# 1 Screwball
The multiple personalities is the most common and the most difficult for mods to handle. A good example is Kopiuncle who is also blackhole,ilovesingapore, sinkie etc. Note the distinctly different personas between Kopi and Sinkie. Highly disruptive their motivation range from pure boredom and the need to occupy themselves to those who are too meek on the onside and need to boost their egos somehow in an anonymous forum. ( admittedly all these are pop psychology). Note how he uses 3 nicks to bait and occupy people while using one nick to do other things.
First, I must congratulate you for a very detailed and insightful look into the role of the moderators .I do appreciate their hard work and also their problems in dealing with all sorts of people.
But,like most intellectual blackmailers, schemers and intellectual dictators ( someone like jw5 ), you ONCE AGAIN laced your wonderful article with arsenic by casting scorn and contempt at Kopiuncle. Not only that, you are WRONG in identifying Kopiuncle's clonal association with sinkie and etc ...This is blatantly mischievous and I hope you are humble and gracious enough to apologise to sinkie and to Kopiuncle for your grand error.
May I ask who else are Kopiuncle's clones as indicated by your etc...??? If you have the gall and the balls, please identify them openly.Otherwise, you are nothing but an intellectual snob, an intellectual flop and a blatant liar here in this forum. And like the intellectual giant here, jw5, you have lost your credibility, integrity and intellectual superiority. Your words are empty and your article is just another piece of cheap entertainment.
This is not the first and will not be your last intellectual discourse which ultimately has Kopiuncle as your intended victim. It is mischievous. It is malicious. It is a vicious and ungracious piece of masked assassination. You have labelled Kopiuncle a hypocrite, a deceitful person, a moron etc - with an agenda to disrupt and to derail this forum. I have only one word for you. A blatant liar and an intellectual hypocrite with a vindictiveness unparallelled in this forum. You are even worse than that low down intellectual scum jw5.
Theblackhole was registered in 2008 - as you can see. Kopiuncle came into the scene later and he was viciously attacked. He had no choice but to creat another handler, ilovesingapore , to handle the rabid dogs and mindless hound here. There was no secret about the creation of these two handles.They served a purpose - how to handle the insane,the mob and the mafia here. The reputation and the infraction system was abused to the advantage of powerful godfathers and their clones. Kopiuncle was infracted many times, zapped to moderation and banned.But he was fortunate to have survived. So it's no secret they are the same person but serving different purposes because they were under furious attack by the pack.
Now that the forum is more " balanced", theblackhole and kopiuncle can relax and sit back and enjoy the forum. But a different type of vicious attack becomes apparent.This time from the intellectual assassins .People like Screwball and jw5 who are very respected here and whose words are treated like gems and jewels to be adored and to be worshipped... and enshrined with much passion and for posterity. Posting innocuous and wonderful revelations and posting great intellectual work of art to garner support and sympathy.And under that dark shadow of a good and wonderful thread, they plunge a dagger at Kopiuncle and stab him viciously.
I say this to you Screwball and with poetic license here: I say FUCK YOU!!!...wake up and realise your folly and weakness...accept your own vulnerability and mortality... to your intellectual utter stupidity and ignorance and.... stop being an intellectual bully here and be gracious and humble enough to apologise to sinkee. He does not deserve to be associated with a scumbag like Kopiuncle. Thank you.