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Today’s Scripture Reading [January 16, 2011]
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. [2 Timothy 3:15-17. KJV]
“Going Back to The Basics”. This is one of the common phrases we heard in our office and it is largely associated with training of employees on courses that focus on “Going back to the basics”. Even the most successful companies agree that in order to continue to be successful, all employees need to constantly understand the very basic essentials of doing business regardless of their field of expertise. Over the period of my employment with various MNCs, I was quite fortunate to have attended several of these trainings which were given course titles like Management 101, Finance 101, Sales 101. Human Resources 101. For seasoned professional managers, often they forgot some of the basic essentials of good corporate governance. They have, instead, overshadowed by their desires to climb the corporate career. It’s not incorrect to be ambitious, to climb up the corporate ladder, to generate more profits of the company that we are working for but these must not be done at the expense of others and ignore the rudiment of what a responsible 'corporate citizen'. Many of the ‘101’ training courses are designed just to do that – achievement, accomplishment, progress, they are important but equally important is the need to be a responsible corporate citizen – socially, morally and ethically, either as an individual or collectively as a corporation.
Sadly, the news that we are coming out each day is really depressing and many of us – Christians and non-Christians – seem to be living under a motto of “every man for himself” and this simply means that each person here should do what is best for himself disregarding the consequences of his action, tragically sometimes to the detriment of himself! We all have forgotten the ‘101’ the basic rudiment or 'formula' of true followers of Christ. Instead we are all trying to climb up the social ladder as high as we possibly could. Often we accomplished this by compromising the standards that God has for us.
As Christians, I am sure we are all wondering what is the next thing for us as we enter into the new season, into the new year. As we can see from the news, we have a bad start – the flood in Australia, Brazil, severe cold weather in many countries, political unrest in Tunasia, and endless news reporting of cheating cases that even very well-established government institutions are not spared from this. We see even ‘trusted’ senior civil servants siphoned of million dollars just to finance their own lavish lifestyle that they could ill afford with their normal salary. So, how do we move forward from here and to live our lives for the glory of God when the world is infested with so much problems which no one seems to be able to solve? We are wondering, when will major strike us here? Although we can take comfort that we are very unlikely to experience the flood as the one we now see in Brisbane, Australia, or earthquake in Haiti but massive unemployment due to collapse of global financial system is real. It has happened in the past and it can happen in the future. Most economists will tell you that. The ‘war on currency’ will be an event that no one, not even the most powerful countries like U.S. China, Japan, can predict what graved consequences that the world will likely to face when this war is on full-scale. Can this be a platform for World War III? Can this be a start of a one global monetary system?, one world currency as predicted in the the Book of Revelation? No one can really tell but there is one thing that we, as Christians must acknowledge – these are all endtime events that must come to pass before the return of our Lord Jesus!
Just like in a corporation where employees are told to go back to the basics and not to take for granted that success in the past will guarantee future success. As children of God, we also need to go back to the basics in the light of the uncertainties that are surrounding us today. We need to refresh our walk with Jesus and to be prepared for the endtime events. We need no Finance 101, nor Sales 101, nor Engineering 101 courses. Instead, we are in desperate need of Bible 101 course. We must not allow ourselves to be comfortable and wait for things to happen. We must be prepared and one of the best approaches to prepare ourselves is to go back to the basics of what Christian faith and Christian living is all about. I would like to list four of these basics which we all should understand fully in order to help us stay firm in our faith in Him and to live our lives that will please our Saviour, Lord Jesus. These four basics are:
(a) Don’t forget what God has done for us
Our lives do not belong to us! We are bought with a heavy price (2 Corinthians 7:23a), and the price is the blood of Jesus that is shed for the remission of our sins (Matthew 26:28). Without the redeeming blood of Jesus, we cannot be restored and to become sons and daughters of our dear Heavenly Father. The blood of Jesus gives us a new identity that we are His people and His is our God. We cannot thus live our lives for our own pleasure, and be enslaved by the world (2 Corinthians 7:23b) but our living must be for God’s pleasure! The moment we were born into the world, God was there as an unseen witness, smiling at our birth. He wanted us alive – not just in this world, but into life-everlasting. Our birth gave Him great pleasure. He did not need to create us but He chose to create us for His own enjoyment. We exist for His benefit, His glory, His purpose, and His delight (Revelation 4:11). Anything that we do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship and we must be mindful that if we do the contrary that displeases Him, it is abomination to our Holy God.
(b) Remember our promises to God
By participating in the water baptism, we have acknowledged our faith that Jesus is our Saviour. The act of baptism symbolizing our identification with Christ in His death, His burial, and His resurrection and this is exclusive to only people who truly accept Jesus as their Saviour. Henceforth, through our baptisum we have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer we who live, but Christ lives in us (Galatians 2:20). The water baptism that we participated is our very first step in public to declare our faith in Him that Christ died for us and we too will be resurrected into His glory. We must continue this declaration of our faith and declare the good news to others as commanded by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20).
(c) Seek genuine heart repentance
Accepting and acknowledging that Jesus is our Savior, that He died for our sin is not a one-off event. We must continue to repent and turn away from our evil ways. Our occasional (and for some people frequent) loss of temper, or harboring evils thought is still very much part of our corrupt and sinful nature, we must however exercise great efforts and keep them under the control of the Holy Spirit. It is not easy. As a matter of fact, it is very, very difficult but we can always claim the promises of God that He is our Comforter, our Helper and we can, by the power of His Spirit, conqueror the unconquerable – that is turn away from our evil ways and live a life that is holy and acceptable to Him. The Holy Spirit will guide us to all truth and He will tell us the things to come (John 16:13).
(d) Worship God afresh, day in, day out
We must renew our altar-building effort to worship Him daily. This is not a physical altar building that I am referring to. Rather this is a spiritual altar that we must build, not with bricks and mortar, but with the word of God. We must make reading the Bible as our daily habit, our top priority and we must check with the Bible of what we read, see or hear especially on those subjects or topics concerning His Kingdom. Admittedly, we need to read or listen to secular news so that we are aware of what’s taking place in this fallen world, our main source of daily news digest must be from the Bible. Remember, the word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). It reveals who we are, what we are, and what we are not. It penetrates the core of our moral and spiritual life. It discerns what is within us both good and evil. We must not only just listen to what God has to say about us; we must also let the word of God shapes our lives. The word of God is unique in that it will penetrate us like nothing can. The word of God will not leave us alone once the word of God has penetrated our hearts, until we have obeyed. More importantly, our obedience to His word will keep us out of trouble. There is no better way to worship God than to truly follow and to do what He has told in His word, the Bible.