Your comment below and Locke's comment about MOCC raised a concern. I went to check and now there are indeed fresh concerns.
It appears now that his initial granting of disruption is not kosher. The policy only allows disruption for local medical studies and they have to return to NS to do MOCC. He did not even go for MOCC. Who made the decision to disrupt. CMPB needs to reveal what the policy and who else were granted exception. My understanding is none until Patrick's case.
This is clearly a blatant abuse of position and warrants a CPIB investigation at a minimum.
I spotted the following anomoly which maybe you can help me out with.
In Dr Patrick Tan's statement, he indicated that he pursued a "pre-medical" degree at Havard.
In his CV listed in AStar, he states that he got a BA from Havard.
Do you or anyone else know what this BA was in?
Also in terms of policy, how does it work? The first degree was not even in medicine. Can you tell PSC/Mindef that you want to do BA and then MD-PHD? What happens if you finish your BA and cannot get into med school?
Speaking with some friends who are familiar with the subject, the impression I get if that if the applicants interest is in medicine, the norm is to get a MBBS from a Commonwealth country. THis takes only 6 years and there is certainty that the end result will be a doctor.
If you go the BA -> MD-PHD route, you take 12 years and there is no certainty at all that the end result will be a doctor.
Also if I understand his statement correctly, Dr Patrick Lim was a 3rd Sergent doing highly classified military research which he can now talk about openly. My impression of people working on such sensitive work are usually captains, majors and colonels. Is it common for corporals, 3rd sergents etc to be given the necessary security clearance to lead a major highly classified research project?
Finally on Melioidosis, it is listed as a Cat B bio threat by the US CDC. This puts it in the same level of danger as food poisoning by Salmonellas, E coli etc.
Based on Wikipedia, the mortality rate when treated with the correct antibiotics is only 10%. Spoke to a doctor who advised that the most common mode of transmission is walking barefoot in a muddy field. If you keep your boots on, you should be fine.