Justice was served for the victims of this animal. He's dead. Good riddance.
Excuse me sir, do you know the meaning of justice?
Let me try to keep it short and in plain English:
1. Justice was already served. When A commits the crime of robbery or running a porn website and is convicted to say 6 months in the slammer that is justice served. Society in general and much less the ruffians in blue have no right to inflict further punishment for the original crime.
2. If A, be he Dinesh Whatever for robbery or Leongsam for running a porn website misbehaves when in the slammer, he ought to be dealt with according to prison rules.
3. Force may be used to subdue Dinesh Whatever or Leongsam, but only such force as is necessary to deal with the situation and thereafter subject him to punishment for misbehaviour in prison as per point 2 above.
4. If they use more force than is necessary and causes harm to Dinesh Whatever or Leongsam, then the prisoner or his estate (if he dies from the use of such unnecessary force) has the right to sue the Government.
5. When the Government is being sued, it is for all intents and purposes an ordinary litigant. In other words, it is not treated as superior or more likely to be believed and most importantly the Government must follow the procedures and principles which applies to cases put before the court. One of the most important principles is that commenting on a case that is before the courts may amount to interference with the judicial process and whoever does that should be charged for CONTEMPT OF COURT.
6. These general principles as stated above are for the protection of ALL, not just Dinesh Whatever or Leongsam and their strict enforcement is in the interest of society. Today it may be Dinesh Whatever, tomorrow it may be Leongsam’s issue (legal jargon for child) who suffers at the hands of ruffians in blue who had quarrels with their wives the previous night and need to take it out on somebody anybody and the easiest targets are those so-called scums under their custody. By the way, the ruffians in blue are enforcing that custody on behalf of the people and the prison grounds are not their personal playground.
Now, any more questions? Don't you think that I am at least as good if not better than the person whose face is on my avatar? Just kidding.
My apologies for being so curt and to the point but it pains me that Sinkies are so unaware of many concepts which are fundamental to democracy – one of the most important of which is RULE OF LAW.