Lets wait till the full report is out, i believe if the Kid is innocent you will hve another wsy of twisting ur words to defend PAP.
With 70% in their pocket, they are not in need of any defending by keyboard warriors especially when News reports has already stated
that online media such as this forum and many others play an insignificant role in the GE2015.
Why is the report so biased knowing that PAP IB are always hard at work defending and promoting the PAP?
Why the wet blanket treatment?
The reason can only be as in the local Chinese saying "Tann Chia", "Wan Seh", or simply earning a living to survive.
The printed media and online media are actually direct competitors.
Printed media such Straits Times, Wan Pao, etc... are facing a decline in subscriber-ship due to the availability of online media.
Naturally the printed media have to protect their own rice bowls especially the journalists and contributors.
Does that mean online forum are redundant or superfluous?
Well it depends on how you look at it.
Let's take some real life examples of "Wan Seh" or "Tann Chia"
A little macro economic of demand and supply is applied here.
These example directly affects the rice-bowls and jobs of some people.
1. Demand for cleaners increases as litter bugs increases. Demand decreases with lesser litter bugs.
2. Demand for cleaners at hawker centre and food courts decreases when they implement the self-return tray policy
3. Demand for cashiers at Supermarket decreases when they implement the Self-Check Out counter.
I prefer queuing up by the cashier counter, even though the Self-Check out counter is faster and more convenient.
Reason being that when I look the cashier at the counter, I see a person with mouths to feed at home and this
job help him/her brings home the bacon.
I admire the old-timers in SPF, they really know the meaning and importance of "Wan Seh" "Tann Chia"
Low crimes doesn't mean no crimes but it means the makan pau would be made redundant.
Why is the present SPF under staffed and working 2 shifts instead on 3?
To some the Little India riot present a "Tann Chia" opportunity to seek more manpower for the SPF.
Only the old timers can appreciate.
If there is no crimes and no Little India riot than SPF should worry.
So we have 5 makan pau and 2 mata chia attending to a case involving one minor still in a school.
This is a "pao chia" case. But the way the present makan pau is handling it, its like shooting at own rice bowls.
Because it give the impression that the SPF is over staffed with manpower and resources.
Budget should be cut further and the saving be allocated and deployed more effectively in the SCDF and Army.
The Army and SCDF are more "Tann Chia" savvy than the SPF?
When I looked at the on-line forum, I look at the numbers, the guests and members online.
Then I look under the hood of VBulletin and the way it present its online stats.
Based on the recommended ratio, I can tell the real numbers on-line.
How "Tann Chia" savvy is the PAP IB in this forum? Are they like the 5 makan pau and the 2 mata chia?
Without GE2011 Adjunied GRC defeat, there would be no urgency in implementing and recruiting more PA IB
post count keyboard warriors.
Let's be frank, everybody needs to eat. Which PAP IB works for free? Kumgongkia maybe?
Even the grassroots organizations are more "Tann Chia" savvy than their online counterpart.
They get perks and special privileges but what do their online counterparts get?
If there is a fire online it needs to be put out asap.
If there is no fire online then the PAP IB should worry.
Since there are no visible threats in the online forum down played by their printed media cousins
budget for such superfluous actvities be cut and spent on the grassroots and printed media cousins.
How can the online forum be a threat when most of the threads are
foreign news, sex related topics, juveniles squabbles, etc..
In the eyes of the PAP, there is no threats and no fire why spent more?
You put out the fire too soon there would no more fire to fight.
The only threats I see online are the occasional "Stop clowning around you fucking moronic idiot" slogan.
At the end of the day, PAP is not interested in how you single handedly silent a particular forum or how you
turned a forum into a lunatic site.
When the headaches goes extinct do you still need panadol extra?
The online media as painted by their printed media cousin is insignificant.