Re: You Are Not Very Bright
Firstly, you are not bright; and then, you are quite stubborn about what you are looking at is considered as the truth. This is like the story about few blind men touching an elephant. Blindness means ignorance.
Without wisdom and experience of a real thing, you can only imagine ie. PC flight simulator of a fighter plane. Imagination has no truth in it. PC simulation has no total experience of a real thing.
My personal experience with this Spirit has given me a total different outlook at God from a very near perspective from all angles. You have no right or credibility to comment when you have NOT gone through or seen it with your naked eyes ie. some people's ghost encounters.
I'm different from you because you have nothing to show in this aspect.
No one can argue with you about say Yakuza if you had talked to them or you have some kind of relationship with these people. I have no right to say anything about them if I have not seen a single one. But, of course, if some Japanese there who had seen them and said that they are bad and rude people then I will believe them perhaps base on statistic.
Show me some credibility NOT your general stereotyping. People here stereotype the Spirit here like as if it is the truth. What truth do they know ?
Like I have said before, not many will be believers. And even among these believers, not all will be saved. Straight is the path, narrow is the lane.
" Firstly, you are not bright; and then, you are quite stubborn about what you are looking at is considered as the truth. This is like the story about few blind men touching an elephant. Blindness means ignorance " .
stubborn not bright ? i wonder if believing in a talking snake and virgin birth can consider smart ?

. stubborn ? if i tell you im LKY do you believe in it ? why not ? because you are blind and blindness means ignorance ?
" Without wisdom and experience of a real thing, you can only imagine " .
what experience you talking about ? you pray that you can find your car key and it works ? or you pray to the sky to rain gold coin and it rain gold ? dont confuse yourself with delusion as wisdom

IMH ppl also have many ppl experience god or ghost does it make them smarter ? can their words be trusted ?
" My personal experience with this Spirit has given me a total different outlook at God from a very near perspective from all angles. You have no right or credibility to comment when you have NOT gone through or seen it with your naked eyes ie. some people's ghost encounters.
as i mention again ...all those ppl so call they encounter god or ghost does not mean what they see or " feel " is the real thing . i can give you a tab of LSD and you can feel and experience god anytime . does it mean its real ? time for you to learn a new word its called " visual hallucinations " .
" No one can argue with you about say Yakuza if you had talked to them or you have some kind of relationship with these people. I have no right to say anything about them if I have not seen a single one. But, of course, if some Japanese there who had seen them and said that they are bad and rude people then I will believe them perhaps base on statistic ".
no one ask you to believe what i say and and i didnt put up with a argument if ppl dont want to believe in what i say . you are the one that keep urguing for god existence . its shows that not only you are stubborn but also stubborn in your delusion " feeling " can hold hand with pslam23 . or are you pslam23

" Like I have said before, not many will be believers. And even among these believers, not all will be saved. Straight is the path, narrow is the lane " .
you are like a religious conman at work ..trying to create excuses and door to exit for yourself when things dont work out somemore you still can said 天机不可泄露。

...trying to pull a fast one here ?
