Dear MM
I believe Sillypore particularly the peasans need someone like you to wise them up but then of course, is this even worth doing since peasants don't get any wiser with sound advice?
You are right about the contract thingy but looking deeper you will realised that SH management is definitely in turmoil.
Imagine losing the most important part of the thing the crown jewel ( Sport channels) that consitute their 'rice bowl' and they are still promoting their services with strong advertisment presently!
There will definitely be heads rolling and ppl quiting soon within their management ranks and I can't imagine that they will have much energy left trying to keep their present subscription base intact once their rights for the Sport channel runs out!
Dear sIs

Thanks for the kind words, as long as one person out of the many here understands their rights I think I have done my part. As long as one person undertands that they should not just roll over and take this shit that the SPH is dishing out, I am glad. There is no such thing as "it's a sad thing that subscribers have to bear with it" and have 2 set top boxes.
Sg has changed so much over the last 2 years that I have decided to leave this place for good. Nothing seems to be about Singapore as a nation anymore, it's all about the money and business and the economy. While that is a good thing one cannot continue to put it above everything else while many who have homes here suffer the brunt of depressed wages and unchanging incomes with burgeoning mortgages.
Sg has become nothing but a public toilet where all and sundry come, use it's resources and then leave a mess for those who remain to clean up behind them.
Now back to your point, even if heads roll in Starhub, it would be those of the juniors while the fat cats chewing on whale blubber in their penthouse office suites look down and say "What to do? It has happened."
The only way for Sgeans to fight back is with a mass termination, this will put the power back into the hands of the consumer and GLCs will no longer dictate terms.
Do you care if the management of SH is in turmoil, as a consumer I don't give a rat's arse, all that matters is that I get the best bang for my buck.
At the same time, I think this is a ploy, older brother, i.e. Singtel's Mio sucks big time and has fewer than 150K subscribers. For pay tv business in Sg, one has to have at least 350K subscribers to remain afloat much less turn profitable. So Starhub bids a lower price so big brother scores a coup and Sgeans are now screwed because they have to subscribe to both if they want the same content as before.
Then the final thrust before the climax, is that many know that Starhub will win the bid for the rights for the 2010 World Cup. Now you have to pay again to watch this. Starhub and Singtel then both clean themselves up, leaving the consumers hugging their pillows in a foetal position wondering what did they do to be treated in such a way.
3 months down the road, the process is repeated with another world class sporting event in the offing and you have to pay again to watch it, forgetting the curled up position you were in 3 months ago.
Like I said in my first post on this matter, which I ommitted in this one.
Stay and be treated like farm animals or leave and live like a human being.