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[Undercover Boss] - CEO has to go undercover to be shocked by how unhappy his overworked & underpaid low-level employees are


Super Moderator
Staff member
This applies to almost all CEOs and all elite politicians.



https://chainstoreage.com/first-its...dge for the U.S.,liquidate all its 134 stores.

A judge for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey on Friday granted a request from Modell's Sporting Goods to suspend its bankruptcy proceedings until at least April 30. Modell’s filed for Chapter 11 earlier this month with plans to liquidate all its 134 stores.

syed putra


https://chainstoreage.com/first-its-kind-order-modells-bankruptcy-suspended-due-covid-19#:~:text=A judge for the U.S.,liquidate all its 134 stores.

A judge for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey on Friday granted a request from Modell's Sporting Goods to suspend its bankruptcy proceedings until at least April 30. Modell’s filed for Chapter 11 earlier this month with plans to liquidate all its 134 stores.
Thats for being compassionate and raising wages. Now 3800 workers have no jobs instead of a job with low wages.