wait time is short as all appointments are made online. it’s an efficient operation, much smoother and more fluid (no pun intended) than waiting at clinic or hospital. ring doorbell, cum in and wait in partitioned living room for 6.9 minutes while 1 of 6.9 atb’s walks last cumstomer out the bedroom door, washes up, and wave at next cumstomer for a walk-in. no need mamasan. everyone knows which atb is occupying which room. hfz is in room 1, hfj in room 2, hfx in room 3 and so on. a 5-room flat is partitioned into 6.9 rooms with the living cum dining room split into 2 more rooms. waiting area is just a small hallway that used to be part of the living room. that’s why they need a larger and older hdb flat. more bang(s) for the buck literally.