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The #RidoutGate Mega-Thread!


How come the CPIB was not mentioned at all when PM first informed the nation that TCH is doing the review.
Apparently, the involvement of CPIB was an afterthought after realizing the ground sentiments that nobody was going to be persuaded by that "ownself check ownself" review.

The involvement of CPIB was intended to make the review look independent, and shut the mouths of oppies.


They both jealous Machik Halimah live in spacious Istana must have Istanas of their own. If they desire to serve the people, this is the wrong mindset--to want to live like a Maharajah.

syed putra

Huh? Why not spend that money for some small program to benefit our aged poor cardboard pickers?
That money will be wasted. Spending money to maintsin heritage buildings give a certain identity. Kampung houses gives negative perception so that was seized, cheaply acquired and bulldozed to destroy any resemblance of malay influence. But the malay spirit lives and will return.


Pinky : U sinkees vote for me,now u sinkees complain what ???


on monday 3 jul 2023

"Ms Poa and Mr Leong have also filed a motion calling for the abolition of group representation constituencies."


You see, sometimes people prefer enjoy less hassle if they decide to suddenly move. Just inform the landlord a month in advance and pack up.

If you 'own' the property, you need to find a buyer first.

This is why some expats prefer to rent instead of buy. And they move when they got bored of the neighbourhood. They prefer the nomadic lifestyle.

Daft Sinkie peasants think 'owning' landed property is the holy grail to indicate that you have made it. I believe even Elon Musk doesn't have a permanent home. :cool:
Gaslighter... mai gong lanjiao wei


(2005 Code Of Conduct For Ministers Paper Laid Before Parliament By Command Of The President Of The Republic Of Singapore.
"A Minister therefore must never enter into any transactions whereby his private financial interest might ,even conceivably,come into conflict with his public duty."
(3)Financial interests
3.1 A Minister must scrupulously avoid any actual or apparent conflict of interest between his office and his private financial interests.Such a conflict,or a perception of conflict,can arise :
(a) from the exercise of powers or influence in a way that benefits or may be seen to benefit private interests held; or
(b) from using special knowledge acquired in the course of his activities as Minister to bring benefit or avoid loss (or could arouse reasonable suspicion of this) in
relation to his private financial interests.
3.2 A Minister therefore must never enter into any transactions whereby his private financial interest might,even conceivably,come into conflict with his public duty.
3.3 A minister must also not use his official influence in support of any enterprise,project or scheme in which he has a private interest,other than an interest permitted under paragraph 2.3.
3.4 A Minister must not accept any favour of any kind from persons who are in negotiation with or seeking to obtain any licence or enter into any contractual relation with the Government.
3.5 A Minister must not in any circumstance use official information that comes to him as a Minister for his own private profit or the profit of any family member or
Based on the above Code of Conduct for Ministers, Why the CPIB and Senior Minister Teo did not find any wrongdoing in rental of the Ridout Road bungalows by the 2 ministers ?