This member likes to troll, scold vulgarities and curse other people's family members in this forum, my question to Sam why is he allowed to do this in this forum for such a long period of time?
His latest tirades
"You are the cheebye queen of wit! Achtung in response?"
- to Peppertail
"Thank you in advance...Fuck your mother cheebye!
" - to Peppertail!&p=1450449#post1450449
"Even when you suck your boyfriend's dick and gobble up his nuts, you will still think it's not fellatio per se.....LOL"
- to Peppertail!-Embrace!&p=1454060#post1454060
"Tua Bui Sei Hao Hai Hum Kar Chan, please go dress shopping with the sia lan mod please....LOL" -
to Alamaking
"Hum Kar Chan Sei Hao Hai! I don't take things so seriously in cyberspace! ......Tiu Leh Lo Mo Fa Hai!....LOL" -
to Alamaking
"The only time you tell me what to do is how to make your mother cum! Tiu leh Lo Mo Hai!"
- to Peppertail
"No fucking stanDARD sEI hAO hAI! huM kAR cHAN!" -
to Alamaking
"What came first? Your mother cheebye or you?"
- to Peppertail
"It makes my day to see you clamp your cheebye mouth over screwball's dick. You should swallow if he cums too! eeeeeeeeee!!!!! skin hair all standing." -
to Alamaking
"You actually prostituted yourself in the crowded streets in Japan, Hong Kong and China and even etc? How much lower can you go? Your cheebye must be big enough for a cement truck to do U turns! What the fuck!!!!!" -
to Kinana
"Fuck your mother cheebye! Do you lick her clitoris or you prefer to bite her labia? You sick son of whore!....LOL" -
to eErotica69
"Fuck your mother cheebye! How was it? Did your mother scream with erotic ecstacy when you 69 her? Do you feel like a big man now?...LOL" -
to eErotica69
"So funny you can lol while licking scroobal's balls! Tiu Leh Lo Mo Hai!" -
to Alamaking
"Because the Motherfucking Puah Cheebye needs to feel like a man even when he 69s his own mother!" -
to eErotica69
"Fuck your mother puah cheebye. Thank you." -
to eErotica69
"Fuck your mother cheebye! In one sentence you had offended an Indian that one can respect. Even your mother would say some Indian customers are nice when they unloaded their juice in her cunt instead of her face!" -
to Kinana
"Fuck your Ibu's nonok! You fucking son of a $20 prostitiute and a PAP IB dog! Even though only the naive can read into anything you wrote!" -
to Kinana