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This is the malay women attire before islam


Alfrescian (Inf)
I can't. I live in a society corrupted by nasty thoughts. Some come from religion, some come from philosophy, some come from economics. I don't like it, but I have to live in it. So in a sense we all have become corrupted by Western and Middle Eastern thoughts.

These women obviously live without perverts in their lives. You can see it in their faces. I rarely see that happy, "proud to be myself" look in people nowadays. Nowadays I see shame and fear in everyone's eyes. Especially the religious. You can decide for yourself whether this is an improvement or not. If I was Malay, I would call it degrading my native pride and subjugating it with foreign Jewish derived ideas. Much like how the Americans are today...

But i tot u always say we must improve and change with the time? Cant always stuck in the past, no?


But i tot u always say we must improve and change with the time? Cant always stuck in the past, no?
yeah improve. living in fear and shame is not in my book. Seriously look at those women in froggy's pictures. Specifically look at their faces and posture. Now go look at people nowadays. You tell me whether it's an improvement. Or better still, can look at the faces of some Europeans of the same time period. Dress until like kings and queens, faces and posture look like snakes or hantu. Those women in his pictures are strong and fearless.


Alfrescian (Inf)
yeah improve. living in fear and shame is not in my book. Seriously look at those women in froggy's pictures. Specifically look at their faces and posture. Now go look at people nowadays. You tell me whether it's an improvement. Or better still, can look at the faces of some Europeans of the same time period. Dress until like kings and queens, faces and posture look like snakes or hantu. Those women in his pictures are strong and fearless.

If u are referring to Islam nowhere in the Quran it teaches such like totally covered up face.


Alfrescian (Inf)
yeah improve. living in fear and shame is not in my book. Seriously look at those women in froggy's pictures. Specifically look at their faces and posture. Now go look at people nowadays. You tell me whether it's an improvement. Or better still, can look at the faces of some Europeans of the same time period. Dress until like kings and queens, faces and posture look like snakes or hantu. Those women in his pictures are strong and fearless.

So is Cheena land
