I know of at least two other PAP-owned or PAP-controlled companies.
I have knowledge of this because of my own experience in grassroots a few years ago.
I wonder if any bros here will care to name them? I ran my expose on SR Nathan's daughter being appointed as CEO of Supreme Court a few days ago and I challenged forumers here to name other PAP MPs or top civil servants who are children of PAP MPs or those closely affiliated with PAP.
I'm going to issue a similar challenge now. Can anyone name any other PAP-owned or PAP-controlled company BESIDES AIM? I will reveal them if no one else is willing to do so.
AIM and similar monkey businesses are small fry compared to GIC and temasick. People should be asking why still no transparency on these two monsters? What is the lee family hiding?I know of at least two other PAP-owned or PAP-controlled companies.
I have knowledge of this because of my own experience in grassroots a few years ago.
I wonder if any bros here will care to name them? I ran my expose on SR Nathan's daughter being appointed as CEO of Supreme Court a few days ago and I challenged forumers here to name other PAP MPs or top civil servants who are children of PAP MPs or those closely affiliated with PAP.
I'm going to issue a similar challenge now. Can anyone name any other PAP-owned or PAP-controlled company BESIDES AIM? I will reveal them if no one else is willing to do so.
AIM and similar monkey businesses are small fry compared to GIC and temasick. People should be asking why still no transparency on these two monsters? What is the lee family hiding?
AIM and similar monkey businesses are small fry compared to GIC and temasick. People should be asking why still no transparency on these two monsters? What is the lee family hiding?
I already see my CPF contribution as income tax.
I don't. I viewed my accumulated CPF savings as a huge windfall when I traded in my pink IC.
Vote in more opposition if you and Singaporeans want to know. 7 cannot fight 80 to open skeleton closet...
That is because you surrendered your Singapore passport.![]()
There are many, who for various reasons, could not. For them, CPF contribution is indeed a kind of income tax. :o![]()
AIM and similar monkey businesses are small fry compared to GIC and temasick. People should be asking why still no transparency on these two monsters? What is the lee family hiding?
CPF is not a tax. It's an investment. As is the case with all investments, at some point, you have to cash out in order to turn paper gains into real dollars.
All Singaporeans have the ability to do the same. Cashing out isn't a privilege of a select few. It's the right of every Singapore citizen. With a large number of citizens living in pigeon holes worth almost a million smackos, opportunities to purchase citizenship abound.
A family with a combined worth of $1.5 million can easily gain residency in NZ. Those who are less wealthy can head for neighboring countries where $400,000 can be exhanged for 7 figure sums.
Foreign talent are flooding the country in an attempt to gain a slice of Singapore Inc for long term gain. Singaporeans already have a distinct advantage in that the government has handed them immense wealth on a platter. They shouldn't waste the opportunities that have been presented to them.
All Singaporeans have the ability to do the same. Cashing out isn't a privilege of a select few. It's the right of every Singapore citizen. With a large number of citizens living in pigeon holes worth almost a million smackos, opportunities to purchase citizenship abound.
Does anyone want to take a stab at identifying the other PAP-associated companies?
If you are interested to know more, you can PM me. I came to know this during my time in grassroots. The person who revealed this to me was none other than a certain ex-SAF scholar who is currently serving as an MP (take a guess as to who?)
OK I will give everyone a clue.
There is a company set up in 1979 and their principal business is stated as "town management".
Their Managing Director is an ex-PAP MP, who was regarded as a "grassroots hero". He was an MP who held a seat in the West. However, due to some undelivered election promises, it was rumoured that people were not too happy with him. His ward was absorbed into a GRC. He served only one more term before retiring and taking charge of this company.
This company is the Managing Agent for ALL 14 PAP town councils which basically means they get paid to do things like remove your trash and sweep your streets.
Moreover, a PAP MP who is an ex-scholar (guess who, I won't reveal) told me that this company has the rights over many 1-bedroom rental flats in Singapore. The purpose of 1-bedroom rental flats is to provide cheap, subsidised accommodation for the poor, specifically those with a household income of less than $1500 per month. These people need only pay between $40 to $80 per month in rent to stay in a rental flat.
At our MPS, tons of people were queueing up for rental flats, but the MP kept saying that there were none available. One day I asked him why none were available when I saw myself that there were blocks of 1-room flats in our constituency. He replied that these flats had been outsourced to this company by HDB, and that the company had now taken over the management of the flats. They rent out the flats to foreign students and workers for between $1000-1500 per month, thereby reaping enormous profits for doing not much (similar to AIM!)
This MP told me that there were plans for HDB to "take back" the flats from the company in order to meet the increasing demand for rental flats. But there was no progress for months, and all of us were instructed to reject all requests for rental flats and/or to advise the residents that we could write a letter of appeal to HDB on their behalf, but don't expect any results cos the waiting list is at least 9 months long! In the meantime, these people have nowhere to stay!
This is a real-life experience of my time as a PAP grassroots leader.
I could not stomach this, and I could not reconcile myself with a party that I considered to be morally reprehensible. Hence, I left and to this date I have not played any other role in PAP-related activities even though I was once a very involved member. I felt that I was betraying my own conscience, hence I made the decision to quit. I told my MP of my reasons and he reluctantly let me go.
I don't want any ISD or IB people hunting me down so if you want to know more, PM me.
(You can guess the name of the company or the PAP MP. But I won't openly reveal it unless I know you well).
Update: The website of this company is now inactive. I suppose they took it down during the AIM saga (?). I was able to access the website a few months ago.
Update: The website of this company is now inactive. I suppose they took it down during the AIM saga (?). I was able to access the website a few months ago.
Nonetheless, information about this company is available on the wider internet, although no one has singled out their role in town council management so far. I believe I am the first. This company also REMAINS as the Managing Agent for all 14 PAP Town Councils, led by Dr Teo Ho Pin as the overall chairman.
(Yet another "CSI" job that I've done -- similar to the expose that the new Supreme Court CEO is S R Nathan's daughter!)
Up my points if you want me to continue contributing what I know from my time in grassroots !!