Re: Urgent prayer for the nation of haiti
Today’s Scripture Reading [February 7, 2010]
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. [Matthew 2:1-2. KJV]
Many skeptics still believe that Jesus is a legendary figure. This is because they are ignorant of a very important historical development that can undoubtedly testify to the historicity of Jesus and they don’t need to look further than the calendar. The mere fact that the calendar is divided into two periods of B.C. (Before Christ), and A.D. (Anno Domini or ‘In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ’) for tracking time has testified categorically to the historicity of Jesus as a Real Person. If Jesus is not a real person, why would the world use His birth year to track and record historical events? Isn’t this paradoxical that real historical events are tracked by the birth year of a non-existing legendary figure! We are all aware, at best legendary figures (together with their folklore stories) are commonly used as moral compass to educate or to teach people to be good. Even though, they often influenced and impacted only people just within a specific community and soon they are just forgotten.
Jesus is a Real Person and regardless of our religious faith, we are all living in His calendar, in His time, and we will live or die by His laws. There is no escape to this plain truth. The historical life story of Jesus is told over and over for more than 2000 years. There are more books written about Jesus any other books. In fact, Bible is still the best seller in many major stalls and it is the most translated book in the world with at least one book of the Bible has been translated into 2,400 languages. There is no close second and this translation of the Bible is still continuing even as you are reading this posting!
In the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12 concerning the historical birth of Jesus, we can see how three distinct groups of people responded to His birth:
(a) First was King Herod described by many historians as a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis. When he heard about the news of a new King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, he felt his throne was threatened. This murderous king’s response to the birth of Jesus was anything but tragic. He ordered that all newly born babies who were two years and below were to be slaughtered. Imagine the anxieties and the sufferings of those parents who had young children below two years old!
(b) The second group of people was the chief priests and the scribes. They were the people who were very knowledgeable in the Torah. They knew very well the prophecy of the birth of a Saviour to save the world; they even knew exactly where He was to be born - in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:5). However, they did nothing and made no efforts to seek or worship the Messiah. They were too concern with their daily temple affair that they overlooked the real God. Perhpas, they are just like some of our modern-day church leaders. Instead of putting their hearts to worship the Messiah, they simply ignored Him and make themselves too busy with the church external affairs that bring little or no spiritual benefits to the people.
(c) The third group of people was the wise men, the Magi, from the east. They were the rich and the powerful. However, they came just for one purpose: to seek the new King of the Jews and to worship Him. They brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These wise men were guided to look for the King of the Jews by a miraculous stellar event, the "Star of Bethlehem," and when they saw baby Jesus, they fell down and worshipped Him (Matthew 2:10-11). They were like our some of some great preachers and great men of God such as John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, Hudson Taylor, Martin Luther setting His Church on fire inside out.
Which group do we belong to? While we can honestly say that we are categorically not King Herod, can we honestly say that we are not the chief priests or the scribes? Are we so busy with our work that we often fail to worship Him? Many of us are too busy in our career, job, building ‘churches’ but only out of bricks and mortar. Worst still, there are Christian leaders planning to build ‘church-mall’ as integral part of shopping mall-cum-entertainment complex. I wonder how God will react when His sanctuary is going to be built right in the shopping mall complex surrounded by all kinds of worldly performances and carnal entertainments from pubs with semi-naked table top pole dancers to cinema screening 3D vampires. In Matthew 21:12, we are told that Jesus went into the temple of God and overthrew, among other things, the tables of money changers because those early ‘Christians’ had converted His temple (church) into a place of commerce. We can’t really imagine what kind of commercial activities took place there but they must be extremely horrific and offensive to Him because Jesus blatantly said to them that “they have made His temple a den of thieves instead of the house of prayer”. One would just wonder what Jesus would call these modern church leaders when He sees those ‘church-malls’. Will Jesus be pleased or will Jesus also label them as ‘den of thieves” or even something worst? Comparing to the commercial activities of those days, modern man has excelled in inventing all kinds of entertainment which, I believe, even great prophets of those days would never have thought of! But not God. He knew all these even before the creation of the universe. In Matthew 7: 21-23, Jesus warns that in the Day of Judgment there will be many who have performed great works for God yet will be turned away from heaven. His parting words to them are, “Go away. I never knew you; you evil-doers!”
Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ, do you know where your relationship with God is? Is your relationship with Jesus is made of only bricks and mortar? Frankly, I don’t know myself either as all of us will know our relationship with our God only on the Day of Judgment. I will, however, put every of my efforts to sincerely obey His commandments. Let us, therefore, encourage one another to keep His commandments and our faith in God. We must continue to be excited for God, praising and thanking unceasingly Him for all that He has done for us. We must be discerning and be fully aware of what is around us and not be deceived, and the best ways to avoid deception is to test ourselves with these questions:
• Are you waiting more anxiously for the completion of your ‘church-mall’ or are you waiting more anxiously for Jesus' Return?
• Are you sharing more of God’s love with your friends, your family members or are you more excited in sharing with them your ‘church-mall’, how many theatres, pubs, shops will be in the mall?
• Are you kept reminded by your church leaders of the short-fall of the money needed to fulfill the construction obligation of the ‘church-mall’ project, or are you reminded by your church leaders to give your money to the poor as commanded by Jesus (Matthew 19:21)?
• Are you kept reminded by your church leaders to check what you read or hear (including their sermons) against the spoken Word of God, the Bible, and are you idol-worshipping your church leaders, pastors, elders, deacons? Do you feel that you can’t live without them instead of Jesus?
• Are you walking away from the church service feeling that you are still a wretched sinner and need to ask God for forgiveness and to sincerely repent of your sins, or are you walking away from the service feeling that you care nothing of those so long the ‘church-mall’ project is completed and God will be pleased?
Like churches in many western and developed countries, the state of today’s church here has lack the focus on mission; has become fast-food church looking for a quick nutritional food; looking for flavour and idols; looking for short-term carnal benefits; more concern in getting people into their church membership register rather than to make people disciples of Christ; seeking happiness to fulfill desires of the flesh but failing to understand the purpose is to know our Triune God; becoming entertainment and social club rather than a body of Christ built for His glory.
Remember, doctrine of errors will lead us to error of practices! One of the deadly errors is for church leaders to ‘modernise’ the Church, the Body of Christ just to ‘keep up with time.’ The True Church of Jesus Christ is never out-of-date and does not require modernization nor need any renovation. Only buildings built of bricks and mortar do! So, check everything that you hear or read because all Christian sermons, internet postings, books, magazines, movies, etc are written by man. As a matter of facts, many of them contain errors and some are really dangerous one. So, you must check and re-check (including my postings here) and the ONLY place to check them out is to go to your BIBLE which is the infallible Word of God. Pray for His Holy Spirit and He will guide you through (Luke 12:12; 1 John 2:27) and by His Spirit, the truth will be revealed to you. Don’t be deceived because deceptions and lies are tools Satan will rigorously use in the last days (1 Timothy 4:1-2) which many believe are already here! There are modern-day ‘King Herods’ here to take away not your physical lives but your soul and your spirit and surrender them to Satan. They are more cunning, more deceptive and more dangerous than the historical King Herod. Be not deceived! The secularly infused lifestyle has no place in the Body of Christ. We must go to the basic Biblical Truth – the Gospels, the Good News, the Word of God, the Cross, the Blood of Jesus, the Triune God, His Love, His Mercy and His Grace, and they can ONLY be found in the pages of the BIBLE.
Today’s Scripture Reading [February 7, 2010]
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. [Matthew 2:1-2. KJV]
Many skeptics still believe that Jesus is a legendary figure. This is because they are ignorant of a very important historical development that can undoubtedly testify to the historicity of Jesus and they don’t need to look further than the calendar. The mere fact that the calendar is divided into two periods of B.C. (Before Christ), and A.D. (Anno Domini or ‘In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ’) for tracking time has testified categorically to the historicity of Jesus as a Real Person. If Jesus is not a real person, why would the world use His birth year to track and record historical events? Isn’t this paradoxical that real historical events are tracked by the birth year of a non-existing legendary figure! We are all aware, at best legendary figures (together with their folklore stories) are commonly used as moral compass to educate or to teach people to be good. Even though, they often influenced and impacted only people just within a specific community and soon they are just forgotten.
Jesus is a Real Person and regardless of our religious faith, we are all living in His calendar, in His time, and we will live or die by His laws. There is no escape to this plain truth. The historical life story of Jesus is told over and over for more than 2000 years. There are more books written about Jesus any other books. In fact, Bible is still the best seller in many major stalls and it is the most translated book in the world with at least one book of the Bible has been translated into 2,400 languages. There is no close second and this translation of the Bible is still continuing even as you are reading this posting!
In the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12 concerning the historical birth of Jesus, we can see how three distinct groups of people responded to His birth:
(a) First was King Herod described by many historians as a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis. When he heard about the news of a new King of the Jews, Jesus Christ, he felt his throne was threatened. This murderous king’s response to the birth of Jesus was anything but tragic. He ordered that all newly born babies who were two years and below were to be slaughtered. Imagine the anxieties and the sufferings of those parents who had young children below two years old!
(b) The second group of people was the chief priests and the scribes. They were the people who were very knowledgeable in the Torah. They knew very well the prophecy of the birth of a Saviour to save the world; they even knew exactly where He was to be born - in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:5). However, they did nothing and made no efforts to seek or worship the Messiah. They were too concern with their daily temple affair that they overlooked the real God. Perhpas, they are just like some of our modern-day church leaders. Instead of putting their hearts to worship the Messiah, they simply ignored Him and make themselves too busy with the church external affairs that bring little or no spiritual benefits to the people.
(c) The third group of people was the wise men, the Magi, from the east. They were the rich and the powerful. However, they came just for one purpose: to seek the new King of the Jews and to worship Him. They brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These wise men were guided to look for the King of the Jews by a miraculous stellar event, the "Star of Bethlehem," and when they saw baby Jesus, they fell down and worshipped Him (Matthew 2:10-11). They were like our some of some great preachers and great men of God such as John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, Hudson Taylor, Martin Luther setting His Church on fire inside out.
Which group do we belong to? While we can honestly say that we are categorically not King Herod, can we honestly say that we are not the chief priests or the scribes? Are we so busy with our work that we often fail to worship Him? Many of us are too busy in our career, job, building ‘churches’ but only out of bricks and mortar. Worst still, there are Christian leaders planning to build ‘church-mall’ as integral part of shopping mall-cum-entertainment complex. I wonder how God will react when His sanctuary is going to be built right in the shopping mall complex surrounded by all kinds of worldly performances and carnal entertainments from pubs with semi-naked table top pole dancers to cinema screening 3D vampires. In Matthew 21:12, we are told that Jesus went into the temple of God and overthrew, among other things, the tables of money changers because those early ‘Christians’ had converted His temple (church) into a place of commerce. We can’t really imagine what kind of commercial activities took place there but they must be extremely horrific and offensive to Him because Jesus blatantly said to them that “they have made His temple a den of thieves instead of the house of prayer”. One would just wonder what Jesus would call these modern church leaders when He sees those ‘church-malls’. Will Jesus be pleased or will Jesus also label them as ‘den of thieves” or even something worst? Comparing to the commercial activities of those days, modern man has excelled in inventing all kinds of entertainment which, I believe, even great prophets of those days would never have thought of! But not God. He knew all these even before the creation of the universe. In Matthew 7: 21-23, Jesus warns that in the Day of Judgment there will be many who have performed great works for God yet will be turned away from heaven. His parting words to them are, “Go away. I never knew you; you evil-doers!”
Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ, do you know where your relationship with God is? Is your relationship with Jesus is made of only bricks and mortar? Frankly, I don’t know myself either as all of us will know our relationship with our God only on the Day of Judgment. I will, however, put every of my efforts to sincerely obey His commandments. Let us, therefore, encourage one another to keep His commandments and our faith in God. We must continue to be excited for God, praising and thanking unceasingly Him for all that He has done for us. We must be discerning and be fully aware of what is around us and not be deceived, and the best ways to avoid deception is to test ourselves with these questions:
• Are you waiting more anxiously for the completion of your ‘church-mall’ or are you waiting more anxiously for Jesus' Return?
• Are you sharing more of God’s love with your friends, your family members or are you more excited in sharing with them your ‘church-mall’, how many theatres, pubs, shops will be in the mall?
• Are you kept reminded by your church leaders of the short-fall of the money needed to fulfill the construction obligation of the ‘church-mall’ project, or are you reminded by your church leaders to give your money to the poor as commanded by Jesus (Matthew 19:21)?
• Are you kept reminded by your church leaders to check what you read or hear (including their sermons) against the spoken Word of God, the Bible, and are you idol-worshipping your church leaders, pastors, elders, deacons? Do you feel that you can’t live without them instead of Jesus?
• Are you walking away from the church service feeling that you are still a wretched sinner and need to ask God for forgiveness and to sincerely repent of your sins, or are you walking away from the service feeling that you care nothing of those so long the ‘church-mall’ project is completed and God will be pleased?
Like churches in many western and developed countries, the state of today’s church here has lack the focus on mission; has become fast-food church looking for a quick nutritional food; looking for flavour and idols; looking for short-term carnal benefits; more concern in getting people into their church membership register rather than to make people disciples of Christ; seeking happiness to fulfill desires of the flesh but failing to understand the purpose is to know our Triune God; becoming entertainment and social club rather than a body of Christ built for His glory.
Remember, doctrine of errors will lead us to error of practices! One of the deadly errors is for church leaders to ‘modernise’ the Church, the Body of Christ just to ‘keep up with time.’ The True Church of Jesus Christ is never out-of-date and does not require modernization nor need any renovation. Only buildings built of bricks and mortar do! So, check everything that you hear or read because all Christian sermons, internet postings, books, magazines, movies, etc are written by man. As a matter of facts, many of them contain errors and some are really dangerous one. So, you must check and re-check (including my postings here) and the ONLY place to check them out is to go to your BIBLE which is the infallible Word of God. Pray for His Holy Spirit and He will guide you through (Luke 12:12; 1 John 2:27) and by His Spirit, the truth will be revealed to you. Don’t be deceived because deceptions and lies are tools Satan will rigorously use in the last days (1 Timothy 4:1-2) which many believe are already here! There are modern-day ‘King Herods’ here to take away not your physical lives but your soul and your spirit and surrender them to Satan. They are more cunning, more deceptive and more dangerous than the historical King Herod. Be not deceived! The secularly infused lifestyle has no place in the Body of Christ. We must go to the basic Biblical Truth – the Gospels, the Good News, the Word of God, the Cross, the Blood of Jesus, the Triune God, His Love, His Mercy and His Grace, and they can ONLY be found in the pages of the BIBLE.