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The hospital I worked at has an insane turnover rate, and insane OT numbers


The hospital I worked at has an insane turnover rate, and insane OT numbers. It operates on the lowest possible manpower to reduce costs, and an increase in manpower is pretty much impossible. We are all burned out.

Things got worse with COVID. Most of the frontliners are unable to take leave due to heavy workload, not enough manpower or simply because the manager refuses to approve (reason for leave not satisfactory enough).

Working OT is a norm, working on weekends is expected. No timeoff, no OT pay. Many staff that take leave still come back because they cannot finish their work.

I know the real reason people are leaving, but even if I were to highlight or bring it up to my manager, it gets swept under the carpet. Nothing is done because “this is Healthcare, if manpower is needed you come back from your leave”.

More at https://shrtcô.de/UJYya1 (scroll down to read)


Alfrescian (Inf)


It doesn't bother me if nurses are overworked and at the point of exhaustion and suicide.
If they're dumb and stupid enough to not know how and when to resign, then they deserve their fate.


Slaves drivers noe these health workers are at their mercy. Likely, health works hve heavy family commitments.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The problem in Singapore is that employees got nowhere to turn to when they are having problems at work caused by poor/unreasonable management-.
What are unions for- to run supermarkets, dentist , insurance . etc2 .?

The first thing that a new govt that comes to power should do is to remove the political links of these 2 organisations- PA and NTUC.


When it comes to OT, u have to pay your employees accordingly! No such thing as working for free...
That's why I say SG is always only looking good on the outside but things are rotting inside, no one cares...


Alfrescian (Inf)
When it comes to OT, u have to pay your employees accordingly! No such thing as working for free...
That's why I say SG is always only looking good on the outside but things are rotting inside, no one cares...
What if some employer play with words in the contract that says, "required to work longer hours when necessary", so does this considered OT?


The problem in Singapore is that employees got nowhere to turn to when they are having problems at work caused by poor/unreasonable management-.
What are unions for- to run supermarkets, dentist , insurance . etc2 .?

The first thing that a new govt that comes to power should do is to remove the political links of these 2 organisations- PA and NTUC.
NTUC should be an independent party, it cannot be representing gahmen, bosses n employees! It's a mockery of the system.


The hospital I worked at has an insane turnover rate, and insane OT numbers. It operates on the lowest possible manpower to reduce costs, and an increase in manpower is pretty much impossible. We are all burned out.

Things got worse with COVID. Most of the frontliners are unable to take leave due to heavy workload, not enough manpower or simply because the manager refuses to approve (reason for leave not satisfactory enough).

Working OT is a norm, working on weekends is expected. No timeoff, no OT pay. Many staff that take leave still come back because they cannot finish their work.

I know the real reason people are leaving, but even if I were to highlight or bring it up to my manager, it gets swept under the carpet. Nothing is done because “this is Healthcare, if manpower is needed you come back from your leave”.

More at https://shrtcô.de/UJYya1 (scroll down to read)
What is OT rate for healtcare workers here? x2? x3?


Alfrescian (Inf)
What happen to the unions? Handsome bro Chee Meng, help! :confused:

Sinkieland got unions meh? Imagine a committee of foxes who claim to look after the welfare of chickens on a farm. :cool:



61% are happy with this.. so it's okay, move on. It's only not okay if it is the opposition.

syed putra

This is a problem in most third world countries invluding sinkie.
But in Australia, hospital staffs are well compensated and cannot work more than a certain number of hours per week.