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The truth about Education in Singapore

Byebye Penis


MOE will investigate any allegations of unfair practices in direct school admission exercise​

“There is a concern that some coaches, perhaps within the system, are making implicit promises that access to certain spots in certain schools would be favourable because they also happen to be the coaches for those schools,” said Assoc Prof Lim.

He also clarified that he was “not making any accusations” of corruption, and called for more transparency in the DSA exercise.

Assoc Prof Lim also asked whether MOE has plans for a more thorough review on the whole DSA process, instead of on a case-by-case basis.

“If we believe that the system is right, and if you have anecdotal evidence that you think requires our attention, we welcome you to pass it to MOE and we’ll take a look at it,” said Mr Chan in his response.

Byebye Penis

Byebye Penis shares how to DSA is a million-dollar business opportunity especially in sports

1. Many retired sportsmen are coaches of secondary schools and JCs.
2. Rich parents sent their kids to private sport schools run by these people for a few years or just months in Primary School
3. Many of these kids don't play the games well or won anything in national competitions. The fees are very high, what's the catch?

The coaches do not select the DSA students but many had recommended school teachers to recruit these rich kids as ideal, perfect "sparing opponents" for the best sports students in the CCA. It is a lame reason and some coaches threatened not to coach the school if the teachers don't heed their advices.

This is why parents protest that in top schools accepts many weak sports students through DSA program. AGO just need to review the acceptance of these students who hardly won anything respectable in their primary school but these are rich kids, so nobody will touch them.

Flagged sports include fencing, water polo, bowling, racket games and team sports.
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Byebye Penis

Then you will ask realDonaldTrump, since the rich kids are weaker players and Sports-CCA hours and training are long, wouldn't these rich parents worry that their children's studies will be affected?

Again, bear in mind that these are rich kids protected by the coaches. They will not be made to practice as hard or as many hours since they are merely recruited to be sparing opponents of the truly-qualified students. Many started to skip practices after sec 1, and they are untouchables. They will have plenty of time to study.

Secondary School Sports in Singapore are dirty because of DSA.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The whole system is flawed .
If your kid need to apply through the DSA route , it means he is academically not good enough for that particular school .
He will suffer even more because he is already lagging behind his school mates in his studies and by making him spend more hours on CCA (by representing the school) , his will have even less time to study.
This system is suitable only for elite sportsmen who represent the country and stay in a boarding school with a carefully planned system eg in the SSS or receive sport scholarship to tertiary institutions.
Anyway what's the point of going to a so called good school when many of the the good jobs goes to foreigners.
How many of these CECA, PRC's, Pinoys come from the top schools in their country.?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Daft Sinkies should send their brats to a nearby neighbourhood school, preferably within walking distance. Saves time and money on commute.

Do all your bragging after PSLE, assuming your brat is smart enough to get a good score on his/her merit.

Byebye Penis


Why never groom more locals?​


According to the Ministry of Education (MOE), Filipino students who are in Grade 9 and above "will have opportunities to broaden their horizons and develop important skills such as leadership, communication and other life skills" through the ASEAN Scholarship.

The program is looking for students who are born between Jan. 2, 2008 to Jan. 1, 2011, are currently in Grade 9 or above, and are proficient in English.

The scholarship is valid for 4 years from Secondary 3 to Pre-University 2, leading to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level certificate or similar qualification. It can be renewed each year based on the scholar’s performance in school.

In addition, the offer comes with an annual allowance with hostel accommodation, a settling-in allowance, return economy airfare, school fees, one-time examination fees for GCE O-Level and A-Level, and subsidized medical benefits and insurance cover for accidents.

Interested students may send in their application online starting Jan. 8 to Feb. 24, 2024.


Byebye Penis

do the ASEAN scholars study mother tongue in Singapore?

If we give mother-tongue exemption or make it optional, many local students will score even higher.

Singapore DSA students don't even get these benefits:
KNN, why we cannot absorb exam fees for our own Singapore children
KNN, why we still need to pay school fees in JC, Uni and poly
KNN, why we don't give insurance coverage for our kids for accidents
KNNBCCB, our own children travel so far to JC, Poly and Uni and then these ASEAN kids can stay in hostels within or near school compounds for free.
KNNBPCB, then our own boys have to serve NS while these scholars fuck their girlfriends in university.

lanjiao country

Byebye Penis

Look at the JC cut-off points now, you can't blame the parents for panicking
Only a few JCs accepts students with double-digits L1R5 cut-off points. Even NYJC is now 5-6 points. almost A1 for every subject

Why? Because we shut down/merged several JCs in the past decade but our population increased by more than a million every decade. Then we continued to increase intake of foreign students. Of course, nothing wrong to go poly, but the cut-off points are so crazy these days.


Byebye Penis

In a similar situation, after raising my kids in Primary schools, i concluded that MOE 留一手 for private tuition centres to make money.

There is no way a child can get A* or AL1 in English, Maths or Science if they don't have private tuition or enrichment classes.

- There is always a competition or IQ (outside syllabus) question in each Maths or Science PSLE to separate the A* or AL1 students from the rest. These are things that your teachers wun teach you in schools.

- Your primary school teachers will also not teach your child the various strategies to write composition. Every child without tuition will just write what they think but other that intro-body-conclusion, their school teachers wun have time to each the kids how to spice up the story, time-management, plots, etc. No ordinary child will get A* or AL1 in PSLE English without such guidance.

So it differentiates the kids from poor and well-to-do families.