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“The reason I stay is cause of the money” — Employee working in company for 6 years is unhappy but has family to support

Scrooball (clone)

Jobs are nothing but slavery. Too bad sheeple never realised that and they thought slavery ended when they change job
Depends on how high ranking you are la.

If you are working some shit admin or personal secretary shit, u are of course a slave.

If you are some MD or C suite top honcho, the job is as good as being a boss without taking on the risk of a business owner.


Depends on how high ranking you are la.

If you are working some shit admin or personal secretary shit, u are of course a slave.

If you are some MD or C suite top honcho, the job is as good as being a boss without taking on the risk of a business owner.
Not exactly true.
If you can be a ceo or beaten a ceo to a puppy before, then you took a low grade job, the ceo will be scared of you too. :laugh:


Depends on how high ranking you are la.

If you are working some shit admin or personal secretary shit, u are of course a slave.

If you are some MD or C suite top honcho, the job is as good as being a boss without taking on the risk of a business owner.
If Lee Hsien Loong is a puppet of Jewish New World Order, are those people under him a slave?


A modern slave is one who owed debts to multi corporations, governments and etc. Being monitored by the modern technologies of what you are doing, saying every day and living in a digital prison. You can ask yourself if you are a truly free person. The answer is no. You have became a prisoner/slave in the matrix that they have established in case you didn’t know
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Scrooball (clone)

A modern slave is one who owed debts to multi corporations, governments and etc. Being monitored by the modern technologies of what you are doing, saying every day and living in a digital prison. You can ask yourself if you are a truly free person. The answer is no. You have became a prisoner/slave in the matrix that they have established in case you didn’t know
What’s truly free?

U run your own business, u also have to suck up to suppliers, customers and government. lol the only difference is no one gets to fire you.


I don't understand why coolie gene Sinkies think that not only should employers pay them a high salary but also to ensure that they are happy too? WTF. When you pay to have sex with a prostitute it is the prostitute who must make u happy.
Of course. You make sure you also fully exploit this extended period.