it's no surprise that they have been demanding pubic restrooms to cater to their needs. problem is after creating a new restroom just for transgenders, a fight breaks out between two types of transgenders: men who were once women and women who were once men. irony of ironies - they don't want to share a common transgender restroom. they just want their individual (pubic) restroom, and they will go postal and political if they don't have the pubic bending backwards for them. schools, universities, offices, restaurants and malls in the u.s. today have to spend a godforsaken amount of money to remodel their restrooms to cater to these self-entitled bozos. many simply give up and break down the male/female restrooms into individual restrooms for gender-neutral use, which means no more urinals.
gender-neutral restroom sign, a.k.a. "shut the fuck up and shit!"