>>Environment Minister Yaacob Ibrahim attributed last Thursday’s floods in Bukit Timah to a “freak” event that occurs “once in 50 years”.
He said: “What happened was very unusual. The intensity was tremendous.”<<
Eh wait...it has been 50 years since Bukit Timah flood liao?!
hey man...today is Dumpling Festival - anyone brought out their dragonboat and row down Orchard?
Sounds fun no?
Tourism Board roll out exclusive dragon boat ride to tourists.
The STB said the new dragon boat services named "Orchard Sea Dragon"
will boost tourism and forcasted the total visitors for this year will be increased.
16 Jun, 2010.
STB oledi think ahead of chiu.
Very funny but is fake photo. Lousy photoshop.
Very funny but is fake photo. Lousy photoshop.