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This is the malay women attire before islam


Alfrescian (Inf)
Which means u are implying Islam destroys all the good things!
I do agree with u....

Women in Iran back in the 1970s, before the Islamofascists took over:





Women in Iran back in the 1970s, before the Islamofascists took over:




Fuck your mother.

After the Christofascists were evicted from Iran, it went back to some modicum of normalcy.

Those few are Pahlavi followers, who fled to Yankeeland soon after 1979 so called "Islamic" revolution.

Chinks are whores, harlots, prostitutes, sluts by nature.

A Singaporean

Fuck your mother.

After the Christofascists were evicted from Iran, it went back to some modicum of normalcy.

Those few are Pahlavi followers, who fled to Yankeeland soon after 1979 so called "Islamic" revolution.

Chinks are whores, harlots, prostitutes, sluts by nature.
Fucking Muslims are so stupid. If not for Islam, Iran is just a great place. Support China to eradicate the venomous religion.


U mean Islam teaching one to dress decently is bad? U prefer to be naked in public? :biggrin:
for nakedness to be bad you must subscribe to that idea. It is our natural state. The one we were born into. Shame is a learnt emotion based on societal judgment. If society is non-judgmental you will not have that issue.


Alfrescian (Inf)
for nakedness to be bad you must subscribe to that idea. It is our natural state. The one we were born into. Shame is a learnt emotion based on societal judgment. If society is non-judgmental you will not have that issue.

I did not say good or bad. I just want ur opinion. I am just asking u. U dont mind ur wife, mother or sisters walk naked or nude in public today?


U dont mind ur woman members naked in public?
if everyone is naked who cares? only those with indecent thoughts will make it an issue.

those earlier pictures, those women are not ashamed. They are women and happy and proud to be. Not taught to be ashamed who god made them to be. Only with Western (means also Middle Eastern) influences are they taught to be ashamed of their bodies. To me, it's a point of pride that they are not meant to feel like pieces of meat if they don't cover up.


I did not say good or bad. I just want ur opinion. I am just asking u. U dont mind ur wife, mother or sisters walk naked or nude in public today?
not in today's society no. If everyone thinks it's something to be shameful then it becomes so. If everyone can revert to that earlier state of bo chup then I would not.


Alfrescian (Inf)
if everyone is naked who cares? only those with indecent thoughts will make it an issue.

those earlier pictures, those women are not ashamed. They are women and happy and proud to be. Not taught to be ashamed who god made them to be. Only with Western (means also Middle Eastern) influences are they taught to be ashamed of their bodies. To me, it's a point of pride that they are not meant to feel like pieces of meat if they don't cover up.

Yes. If everyone naked. But is everyone nake and nude now? U day u dont mind going back to those days naked and nude in public?


Alfrescian (Inf)
not in today's society no. If everyone thinks it's something to be shameful then it becomes so. If everyone can revert to that earlier state of bo chup then I would not.

Correct. Ofcourse it would be shameful or mad to be in nude in public today.


Alfrescian (Inf)
if everyone is naked who cares? only those with indecent thoughts will make it an issue.

those earlier pictures, those women are not ashamed. They are women and happy and proud to be. Not taught to be ashamed who god made them to be. Only with Western (means also Middle Eastern) influences are they taught to be ashamed of their bodies. To me, it's a point of pride that they are not meant to feel like pieces of meat if they don't cover up.

Actually u shouldnt worry or blame religion. If u think its ok to be nude in public, just proceed. Ignore wat other think, no? :roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
if everyone is naked who cares? only those with indecent thoughts will make it an issue.

those earlier pictures, those women are not ashamed. They are women and happy and proud to be. Not taught to be ashamed who god made them to be. Only with Western (means also Middle Eastern) influences are they taught to be ashamed of their bodies. To me, it's a point of pride that they are not meant to feel like pieces of meat if they don't cover up.

Btw who taught cheena in china to dress decently? Angmo religion???


Actually u shouldnt worry or blame religion. If u think its ok to be nude in public, just proceed. Ignore wat other think, no? :roflmao:
I can't. I live in a society corrupted by nasty thoughts. Some come from religion, some come from philosophy, some come from economics. I don't like it, but I have to live in it. So in a sense we all have become corrupted by Western and Middle Eastern thoughts.

These women obviously live without perverts in their lives. You can see it in their faces. I rarely see that happy, "proud to be myself" look in people nowadays. Nowadays I see shame and fear in everyone's eyes. Especially the religious. You can decide for yourself whether this is an improvement or not. If I was Malay, I would call it degrading my native pride and subjugating it with foreign Jewish derived ideas. Much like how the Americans are today...