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Trump VS Biden Debate


Trump no longer talks about draining the swamp? Maybe he has learnt his lesson that taking on the deep state will end up with Russiagate 2.0 or something worse, like getting killed.
Thus if Trump isn't draining the swamp, he is no different from the past POTUS, all being pulled by deep state strings.
get in the office first, he can always fuck these bastards at leisure. Assange is a free man, I am sure more freedom will come to those who stand up for their rights


Alfrescian (Inf)
The 'debate' was actually a trap for Joe Biden, the justification needed for the Dems to replace him with another person.

Trump realized this halfway through the debate.


The Clowning Glory
Sounds, looks like and is in fact the chicken ass
Cuckoo bird



Looks to me like nobody running US currently



Biden’s decline has been known to friends and insiders for months​

JUN 28, 2024

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden during last night’s debate in Atlanta.

Readers of this column know that President Joe Biden’s drift into blankness has been ongoing for months, as he and his foreign policy aides have been urging a ceasefire that will not happen in Gaza while continuing to supply the weapons that make a ceasefire less likely. There’s a similar paradox in Ukraine, where Biden has been financing a war that cannot be won and refusing to participate in negotiations that could end the slaughter.

The reality behind all of this, as I’ve been told for months, is that the president is simply no longer there, in terms of understanding the contradictions of the policies he and his foreign policy advisers have been carrying out. America should not have a president who does not know what he has signed off on. People in power have to be responsible for what they do, and last night showed America and the world that we have a president who clearly is not in that position today.