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Dyson conducts 'surprise' layoffs in Singapore, leaving employees in shock and in 'low morale'



A historic strike is underway at U.S. ports — and the impact on global supply chains could be huge​

Published Tue, Oct 1 20247:29 AM EDT

Sam Meredith@in/samuelmeredith@smeredith19
Key Points
  • A massive dockworker strike at seaports on the U.S. East and Gulf coasts is expected to wreak havoc on global supply chains and the economy.
  • Ocean supply chains have already been hit hard this year by conflict in the Red Sea, a lengthy drought affecting the Panama Canal and the Baltimore bridge collapse.
  • “It’s really crunch time with so many things at stake now,” said Peter Sand, chief analyst at ocean freight rate intelligence platform Xeneta

“We see the dominos fall in multiple stages now. At first, of course, the immediate effect is on the U.S. East and Gulf Coast, right?” Sand said.

There will then be a knock-on effect for vessels currently queuing outside the ports, he added, meaning their next journeys to the U.S. with new goods will be delayed.

“We will see disruption with some ships being late out of Europe and the Mediterranean towards the end of October and early November,” Sand said.

The ships will be delayed leaving Asia toward the end of December and early January — “and that’s basically when the next normal mini-peak in container shipping happens in the lead up to Chinese New Year.”



Dyson conducts 'surprise' layoffs in Singapore, leaving employees in shock and in 'low morale'​



SINGAPORE: Dyson conducted a round of layoffs in Singapore on Tuesday (Oct 1) in a “surprise” move that has left employees here feeling shocked and in “low morale”.

“The HR representative will be in the room. Unfortunately, reason given (was) the job is redundant, and we need to pack our things and prepare to leave,” the employee said.

“We won't know who was called into the room... (I) saw lots of envelope.”

Those laid off were from the manufacturing and procurement departments, said another employee who also spoke to CNA anonymously. Both are unsure how many employees were let go on Tuesday.

As of end-2023, Dyson employed more than 1,920 people in Singapore.