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Trump VS Biden Debate


He did get stronger as the debate went on but by that time, I think the panic had set in,” David Axelrod, a former campaign strategist to President Barack Obama, said on CNN. “And I think you’re going to hear discussions — that I don’t know will lead to anything — but there are going to be discussions about whether he should continue.”



Is there a precedent?​

Yes. Most recently, President Lyndon Johnson decided not to seek re-nomination for a second full term in 1968, as Vietnam War protests mounted. In an Oval Office speech, Johnson made the surprise announcement that “I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.”

But that was at the end of March — extremely late even before the modern nomination calendar became as front-loaded as it is today. Unlike Johnson, Biden has already secured enough delegates for the nomination.



Can Biden be removed from the ticket?​

It would be difficult. Biden faced minimal opposition in his party’s primaries and has secured 99 per cent of the pledged delegates to the convention. Those delegates will be chosen in large part for their loyalty to the president.

Absent extraordinary circumstances — and a backup plan — it’s unlikely they would remove him from the ticket.

Any challenger to Biden would have to announce his or her candidacy before the formal vote, publicly challenging the incumbent in a high-stakes attempted party coup.



What if Biden steps down after the convention?​

The decision to replace him would be made by the members of the DNC. But then the party would face another hurdle: Printed ballots with Biden’s name already on them.

Laws vary by state about how a vote for Biden would be counted if he’s no longer the nominee, but his votes would likely go to his replacement when the Electoral College meets.



Who are the possible successors?​

Vice President Kamala Harris is the most logical heir apparent, but it wouldn’t be automatic.

Other candidates waiting in the wings — who deferred to Biden and continue to publicly support him — include California Governor Gavin Newsom, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

None of those candidates have polled any better against Trump than Biden does, according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll of seven battleground states.



What about the money?​

Modern presidential campaigns are hugely expensive undertakings, and financial considerations would play no small role.

Biden’s campaign and party had US$212 (S$287.8) million cash on hand at the end of May, and that money would be available to Harris should she take over the top of the ticket. Any other candidate would likely have to start from scratch.

Biden’s campaign and the Democratic Party have already spent about $346 million trying to re-elect Biden. Picking another candidate could require spending even more money to introduce a new name to voters.



Dollar Edges Higher as Debate Lifts Bets on Trump Election Win​

  • Markets extrapolated debate to November election outcome: CBA
  • Asian stock sentiment upbeat amid lack of anti-China rhetoric

US President Joe Biden and former US President Donald Trump during the first presidential debate in Atlanta.

US President Joe Biden and former US President Donald Trump during the first presidential debate in Atlanta.Photographer: Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg

By Matthew Burgess and John Cheng
June 28, 2024 at 10:36 AM GMT+8
Updated on
June 28, 2024 at 12:13 PM GMT+8

The dollar inched higher in Asian trading as markets assessed former president Donald Trump was the victor in the first US presidential debate.

Bloomberg’s gauge of the US currency climbed as much as 0.2% on Friday before the move pared, with the index on track for a sixth straight weekly gain.

President Joe Biden stumbled through early exchanges in the debate, a performance that may intensify worries about his ability to defeat Trump in the November election.

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red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
its a fucking joke....you US has no talent but to have 2 diaper wearing oldies battling to lead?. Contrast this against Fatty Kim.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
US is like Biden, era of the past, militarily and economically. they need a virile boost. No Viagra but a younger dick or tighter pussy.