Everyone out there, it was roughly the same 6 years ago when I came back to this forum. You engage enough, you come up with detailed suggestions and plans for change. Discuss the pros and cons. And all the talk big kpkbers all will disappear or say things like I have said this before "say what?" Oh you never read before so I dowan to repeat.
yeah can repeat all the complaints. all the working solutions cannot repeat hor?
It is the same 6 years later.
Back in 2004 I said similar things. The debates were more interesting though. However in the end people will disappear and keep quiet. Stop engaging. Especially the issue with maids. All those kpkb about foreign talent, then I say do away with biggest group of FT....FDW. All keep quiet disappear. Diam diam. Those who agreed with me, also awakened themselves and realized perhaps migration is the answer.
This is how Singaporeans are. This is what Singapore is made up of . This is why I realized, no point trying to "fight" for this bunch.
Talk to the man of street and you will see it is even lagi worse. The degree of indifference is over the top.