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Time for Reconciliation


Blaming anyone else for one's defeat is lowest of the low.

Fully agree. In the 2009 Indonesian Presidential election, 3 sets of candidates (a pair consisting of a President and Vice-President contestant) stood and ran for office.

The Indonesian electoral system requires a run-off involving the top two winners after the first round is held. This run-off was not held as it was not required. This was because Bambang won more than 60.8% in the first round alone over Megawati (26.70%) and Jusuf Kalla (12.41%).

So all this blame game is nothing but rubbish from those who are sore that their candidate of choice did not win. No point ranting and raving and blaming anyone and everyone.

If none of the four candidates can persuade the required numbers amongst a miniscule base of 2.2 million voters - unlike Bambang who had to persuade 60.8% from a base of 121 million plus voters - to cross the line for a convincing win or even to be the best "loser" (all 4 secured below 50%) like what Bambang did for the 2009 Indonesian election, then they and their supporters only have themselves to blame.


I think you are taking the easy out.

The issue was not to have TT to get office. There were 2 other contenders and TJS entry was going to split votes. I am sure a schoolboy would have told you that. Harbans Singh was the same. In the Anson By elections, Chiam graciously stood aside. Harbans did not. Luckily Harbans was discredited so he received about 300 votes. Chiam move was recognised and rewarded.

Nothing to reconcile. It was too close to forget.

Bro, you're making a hell of alot of assumptions-if A did not participate,B would have gotten all the votes,the liberals would have leaned on the moderate conservatives,etc,etc. It doesn't work this way.. I dun see how your vitriolic criticism will help the opposition cause. Calm down amd I am sure you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Few really believed TJS could win. Doubt if he did either. Lost GE. Only loosing politicians speaking for him. No track-record of community service. Only <6mths in politics. He probably did this to represent the left, establish himself as a key player to that base, and give PAP a bloody nose. Did he not succeed in these? It is in appealing to moderates and swing voters that he failed. But was this a reasonable goal up against TCB? How could an unknown who sided with SDP change stripes to look moderate? But did he at least make the moderates give him a second look, perhaps even listen a bit to his message, even if they eventually voted TCB? You bet. Will he have a better chance to appeal to moderates in future? Possibly. So political career for him has just started. Not too bad a start actually.

Is it TJS's job to elect TCB or play up a split in PAP? He's hero to his own 25% core base. Abandon them to back TCB? If TCB won, will that base be very happy? No way. TCB is still seen as PAP, and TCB’s priority if he won, would be reconciling with the TT-PAP base, not the left. TJS’s left-base will brand him as a flip-flopper without integrity. Bridge there is burnt. That base would then have turned to TKL who would have been enboldened, and still lose anyway. Unlikely the moderate PAP/ WP will pick up the slack and strongly back a flip-flopper. So illogical TJS could have easily backed TCB to win.

The results are what they are. The surprise is how much TCB ate into TT and that they came so close. The split in the PAP is going to need a lot of attention and soul searching. They basically gave themselves a bloody nose and washed dirty laundry too. Almost everybody believed it would be a close win for TT - some fantasised for better - but few thought it would be that close! TCB will have to make friends with TT-base whether he wins or loses, and the same for TT. Would be crazy if they don't already know the key to their dominance is unity (and lack of unity elsewhere). TT will have a crowning career but will have to heal a lot of wounds. TJS’ career has just started because he stayed true.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have to admit you have made a good point, its the Inner Circle and the Oligarchs that are the real enemy of the PAP. I am a PAP hater myself, but I have respect for the better PAP MPs. Just that right now, I dont know any who really qualify to be a better PAP MP. But ex MPs like TCB, Tan Soo Khoon etc I will vote for them. if TJS did not contest, I would have voted TCB. If TSK was a Presidential Candidate, I would have voted him too.

TT is also one of the Inner Circle Oligarchs, unfortunately now he is President, those that voted for TKL have now 6 years to repent, unfortunately it will be too late than


Is it TJS's job to elect TCB or play up a split in PAP? He's hero to his own 25% core base. Abandon them to back TCB? If TCB won, will that base be very happy? No way. TCB is still seen as PAP, and TCB’s priority if he won, would be reconciling with the TT-PAP base, not the left. TJS’s left-base will brand him as a flip-flopper without integrity. Bridge there is burnt. That base would then have turned to TKL who would have been enboldened, and still lose anyway. Unlikely the moderate PAP/ WP will pick up the slack and strongly back a flip-flopper. So illogical TJS could have easily backed TCB to win.

The results are what they are. The surprise is how much TCB ate into TT and that they came so close. The split in the PAP is going to need a lot of attention and soul searching. They basically gave themselves a bloody nose and washed dirty laundry too. Almost everybody believed it would be a close win for TT - some fantasised for better - but few thought it would be that close! TCB will have to make friends with TT-base whether he wins or loses, and the same for TT. Would be crazy if they don't already know the key to their dominance is unity (and lack of unity elsewhere). TT will have a crowning career but will have to heal a lot of wounds. TJS’ career has just started because he stayed true.

Well said. And the need for unity applies to the opposition parties as well.


I am meeting Cheng Bock sometime in the next fortnight and will tell him truthfully why I knew he would find it hard to cross the line even though I had hoped for his or a TJS' win. And that is his lacklustre performance during the PE campaign, as admitted by even the most ardent of TCB's supporter in this forum.

Yes, please do tell him that.

I've judged TJS based on his PE performances and it was very convincing. The speakers line up that TJS had for his rally such as Vincent, Nicole, etc was a turn-off for me - Jeanette is a gem though. But I mistakenly thought that TJS had a better chance than TCB.

TCB lacklustre performance during the PE campaign was also a major factor for the switch.

Can tell him that today's outcome is a lost for the majority of the Singaporeans including the children of those who casted their votes for TT.

Life must move on and let the healing begins today.



Can tell him that today's outcome is a lost for the majority of the Singaporeans including the children of those who casted their votes for TT.

No problem. I think he will regret not lifting his game during the campaigning period although age and fatigue are probably factors.