that's why the whole property scene is nothing but a scam , a ponzi scam and it would collapse soon. alot of idiots like UOB are are in denial till the end. what this scam is is just the tip of the iceberg. the past few years alot of conmen masqueradingas prop "gurus:" are teaching alot of idiots how to buy 10-20 properties with little or no down payments like above. this is not new. the indon banks and developers did the same thing in the 1997 asian financial crash. they are just repeating the scam here. in fact UOB fiasco is not new or isolated. It works so far as property prices goes up or rentals remains high BUT once you got just a minor crises , they would all start to default like this case 37 out of 38 at sentosa. at least 40% of all properties are bought by this method for short term speculation and the property agents are in cahoot. teh figure are so alarming in past few years , thats why garmen put up the absd and loan caps and the whole thing is unravelling very fast.Today sentosa and orchard rd properties are going for a 40-50% discounts and no takers. Now my source in banks are telling me all the housing loans are being tightened so resale is harder for buyers (even is discounted) and all existing loans are being scrutinised. this means doomsday as flpping prop is gione for good and so thiose idiots and tjose servicing teh mortagges, they are in deep shit when banks start to raise interest rates and ask for top up once reach property reach negative equity. stand chart have fired 4000 staff worldwide and at least 300 in singapore and alot of bankers are told to pack up. heard other banks are doing the same. told you in 2012-14 taht recession and deflation would hit in 2015 . having the last laugh. hahahhaha.