Florida beaches during the COVID-19 pandemic, is behind the new political committee that alleges failures by DeSantis to curb the virus and other concerns.
The group released a short video on Wednesday to encourage residents to join the “Remove Ron” movement, saying “DeSantis failed Florida” and it’s “time to remove Ron.”
On its website, the committee alleges a “record of failure,” including more than 26,000 resident COVID deaths, Florida’s troubled unemployment system, “blind loyalty” to former President Donald Trump, who has been impeached for the second time and “a notable disparity between vaccine access for white communities compared to communities of color.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis at vaccine-related news conference in Key Largo, Jan. 22, 2021. Credit. Screenshot, Governor’s Facebook page.
As previously reported by the Florida Phoenix, DeSantis said in a Fox News interview in January that he’s confident about becoming “the governor nominee in 2022.”
“We look forward to running that race,” DeSantis said at the time.
In a phone interview with the Phoenix, Uhlfelder said, “I spent a part of last year warning how dangerous the governor is.”
Uhlfelder added that after receiving an “overwhelming response” to past public awareness campaigns against DeSantis, he hopes to raise money for the new campaign to “end his (DeSantis) political career.”
Rumors have spread about DeSantis possibly running for president in the future, Ulhfelder said. “He’s got to be stopped,” he said. “After my campaign last year, it’s time to do this.”
Pushing for beach closures, Uhlfelder had stormed crowded Florida beaches in the Panhandle wearing a black grim reaper suit and carrying a black sickle. He’s also led other campaigns against DeSantis, such as placing a billboard on a truck that read: “Killing Florida With His Stupidity,” Ron DeathSantis.
In a 50-second video, the political committee points to a large death toll in the state amid the COVID-19 pandemic and a vaccine distribution plan by the DeSantis administration that has drawn criticism.
“He sat back while 26,000 Floridians died from COVID,” the narrator said. “A vaccine scheme designed to reward political donors.”
“Cozying up to rightwing extremists. This is life and death. Join the Grim Reaper and thousands across the country who are ready to say goodbye to Ron DeSantis.”
Meanwhile, voters across the nation are calling for Republican lawmakers who were involved in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol to be held accountable, according to a press release from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee. At least five people died.
Trump faces a Senate trial starting next week, accused of inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post said in a written statement:
“Americans are demanding accountability for Republican lawmakers who were involved in last month’s insurrection. But GOP leaders have defended and protected their insurrectionists and conspiracy theorists at every turn. We stand in solidarity with the voters who believe there should be consequences for lawmakers involved in a violent attempted coup.”


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
LOL Sore loser, Ron DeathSantis, murderer of many United States Citizens. Now movement to remove :tongue::tongue::tongue:


Remove Ron’ movement: Grim reaper lawyer launches political committee to unseat Gov. DeSantis in 2022
Issac Morgan
February 3, 2021
FL attorney Daniel Uhlfelder has become a familiar figure on Florida beaches, wearing a Grim Reaper suit and carrying a black sickle to remind residents they're risking death from COVID-19. Credit: Daniel Uhlfelder.
As Gov. Ron DeSantis sets his sights on a gubernatorial reelection bid in 2022, an attorney who’s been critical of the governor has launched a “Remove Ron” political committee to raise funds and unseat DeSantis.
Daniel Uhlfelder, known as the ‘grim reaper’ lawyer because of his attempts to close Florida beaches during the COVID-19 pandemic, is behind the new political committee that alleges failures by DeSantis to curb the virus and other concerns.
The group released a short video on Wednesday to encourage residents to join the “Remove Ron” movement, saying “DeSantis failed Florida” and it’s “time to remove Ron.”
On its website, the committee alleges a “record of failure,” including more than 26,000 resident COVID deaths, Florida’s troubled unemployment system, “blind loyalty” to former President Donald Trump, who has been impeached for the second time and “a notable disparity between vaccine access for white communities compared to communities of color.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis at vaccine-related news conference in Key Largo, Jan. 22, 2021. Credit. Screenshot, Governor’s Facebook page.
As previously reported by the Florida Phoenix, DeSantis said in a Fox News interview in January that he’s confident about becoming “the governor nominee in 2022.”
“We look forward to running that race,” DeSantis said at the time.
In a phone interview with the Phoenix, Uhlfelder said, “I spent a part of last year warning how dangerous the governor is.”
Uhlfelder added that after receiving an “overwhelming response” to past public awareness campaigns against DeSantis, he hopes to raise money for the new campaign to “end his (DeSantis) political career.”
Rumors have spread about DeSantis possibly running for president in the future, Ulhfelder said. “He’s got to be stopped,” he said. “After my campaign last year, it’s time to do this.”
Pushing for beach closures, Uhlfelder had stormed crowded Florida beaches in the Panhandle wearing a black grim reaper suit and carrying a black sickle. He’s also led other campaigns against DeSantis, such as placing a billboard on a truck that read: “Killing Florida With His Stupidity,” Ron DeathSantis.
In a 50-second video, the political committee points to a large death toll in the state amid the COVID-19 pandemic and a vaccine distribution plan by the DeSantis administration that has drawn criticism.
“He sat back while 26,000 Floridians died from COVID,” the narrator said. “A vaccine scheme designed to reward political donors.”
“Cozying up to rightwing extremists. This is life and death. Join the Grim Reaper and thousands across the country who are ready to say goodbye to Ron DeSantis.”
Meanwhile, voters across the nation are calling for Republican lawmakers who were involved in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol to be held accountable, according to a press release from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee. At least five people died.
Trump faces a Senate trial starting next week, accused of inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post said in a written statement:
“Americans are demanding accountability for Republican lawmakers who were involved in last month’s insurrection. But GOP leaders have defended and protected their insurrectionists and conspiracy theorists at every turn. We stand in solidarity with the voters who believe there should be consequences for lawmakers involved in a violent attempted coup.”

Fat hope. :roflmao: De Santis is the best. He could well be the next President.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
January 17, 2021 | Why Hardly Anyone Trusts The Virus Experts

John Rubino

John is author or co-author of five books, including of The Money Bubble, The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It, Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom and How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust. A former Wall Street analyst and featured columnist with TheStreet.com, he currently writes for CFA Magazine.

Early in the pandemic, “trust the science!” could actually be used in a debate without attracting derisive laughter. But as the flip-flops, mistakes and, yes, lies have accumulated, a consensus seems to be forming that the health care authorities are no more trustworthy than the people running Congress or the Fed.

For proof, let’s start with vitamin D, which sure seems to lessen the severity of coronavirus infections. As the chart below illustrates (couldn’t find the source, but google “covid vitamin D” and you’ll find lots of studies that track with this data), people with higher levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream tend to experience covid-19 as a non-event while people low levels found the infection life-threatening.

vitamin D covid virus experts

There are obvious questions about causality here, so calling vitamin D a “cure” is going way too far. But if it has even a marginal effect – and the data suggest considerably more — a rational government would, you’d think, be handing out vitamin D like Halloween candy. In fact, since we’re mandating/prohibiting all kinds of other behaviors, we might expect vitamin D consumption to be required along with masks and social distancing.

Even covid-czar Anthony Fauci recently said: “If you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection. So I would not mind recommending — and I do it myself — taking vitamin D supplements.”

So why aren’t family-sized bottles of vitamin D arriving in the mail from the CDC? A cynic might wonder if the fact that Big Pharma doesn’t make much money from cheap, widely available supplements plays a role in the government’s apparent lack of interest.

Now about those lockdowns. Tom Woods has been producing charts that appear to show virtually no difference in virus outcomes between US states with aggressive lockdown policies and those without. California, for instance, has shuttered most of its small businesses and imposed widespread curfews, while Florida hasn’t. Here’s the result:

covid Florida California virus experts

As for the rest of the world – where they’re supposedly doing better than the US – the pattern of zero correlation between lockdowns and virus spread seems to be holding. France imposed a full national lockdown in March – after which the virus spiked. Then they added mask mandates (indoor and outdoor), with fines attached. And daily new cases soared.
France covid virus experts

Then of course there’s the lying. Dr. Fauci first claimed that masks don’t help – when he believed they did help — because he feared mask shortages for health care workers. He also admits to changing the official line on herd immunity according to what he thinks we’re ready to hear.

And, in what sounds more like incompetence than dishonesty, he’s apparently been answering the question “when will life go back to normal?” with whatever pops into his head at the time. In early 2020, it was the coming Autumn. In July, it was “a year or so.” More recently it’s “well into 2021.”

But the biggest and by far the most outrageous reason for this growing mistrust has to be the World Health Organization which, well, read for yourself:
The World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19 urged world leaders this week to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method.”
“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Dr. David Nabarro said to The Spectator’s Andrew Neil. “The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”
Nabarro went on to point out several of the negative consequences lockdowns have caused across the world, including devastating tourism industries and increased hunger and poverty.
“Just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry in the Caribbean, for example, or in the Pacific because people aren’t taking their holidays,” he said. “Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. … Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”
In the United States, lockdowns have been tied to increased thoughts of suicide from children, a surge in drug overdoses, an uptick in domestic violence, and a study conducted in May concluded that stress and anxiety from lockdowns could destroy seven times the years of life that lockdowns potentially save.
The health care establishment could have saved a lot of time — and embarrassment — by just asking regular people about this stuff. But then they would have made a lot less money.


January 17, 2021 | Why Hardly Anyone Trusts The Virus Experts

John Rubino

John is author or co-author of five books, including of The Money Bubble, The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It, Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom and How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust. A former Wall Street analyst and featured columnist with TheStreet.com, he currently writes for CFA Magazine.

Early in the pandemic, “trust the science!” could actually be used in a debate without attracting derisive laughter. But as the flip-flops, mistakes and, yes, lies have accumulated, a consensus seems to be forming that the health care authorities are no more trustworthy than the people running Congress or the Fed.

For proof, let’s start with vitamin D, which sure seems to lessen the severity of coronavirus infections. As the chart below illustrates (couldn’t find the source, but google “covid vitamin D” and you’ll find lots of studies that track with this data), people with higher levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream tend to experience covid-19 as a non-event while people low levels found the infection life-threatening.

vitamin D covid virus experts

There are obvious questions about causality here, so calling vitamin D a “cure” is going way too far. But if it has even a marginal effect – and the data suggest considerably more — a rational government would, you’d think, be handing out vitamin D like Halloween candy. In fact, since we’re mandating/prohibiting all kinds of other behaviors, we might expect vitamin D consumption to be required along with masks and social distancing.

Even covid-czar Anthony Fauci recently said: “If you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection. So I would not mind recommending — and I do it myself — taking vitamin D supplements.”

So why aren’t family-sized bottles of vitamin D arriving in the mail from the CDC? A cynic might wonder if the fact that Big Pharma doesn’t make much money from cheap, widely available supplements plays a role in the government’s apparent lack of interest.

Now about those lockdowns. Tom Woods has been producing charts that appear to show virtually no difference in virus outcomes between US states with aggressive lockdown policies and those without. California, for instance, has shuttered most of its small businesses and imposed widespread curfews, while Florida hasn’t. Here’s the result:

covid Florida California virus experts

As for the rest of the world – where they’re supposedly doing better than the US – the pattern of zero correlation between lockdowns and virus spread seems to be holding. France imposed a full national lockdown in March – after which the virus spiked. Then they added mask mandates (indoor and outdoor), with fines attached. And daily new cases soared.
France covid virus experts

Then of course there’s the lying. Dr. Fauci first claimed that masks don’t help – when he believed they did help — because he feared mask shortages for health care workers. He also admits to changing the official line on herd immunity according to what he thinks we’re ready to hear.

And, in what sounds more like incompetence than dishonesty, he’s apparently been answering the question “when will life go back to normal?” with whatever pops into his head at the time. In early 2020, it was the coming Autumn. In July, it was “a year or so.” More recently it’s “well into 2021.”

But the biggest and by far the most outrageous reason for this growing mistrust has to be the World Health Organization which, well, read for yourself:

The health care establishment could have saved a lot of time — and embarrassment — by just asking regular people about this stuff. But then they would have made a lot less money.

LOL Sore loser, FLORIDA very bad Cases, Deaths. All because of Ron DeathSantis :tongue::tongue::tongue:


Australia POPULATION 25 Million


Coronavirus Cases:



Coronavirus Cases:


January 17, 2021 | Why Hardly Anyone Trusts The Virus Experts

John Rubino

John is author or co-author of five books, including of The Money Bubble, The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It, Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom and How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust. A former Wall Street analyst and featured columnist with TheStreet.com, he currently writes for CFA Magazine.

Early in the pandemic, “trust the science!” could actually be used in a debate without attracting derisive laughter. But as the flip-flops, mistakes and, yes, lies have accumulated, a consensus seems to be forming that the health care authorities are no more trustworthy than the people running Congress or the Fed.

For proof, let’s start with vitamin D, which sure seems to lessen the severity of coronavirus infections. As the chart below illustrates (couldn’t find the source, but google “covid vitamin D” and you’ll find lots of studies that track with this data), people with higher levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream tend to experience covid-19 as a non-event while people low levels found the infection life-threatening.

vitamin D covid virus experts

There are obvious questions about causality here, so calling vitamin D a “cure” is going way too far. But if it has even a marginal effect – and the data suggest considerably more — a rational government would, you’d think, be handing out vitamin D like Halloween candy. In fact, since we’re mandating/prohibiting all kinds of other behaviors, we might expect vitamin D consumption to be required along with masks and social distancing.

Even covid-czar Anthony Fauci recently said: “If you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection. So I would not mind recommending — and I do it myself — taking vitamin D supplements.”

So why aren’t family-sized bottles of vitamin D arriving in the mail from the CDC? A cynic might wonder if the fact that Big Pharma doesn’t make much money from cheap, widely available supplements plays a role in the government’s apparent lack of interest.

Now about those lockdowns. Tom Woods has been producing charts that appear to show virtually no difference in virus outcomes between US states with aggressive lockdown policies and those without. California, for instance, has shuttered most of its small businesses and imposed widespread curfews, while Florida hasn’t. Here’s the result:

covid Florida California virus experts

As for the rest of the world – where they’re supposedly doing better than the US – the pattern of zero correlation between lockdowns and virus spread seems to be holding. France imposed a full national lockdown in March – after which the virus spiked. Then they added mask mandates (indoor and outdoor), with fines attached. And daily new cases soared.
France covid virus experts

Then of course there’s the lying. Dr. Fauci first claimed that masks don’t help – when he believed they did help — because he feared mask shortages for health care workers. He also admits to changing the official line on herd immunity according to what he thinks we’re ready to hear.

And, in what sounds more like incompetence than dishonesty, he’s apparently been answering the question “when will life go back to normal?” with whatever pops into his head at the time. In early 2020, it was the coming Autumn. In July, it was “a year or so.” More recently it’s “well into 2021.”

But the biggest and by far the most outrageous reason for this growing mistrust has to be the World Health Organization which, well, read for yourself:

The health care establishment could have saved a lot of time — and embarrassment — by just asking regular people about this stuff. But then they would have made a lot less money.

LOL! Sore Loser, I Florida People very unhappy with Ron DEATHSANTIS, very bad unpopular Governor LOL!


@Jak Keating Just sucks that these are the same idiots who are clogging up the ICUs around the state. Stupid is as stupid does, and man oh man is the Orlando shitshow just parading around in a fully flamboyant display. Anyone who delights in denying science, have at it. At this stage it is a matter of survival of the fittest, and the clowns packing restaurants and nightclubs aren't the "survivors." Y'all should look into the long-term health risks associated with even a light sickness; it would blow your minds, but then again, the majority of Floridians do NO research. Fuck Deathsantis and fuck you if you're one of these science-denying right-wing extremists.


Good. Keep fucking this stupid piece of shit numbnuts

LOL! Well, the facts dont lie, Ron "DeathSantis" is a hated, unpopular Governor for a reason, He went from 80% to 40% why? Because he mismanaged the whole Pandemic in Florida, 2 Million cases out of 22 Million People and 31,000 Deaths is very terrible. :eek:


Australian States Victoria lockdown vs New South Wales no lockdowns. Yet more evidence that lockdowns just make things worse.

View attachment 105071

LOL! Sore loser is back for more, no problem. I have all day. Florida "DeathSantis" 31,000 Dead People :eek:


COVID-19 Data Misrepresented by Florida Governor
The South Florida Sun Sentinel reported that the Florida Department of Health had commenced an inquiry into the state’s reporting of COVID-19 deaths, after Governor Ron DeSantis suggested that the official reports overstate the number of deaths. According to the report, Governor DeSantis and members of his staff repeatedly questioned the accuracy of the COVID-19 death rates, with his press secretary Fred Piccolo Jr. tweeting: "we can tell you definitively that Florida is counting deaths that were not directly caused by COVID-19.” Mr. Piccolo has also sought to downplay the COVID-19 pandemic in other ways. On one occasion, he erroneously tweeted: “we had one COVID death in Florida yesterday . . yes you read that right. One.” In fact, on the day in question, there were 47 deaths.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and other independent public health experts suggest that Florida’s total death toll from the pandemic is actually understated. Experts noted that Governor DeSantis’ administration has used a COVID-19 infection rate that gives “more weight to negative test” results, and thus skews the results. Governor DeSantis has used the skewed rate to justify reopening schools and businesses. In response to criticism, Mr. Piccolo denied that Governor was attempting to question the official death toll, stating “[n]o one in the administration is trying to cast doubt on the number of COVID deaths, we are trying to get to the facts.”


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
LOL! Sore loser is back for more, no problem. I have all day. Florida "DeathSantis" 31,000 Dead People :eek:


COVID-19 Data Misrepresented by Florida Governor
The South Florida Sun Sentinel reported that the Florida Department of Health had commenced an inquiry into the state’s reporting of COVID-19 deaths, after Governor Ron DeSantis suggested that the official reports overstate the number of deaths. According to the report, Governor DeSantis and members of his staff repeatedly questioned the accuracy of the COVID-19 death rates, with his press secretary Fred Piccolo Jr. tweeting: "we can tell you definitively that Florida is counting deaths that were not directly caused by COVID-19.” Mr. Piccolo has also sought to downplay the COVID-19 pandemic in other ways. On one occasion, he erroneously tweeted: “we had one COVID death in Florida yesterday . . yes you read that right. One.” In fact, on the day in question, there were 47 deaths.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and other independent public health experts suggest that Florida’s total death toll from the pandemic is actually understated. Experts noted that Governor DeSantis’ administration has used a COVID-19 infection rate that gives “more weight to negative test” results, and thus skews the results. Governor DeSantis has used the skewed rate to justify reopening schools and businesses. In response to criticism, Mr. Piccolo denied that Governor was attempting to question the official death toll, stating “[n]o one in the administration is trying to cast doubt on the number of COVID deaths, we are trying to get to the facts.”

There is no question that the hospitals are trying to inflate the numbers. The CDC confirmed it.

It's not just Florida it's throughout the USA.


“[Giroir] acknowledges that the statistics he’s getting from the states are inflated. We found that the governor of Colorado, who was a Democrat, actually did research on this and found he had to get rid of 12% of the deaths that were recorded in the state,” Luetkemeyer said.

No matter what you post there is data to reveal your lies. There is no way you can get away with your propaganda. :tongue:


There is no question that the hospitals are trying to inflate the numbers. The CDC confirmed it.

It's not just Florida it's throughout the USA.


No matter what you post there is data to reveal your lies. There is no way you can get away with your propaganda. :tongue:

LOL! Sore loser, "reclassify deaths" or "hospitals counting like this" 31,000 Deaths, very admirable! LOL! :tongue::tongue::tongue:

Opinion | Even by Florida standards, Gov. Ron DeSantis is a covid-19 catastrophe - The Washington Post

Even by Florida standards, Gov. Ron DeSantis is a covid-19 catastrophe

Dec. 21, 2020 at 6:13 p.m. EST
Earlier this month, just as Florida neared its 20,000th covid-19 death, a bit of good cheer popped into the inboxes of 160 state lawmakers: an invitation (plus one!) to Gov. Ron DeSantis’s holiday bash at his Tallahassee mansion. No masks or social distancing required; any devotion to science or reality could be checked at the door. The event narrowly avoided superspreader status: The state senate’s president regretted his absence only hours before the soiree when a coronavirus test came back positive.

Welcome to Florida — America’s sun-drenched State of Suspended Disbelief. From the pandemic’s infancy, DeSantis has conveniently, even diabolically, airbrushed covid-19 out of public life here. The result: 1.2 million total covid-19 cases, nearly 61,000 total hospitalizations and a new seven-day case-positivity rate of 9.7 percent — all rapidly rising toward crisis levels. Even Texas, which isn’t exactly a model of coronavirus caution, has a statewide mask mandate and lower cumulative infection rate than Florida.

The Republican governor’s response to the pandemic, in other words, has been a disaster — yet he shows no signs of changing course. Today, amid the state’s third surge, Floridians and tourists stand shoulder-to-shoulder in bars and restaurants and sashay into nightclubs and strip clubs. At the same time, DeSantis continues to shrug off statewide mask and distancing orders along with any real effort at contact tracing.

The governor has consistently played down the risks of covid-19, ignored credentialed scientists, sided with herd-immunity advocates, withheld information about hospitalizations and cases in nursing homes and schools, and cherry-picked numbers. In a state with a strong open-records law, DeSantis smothers transparency. As part of a “Blue Skies” initiative, reported by the South Florida Sun Sentinel, our governor even made clear that the state health department’s media people should not mention covid-19 until after the election; instead, department communications encouraged Floridians to get their flu shots and sign up for hearing-loss screenings.
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

Now DeSantis is refusing to release the weekly White House Coronavirus Task Force Reports on Florida, and news organizations are suing. Replete with dire warnings, the reports apparently contradict his cavalier way of doing business here.

As if all this weren’t enough, DeSantis has also barred local governments from implementing shutdowns or fining mask scofflaws, making it even harder to persuade Floridians to take anti-covid-19 precautions. Some cities are in open rebellion, setting the stage for a state-local showdown. Who said Republicans aren’t hot for centralizing power?

The governor can at least take credit for one successful contact trace: His public-health strategy is openly tied to President Trump. DeSantis even paid tribute, in a way, by placing 1 million orders of hydroxychloroquine. It was the least he could do, considering that aping Trump got him elected in 2018.

DeSantis, for his part, pats himself on the back for his half-blind strategy. “We have, I think, really saved the livelihoods of millions and millions of students, parents, workers, business owners by approaching this in an evidence-based way that focused on facts, not fear, and in a way that was more moderate,” the governor recently told political donors and corporate bigwigs.

Admittedly, the state’s open-for-business policy has preserved jobs. Yes, wrecking Florida’s vulnerable tourism-and-hospitality economy would only ruin more lives, although many visitors are steering clear because of our hands-off covid-19 response and high numbers. I also agree schools should be open with the right precautions. But the governor has needlessly damaged the lives of so many Floridians with his unnecessary all-or-nothing approach: Mask mandates and social distancing are not pointless, and manipulating information to hide the seriousness of the pandemic is reprehensible.

DeSantis knew all too well that Florida would largely embrace his reckless approach. Floridians aren’t exactly known for their prudence and judgment. There’s a reason we gave the world Florida Man — who “responsibly” fires guns, “does not routinely defraud Medicare,” “resists the impulse” to haul an alligator into a convenience store or showcase his own “Most Wanted” poster on his Facebook page. It’s not a coincidence that, pushed by DeSantis, wearing a mask here devolves into a quién es más macho standoff. It’s a mask, for God’s sake, not a sedation-free vasectomy.

To be sure, not all Floridians are buying what DeSantis is selling. They are, however, buying the perfect protest prop: “My Governor Is An Idiot” face masks. According to a woman who sells them on Etsy, many Floridians are scooping up her inventory. Meanwhile, on Twitter, the governor has been dubbed “Duh-Santis,” an impressive distinction for a graduate of Yale and Harvard Law School. I guess it’s better than his other handle, “DeathSantis.”


LOL! Well, the facts dont lie, Ron "DeathSantis" is a hated, unpopular Governor for a reason, He went from 80% to 40% why? Because he mismanaged the whole Pandemic in Florida, 2 Million cases out of 22 Million People and 31,000 Deaths is very terrible. :eek:

Who the fuck cares about some shit place on the other side of the world? This fucking piece of shit, and he's always wrong about everything. Fuck him.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
LOL! Sore loser, "reclassify deaths" or "hospitals counting like this" 31,000 Deaths, very admirable! LOL! :tongue::tongue::tongue:

Opinion | Even by Florida standards, Gov. Ron DeSantis is a covid-19 catastrophe - The Washington Post

Even by Florida standards, Gov. Ron DeSantis is a covid-19 catastrophe

Dec. 21, 2020 at 6:13 p.m. EST
Earlier this month, just as Florida neared its 20,000th covid-19 death, a bit of good cheer popped into the inboxes of 160 state lawmakers: an invitation (plus one!) to Gov. Ron DeSantis’s holiday bash at his Tallahassee mansion. No masks or social distancing required; any devotion to science or reality could be checked at the door. The event narrowly avoided superspreader status: The state senate’s president regretted his absence only hours before the soiree when a coronavirus test came back positive.

Welcome to Florida — America’s sun-drenched State of Suspended Disbelief. From the pandemic’s infancy, DeSantis has conveniently, even diabolically, airbrushed covid-19 out of public life here. The result: 1.2 million total covid-19 cases, nearly 61,000 total hospitalizations and a new seven-day case-positivity rate of 9.7 percent — all rapidly rising toward crisis levels. Even Texas, which isn’t exactly a model of coronavirus caution, has a statewide mask mandate and lower cumulative infection rate than Florida.

The Republican governor’s response to the pandemic, in other words, has been a disaster — yet he shows no signs of changing course. Today, amid the state’s third surge, Floridians and tourists stand shoulder-to-shoulder in bars and restaurants and sashay into nightclubs and strip clubs. At the same time, DeSantis continues to shrug off statewide mask and distancing orders along with any real effort at contact tracing.

The governor has consistently played down the risks of covid-19, ignored credentialed scientists, sided with herd-immunity advocates, withheld information about hospitalizations and cases in nursing homes and schools, and cherry-picked numbers. In a state with a strong open-records law, DeSantis smothers transparency. As part of a “Blue Skies” initiative, reported by the South Florida Sun Sentinel, our governor even made clear that the state health department’s media people should not mention covid-19 until after the election; instead, department communications encouraged Floridians to get their flu shots and sign up for hearing-loss screenings.
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

Now DeSantis is refusing to release the weekly White House Coronavirus Task Force Reports on Florida, and news organizations are suing. Replete with dire warnings, the reports apparently contradict his cavalier way of doing business here.

As if all this weren’t enough, DeSantis has also barred local governments from implementing shutdowns or fining mask scofflaws, making it even harder to persuade Floridians to take anti-covid-19 precautions. Some cities are in open rebellion, setting the stage for a state-local showdown. Who said Republicans aren’t hot for centralizing power?

The governor can at least take credit for one successful contact trace: His public-health strategy is openly tied to President Trump. DeSantis even paid tribute, in a way, by placing 1 million orders of hydroxychloroquine. It was the least he could do, considering that aping Trump got him elected in 2018.

DeSantis, for his part, pats himself on the back for his half-blind strategy. “We have, I think, really saved the livelihoods of millions and millions of students, parents, workers, business owners by approaching this in an evidence-based way that focused on facts, not fear, and in a way that was more moderate,” the governor recently told political donors and corporate bigwigs.

Admittedly, the state’s open-for-business policy has preserved jobs. Yes, wrecking Florida’s vulnerable tourism-and-hospitality economy would only ruin more lives, although many visitors are steering clear because of our hands-off covid-19 response and high numbers. I also agree schools should be open with the right precautions. But the governor has needlessly damaged the lives of so many Floridians with his unnecessary all-or-nothing approach: Mask mandates and social distancing are not pointless, and manipulating information to hide the seriousness of the pandemic is reprehensible.

DeSantis knew all too well that Florida would largely embrace his reckless approach. Floridians aren’t exactly known for their prudence and judgment. There’s a reason we gave the world Florida Man — who “responsibly” fires guns, “does not routinely defraud Medicare,” “resists the impulse” to haul an alligator into a convenience store or showcase his own “Most Wanted” poster on his Facebook page. It’s not a coincidence that, pushed by DeSantis, wearing a mask here devolves into a quién es más macho standoff. It’s a mask, for God’s sake, not a sedation-free vasectomy.

To be sure, not all Floridians are buying what DeSantis is selling. They are, however, buying the perfect protest prop: “My Governor Is An Idiot” face masks. According to a woman who sells them on Etsy, many Floridians are scooping up her inventory. Meanwhile, on Twitter, the governor has been dubbed “Duh-Santis,” an impressive distinction for a graduate of Yale and Harvard Law School. I guess it’s better than his other handle, “DeathSantis.”

When all this covid rubbish is over De Santis will be the most popular governer in the history of Florida.




When all this covid rubbish is over De Santis will be the most popular governer in the history of Florida.

Having lived in the United States for 4 years I daresay I know their politics a bit better than you. Lets see if you can even determine what my login ID means.

Oh now, you get it...... LOL Sore Loser :tongue::tongue::tongue:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Having lived in the United States for 4 years I daresay I know their politics a bit better than you. Lets see if you can even determine what my login ID means.

Oh now, you get it...... LOL Sore Loser :tongue::tongue::tongue:

4 years? You have a lot of catching up to do. :roflmao: Your nick also explains why you post lies and falsehoods on a daily basis.


4 years? You have a lot of catching up to do. :roflmao: Your nick also explains why you post lies and falsehoods on a daily basis.

HA HA HA you look like fool once more, mask dont work, vaccine dont work now you idiot, Chickenshit AH SAM, afraid of Vaccine Needle you cry? HA HA

tenor (1).gif


Having lived in the United States for 4 years I daresay I know their politics a bit better than you. Lets see if you can even determine what my login ID means.

Oh now, you get it...... LOL Sore Loser :tongue::tongue::tongue:

I've been to Flo-rida b4. Bunch of rednecks who fish all day. Nice beaches though.
