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Tin Pei Ling resigns from Ernst & Young


The main fact is that she is the first PAP MP to do this. How many PAP MPs do you know who resign to serve their constitutency?

I think most PAP MPs would prefer to follow MP Yeo Guat Kwang and have 64 "affliations".



For Tin Pei Ling, I hope she is resigning to serve us a full time MP and not because she picked up a few "affiliations" of her own.


For Tin Pei Ling, I hope she is resigning to serve us a full time MP and not because she picked up a few "affiliations" of her own.

I do not know her motivations for serving as full-time MP just as I do not know Nicole Seah's motivations for wanting to serve. I only know what they said are their motivations.

However I welcome any MPs who want to serve their constituency full-time. Most of the time, there are justifications by some PAP supporters why MPs should not serve their constituency on a full-time basis because they have higher paying jobs which maintain their dignity. Frankly I always think why then do they bother to stand for election? My surmise is that it is for the allowance which enhances their dignity or a prelude to a ministerial job. I hardly seen my PAP MP for five years and have no idea if he is alive or missing in action. Most of the time, he is just a harry potter image on a piece of paper, except that his is not animated.

Now we have a PAP MP who decided to do so. I welcome her decision even though I am not a beneficiary of her commitment. I wish one of my PAP MPs will follow her standard. Her constituency residents are lucky to have her.


I think most PAP MPs would prefer to follow MP Yeo Guat Kwang and have 64 "affliations".

I have met MP Yeo Guat Kwang and often wondered about the criteria in candidates' selection. But he must be good as otherwise why would he be selected as running mate? No insider knowledge.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Whatever her reasons, I think it is a good sign that there is a change to the way the PAP operates. At least it appears they are listening and responding to the ground. The least we can do is stop the personal attacks unless there is more evidence of wrongdoings. I for one am hopeful that in 2016 we will have a 2 party system. Until then, we can voice our dissatisfaction over policies we feel are unjust and the dismantling of the power structure of the PAP to allow for more active participation of the citizens in the formulation and debates of policies before implementation.

In order to do that, we should focus now on CPF, as we have observed Transport and HDB, are working overtime to implement changes. Another important role we can play is to be active in the lowering of MPs pay, the reduction of FTs in Singapore and the Presidential Elections. We, the people decide who will be our next president and not a PAP appointee. Let us make it clear we will not be denied our right how we want Singapore to be run.
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Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
At least it appears they are listening and responding to the ground. The least we can do is stop the personal attacks unless there is more evidence of wrongdoings.

Along with the issues you brought up - Minister pay, FT, transport and housing, there is also the GRC system which has resulted in an MP no body wants in parliament house.

So this woman will be under the spotlight for the next 5 years.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Along with the issues you brought up - Minister pay, FT, transport and housing, there is also the GRC system which has resulted in an MP no body wants in parliament house.

So this woman will be under the spotlight for the next 5 years.

It has been done so there is nothing much anyone can do to change the situation. We can still carry on about the gerrymandering and in 2016 we will definitely make it so obvious they won't dare to do it again. I am sure 2011 has been a watershed elections and there will be changes forthcoming. All we can do is wait and see.


I for one am hopeful that in 2016 we will have a 2 party system.

I am okay with a 3-party system, with each party not having more than 34% of the votes.

Then we will have LTK, LHL and one other photographed side-by-side just like the photograph of LTK and LKY.

IF LHL's PAP is not that competent in managing inflation and CPF minimum sum, FTs, FWs, etc, then it will be good to see if the other parties can demonstrate competency. If they can do the job, keep them. If not, they should not be allowed to make losing decisions time after time - whether investments, economic or social.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The advantages gained by Sylvia Lim, LTK and CST in working full-time for their constituencies are broken by TPL with this decision.

Sylvia Lim isn't working Full time MP, she already said she is looking for another job that is more flexible coz as a lecturer she keeps having to take leave to attend Parliament sessions

Chiam only turned Full Time MP after 2001 election. As for LTK, I don't think he is a full time MP either


Sylvia Lim isn't working Full time MP, she already said she is looking for another job that is more flexible coz as a lecturer she keeps having to take leave to attend Parliament sessions

Chiam only turned Full Time MP after 2001 election. As for LTK, I don't think he is a full time MP either

fat ass pap dog,

u just cannot stop defending your pap masters huh. fuck u :oIo::oIo: which of these oppo mps got 60+ directorships?
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Alfrescian (Inf)


"Bunch of sour grapes" *sulks*



Alfrescian (Inf)
fat ass pap dog,

u just cannot stop defending your pap masters huh. fuck u :oIo::oIo: which of these oppo mps got 60+ directorships?

U can't seem to differentiate between clarification of a point and defending something

After due consideration, I have concluded that it would not be fair to the Polytechnic management, colleagues and students for me to continue in my post at Temasek Polytechnic as an elected MP. I will henceforth explore other career options.


She stated quite clearly that she quit TP coz she thinks it will be unfair to her employers. She wasn't planning to be a full time MP. She was planning to get a job that she can balance with her MP role

LTK is a business man, last I heard he still kept his business

Chiam was running his law firm until the last election, his election promise in 2001 was to quit if he won and he did.

Basically right now CMS and SLim are full time MPs only because they are in between jobs. CMS himself stated quite clearly during an earlier interview that he will look out for something else if he gets elected.

Lucian Darth

The main fact is that she is the first PAP MP to do this. How many PAP MPs do you know who resign to serve their constitutency? So if she does a good thing for her constituency, you will look upon her with disfavor? Come five years' time, if she does it well, her constituency residents will look upon her favourably.

As for wayangs, these shows are also put up by the oppositions. It is just that they lost and have no opportunity to do more wayangs.

Now if only more PAP MPs do suit. For every elected GRC, one MP serve full-time. This will go a long way to understanding the ground, far better than reliance on the RCs and other organizations. For example, if Irene Ng serve full-time in Tampines, it would certainly gladden the hearts of many when they see her cycling around the area. Mah Bow Tan, now with a MP job, can also serve full-time. It will be gratifying if he goes around surveying if his policies caused difficulties to anyone. Wong Kan Seng, in a similar boat, can check out the quality of police patrols in the constituency and see if gurkhas may help. I think we can give George Yeo a break. They should have put Khaw Boon Wan in Aljunid instead.

Paiseh, at this point I dun thk she resigned to REALLY serve the ground. There may be other political motives behind this. This resignation may even b staged by gov for all u knw. As for the opps who quit their jobs, they made it as a promise to the ppl. So when ppl elected them, they fulfilled it. No qualms abt it.
Now it seems like whatever ppl dig abt the opp, she would periodically pull a stunt on that. To me it WAYANG ALERT to the max. No hard feeling, bro. I am just a norm chap that cn't tahan pap style of policitcal nonsense. Glad that to knw that u r enjoying it, that shd make ur life like heaven in spore. Congrats!:biggrin:

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Ernst & Young is the auditor of many big companies.

If TPL is no longer an employee of Ernst & Young, she could comfortably accept director appointment in these companies without any worry for conflict of interest.

Looking at the director fees, it is actually more $$$ for TPL.

Just look at Yeo Guat Kwang. http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?94363-PAP-MP-Yeo-Guat-Kwang-replies

No lah. Director for the big 4 is a level down from Partner.... still need to work one.


No lah. Director for the big 4 is a level down from Partner.... still need to work one.

NoNewsGood was referring to possible future director appointments in companies which hire E&Y to do work.
Not director appointment in E&Y.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wayang only lah, after the matter cooled down, don't be surprised she is director for at least 10 companies. he...he....