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The hospital I worked at has an insane turnover rate, and insane OT numbers


Alfrescian (Inf)
Maybe the hospital is haunted ? Hard to work in a place where you keep seeing dead patients roaming about....


When it comes to OT, u have to pay your employees accordingly! No such thing as working for free...
That's why I say SG is always only looking good on the outside but things are rotting inside, no one cares...

I concurred. I'll never work for two things. No ot pay and no food.


The problem in Singapore is that employees got nowhere to turn to when they are having problems at work caused by poor/unreasonable management-.
What are unions for- to run supermarkets, dentist , insurance . etc2 .?

The first thing that a new govt that comes to power should do is to remove the political links of these 2 organisations- PA and NTUC.

In future, no matter who is the ruling Govt, these 2 organisations- PA and NTUC must be under the Opposition