Today’s Scripture Reading [October 2, 2009]
[All Scripture references are from King James Version]
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. [1 Timothy 2:2]
From U.S. to Britain to Japan and to almost every countries around the world, often we read in the news that government leaders are so corrupt that some of them ended up committing suicide because they were under investigation. Also, because of the corruptions, some governments got voted out and lose the power to govern. For example, in Japan, over the last few years, the political scandals came one after another like endless tidal waves. The just-concluded national election in Japan saw the government lose its power after having governed the country continuously for over 50 years. A new government from another political party has been installed. The Japanese just got fed-up with the previous government because they have broken the trust and confidence of the people. In China, senior government officials were executed because they robbed the country’s coffer or abusing their authority. In South Korea, one of its former presidents committed suicide because of alleged corruption while he was in office. In Taiwan, a former president was sentenced to life imprisonment for embezzlement of state fund. These are very sad news concerning national leaders and the list could just go on, enough to fill up few pages of this thread!
Singapore, though a very small country and is insignificant in many ways compared to big countries, like U.S., China, India or Japan, is frequently cited by other countries as “the model state” worthwhile to be imitated because of our good governance and our "near-perfect" wholesome social lifestyle. Much of the wealth created in the past was through sheer honest hard work and diligence of its people. However, Singapore is now too at the cross-road of making compromises on its social lifestyle. Two big casinos will begin their operations next year when just five or six years ago nobody would ever believe that Singapore government would permit the gaming industry to “flourish” (or “deteriorate”, depend on which way you want to look at) to this magnitude. Will SINgapore be able to turn to these caSINos to provide its economic wealth is yet to be seen, but one thing is certain – social life will never be the same. Those high-roller gamblers will likely to attract many types of vices like loan-sharking, prostitutions, illicit drugs, pornography, nude dance halls, topless bars, etc. Collectively, they are integrated entertainment outlets (or “integrated resort”, a term preferred by Singapore’s senior officials). Las Vegas in U.S., and Macau, a special administrative region of China, are living proof that these entertainment outlets come as a “package deal”. Will Singapore be like the ancient sin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah which God rained brimstone and fire down to punish the inhabitants (Genesis 19:24-25)? Nobody knows but God’s wrath shows no favour to those who continually sinned against Him.
In the English-speaking countries, notably, the U.S., Britain and Australia, their participation on the “war-on-terror” has caused must resentments among people around the world. Even their own people are against this so-called “war-on-terror”. Since it started, the ‘war-on-terror” has generated more wars, more terrors, more hatred, more revenges, more conflicts, more fear, more uncertainties, and many other more “mores” but all in the negatives! Many people are now questioning what those wars are about and nobody seems to have an answer. National leaders and those who supported these wars tried to justify there actions but, alas, nobody now believes them anymore!
However, if we look into the Bible, we can relate these conflicts and wars that are currently taking place; in fact, most serious Bible-reading Christians are not surprised with these developments at all. They were foretold in the Bible many thousand years ago! The article on “Broken Pride” (from the Tomorrow’s World – September 29, 2009) is about the punishments that God will mete out to nations when their kings and those in authorities disobeyed. Hopefully (and prayfully) this will put godly fear into us because what God does to a nation because of disobedience, He will also do the same to us if we ourselves disobeyed His Commandments. On the other hand, God has promised physically and spiritual blessings to those who obeyed. Although, this article specifically addresses the insolent American and English-speaking leaders, God too will mete out the punishments to those nations if their leaders are also disobedient to God
“We see war upon the heels of war; economic disaster, as the fruits of greed and avarice come to maturity. And the sufferings multiply. Yet, the response of our national government, along with state, county and city governments is remarkably inadequate, often simplistic, misdirected and wastefully ineffective.
Unemployment soars! Production and sales plummet! Well-established businesses – large and small – close. Uncertainty and panic have gripped many in our country. People looking for the silver lining find it tarnished and devalued. With it, the confidence of a nation is shattered.
Looking to our congressional leaders has proved fruitless, as the legislative process has degenerated into petty bickering and infantile rants along party lines.
So, what is a person to do, here or in some other country, while watching all of this play out on the world stage? We can sink into depression and despair, or we can go to the only real source of hope and encouragement for consolation, comfort and confidence. What is that source? The Bible! Now, some will deride this notion. Others will just continue to be bewildered and befuddled about the great issues of our time.
We should not be taken by surprise by these disheartening developments. Anciently, God told His people that if they obeyed His Commandments that He would give them incredible physical blessings. But, in an ominous warning, He also said this in Leviticus 26:14-17: “But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you.”
And then He said, “I will break the pride of your power…” (v.19). It is a dull person, one who is particularly unaware of what is happening in the world today, that cannot see that this prophecy is now coming to pass with pinpoint accuracy in the United States of America and to a large extent in the other English-speaking nations.
Our economic, military and moral presence as the only real superpower in the world has been diminished dramatically in recent years and the decline is rapidly accelerating. Our enemies on the world scene openly ridicule us with impunity.
What, then, can a person do on an individual level in this sad state of affairs? We can pray for our leaders, as admonished by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 2:1-3. Certainly we should also make some provision for emergency situations, but, long term, we must rely on God to straighten out all of this. We can have confidence, real hope, that God will protect His people upon whom the end of the ages has come. That’s right; the Bible addresses the issue of personal protection for those seeking God’s will and His Kingdom.
So, while we see our beloved nation in decline with its power being broken, we can do our part to be good examples by putting His ways into practice now, all the while looking forward to the coming Kingdom of God which is the only genuine answer to the problems of mankind. God speed that day.”
[All Scripture references are from King James Version]
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. [1 Timothy 2:2]
From U.S. to Britain to Japan and to almost every countries around the world, often we read in the news that government leaders are so corrupt that some of them ended up committing suicide because they were under investigation. Also, because of the corruptions, some governments got voted out and lose the power to govern. For example, in Japan, over the last few years, the political scandals came one after another like endless tidal waves. The just-concluded national election in Japan saw the government lose its power after having governed the country continuously for over 50 years. A new government from another political party has been installed. The Japanese just got fed-up with the previous government because they have broken the trust and confidence of the people. In China, senior government officials were executed because they robbed the country’s coffer or abusing their authority. In South Korea, one of its former presidents committed suicide because of alleged corruption while he was in office. In Taiwan, a former president was sentenced to life imprisonment for embezzlement of state fund. These are very sad news concerning national leaders and the list could just go on, enough to fill up few pages of this thread!
Singapore, though a very small country and is insignificant in many ways compared to big countries, like U.S., China, India or Japan, is frequently cited by other countries as “the model state” worthwhile to be imitated because of our good governance and our "near-perfect" wholesome social lifestyle. Much of the wealth created in the past was through sheer honest hard work and diligence of its people. However, Singapore is now too at the cross-road of making compromises on its social lifestyle. Two big casinos will begin their operations next year when just five or six years ago nobody would ever believe that Singapore government would permit the gaming industry to “flourish” (or “deteriorate”, depend on which way you want to look at) to this magnitude. Will SINgapore be able to turn to these caSINos to provide its economic wealth is yet to be seen, but one thing is certain – social life will never be the same. Those high-roller gamblers will likely to attract many types of vices like loan-sharking, prostitutions, illicit drugs, pornography, nude dance halls, topless bars, etc. Collectively, they are integrated entertainment outlets (or “integrated resort”, a term preferred by Singapore’s senior officials). Las Vegas in U.S., and Macau, a special administrative region of China, are living proof that these entertainment outlets come as a “package deal”. Will Singapore be like the ancient sin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah which God rained brimstone and fire down to punish the inhabitants (Genesis 19:24-25)? Nobody knows but God’s wrath shows no favour to those who continually sinned against Him.
In the English-speaking countries, notably, the U.S., Britain and Australia, their participation on the “war-on-terror” has caused must resentments among people around the world. Even their own people are against this so-called “war-on-terror”. Since it started, the ‘war-on-terror” has generated more wars, more terrors, more hatred, more revenges, more conflicts, more fear, more uncertainties, and many other more “mores” but all in the negatives! Many people are now questioning what those wars are about and nobody seems to have an answer. National leaders and those who supported these wars tried to justify there actions but, alas, nobody now believes them anymore!
However, if we look into the Bible, we can relate these conflicts and wars that are currently taking place; in fact, most serious Bible-reading Christians are not surprised with these developments at all. They were foretold in the Bible many thousand years ago! The article on “Broken Pride” (from the Tomorrow’s World – September 29, 2009) is about the punishments that God will mete out to nations when their kings and those in authorities disobeyed. Hopefully (and prayfully) this will put godly fear into us because what God does to a nation because of disobedience, He will also do the same to us if we ourselves disobeyed His Commandments. On the other hand, God has promised physically and spiritual blessings to those who obeyed. Although, this article specifically addresses the insolent American and English-speaking leaders, God too will mete out the punishments to those nations if their leaders are also disobedient to God
“We see war upon the heels of war; economic disaster, as the fruits of greed and avarice come to maturity. And the sufferings multiply. Yet, the response of our national government, along with state, county and city governments is remarkably inadequate, often simplistic, misdirected and wastefully ineffective.
Unemployment soars! Production and sales plummet! Well-established businesses – large and small – close. Uncertainty and panic have gripped many in our country. People looking for the silver lining find it tarnished and devalued. With it, the confidence of a nation is shattered.
Looking to our congressional leaders has proved fruitless, as the legislative process has degenerated into petty bickering and infantile rants along party lines.
So, what is a person to do, here or in some other country, while watching all of this play out on the world stage? We can sink into depression and despair, or we can go to the only real source of hope and encouragement for consolation, comfort and confidence. What is that source? The Bible! Now, some will deride this notion. Others will just continue to be bewildered and befuddled about the great issues of our time.
We should not be taken by surprise by these disheartening developments. Anciently, God told His people that if they obeyed His Commandments that He would give them incredible physical blessings. But, in an ominous warning, He also said this in Leviticus 26:14-17: “But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you.”
And then He said, “I will break the pride of your power…” (v.19). It is a dull person, one who is particularly unaware of what is happening in the world today, that cannot see that this prophecy is now coming to pass with pinpoint accuracy in the United States of America and to a large extent in the other English-speaking nations.
Our economic, military and moral presence as the only real superpower in the world has been diminished dramatically in recent years and the decline is rapidly accelerating. Our enemies on the world scene openly ridicule us with impunity.
What, then, can a person do on an individual level in this sad state of affairs? We can pray for our leaders, as admonished by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 2:1-3. Certainly we should also make some provision for emergency situations, but, long term, we must rely on God to straighten out all of this. We can have confidence, real hope, that God will protect His people upon whom the end of the ages has come. That’s right; the Bible addresses the issue of personal protection for those seeking God’s will and His Kingdom.
So, while we see our beloved nation in decline with its power being broken, we can do our part to be good examples by putting His ways into practice now, all the while looking forward to the coming Kingdom of God which is the only genuine answer to the problems of mankind. God speed that day.”
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